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The Power of Three

The Power of Three by Nicole Meltzer | #AspireMag

I was scared. That morning, in my meditation, I received the guidance to retire my massage therapy practice and focus solely on growing my intuitive offerings. What?! I had been working in the healing arts for twenty years. I had a thriving massage therapy practice. I didn’t need to put effort into marketing because my client roster was full. Billing was easy. Most of my clients had health insurance coverage. Why would I give that up? My internal dialogue went on a rampage. “Maybe my guides are suggesting I scale down my hours so that I can start marketing Flow (my intuitive development membership).” “Maybe I can drop a couple of the modalities I’m offering and just stick to massage when I’m in the clinic.” “Maybe I can drop one of my clinic days. Surely, they don’t mean to leave the clinic completely!” 


When I hear myself saying this word, I know I’m in fear. My clever analytical mind wants to keep me safe. It’s not a fan of change. It sees it as risky and dangerous. However, I have learned the hard way that if I don’t listen to my intuitive guidance, the message will get louder and more uncomfortable, until I can no longer ignore it.  

It was time to play the Power of Three. 

The Power of Three is a fun and easy way to gain practical intuitive guidance. The best part is it doesn’t require advanced intuitive skills. Anyone can do this. 

The Universe is in constant contact with you. This is because you are a part of the Universe, and the Universe is a part of you. Everything around you is strategically placed to offer you guidance and reassurance along your path. And you are offering the same, symbolically, to all around you. We live in a constant cycle of giving and receiving. It’s a beautiful realization to know you are never alone and are an integral part of a complex system of beings. 

With this wisdom in mind, there are many ways to optimize and benefit from this connection. For one, becoming aware of and understanding the metaphors presented to you can easily guide you towards your intentions for manifestation. This is the main purpose for identifying your Intuitive Language – your unique way of communicating with the Universe. There are also fun ways of verifying and receiving guidance when you are contemplating choices. This is the premise of the Power of Three game. 

The Power of Three begins with a question to be answered by the Universe. My question was, “should I retire my massage therapy practice?”. The next step is to allocate objects to the choices you are considering. When considering objects, you want them to be possible but not probable. In my case, the choices were simply yes or no. I am in the car most days. So, I will often use cars, signs or scenery as my objects. In my area, most vehicles are either black, white, or grey. That day I chose my objects to be yellow cars for “yes” and green cars for “no”. Here is where the Power of Three comes into play. You ask the Universe to show you three of the allocated object representing the best answer for your question, within a specified time period. I’ve found that it’s best not to give a specific time, rather to attach it to an experience, such as a drive from one place to the next. Then you go about your activities and watch for the signs.  

Why do we use the number three? Seeing something three times seems to bypass the need to analyze or dismiss seeing a sign. If you saw it once or twice, you may consider it a fluke. Seeing something three times, your mind has a difficult time explaining it away. 

Here is how the game played out for me. I asked if I should retire my massage therapy practice. I said, “show me three yellow cars if the answer is yes or three green cars if the answer is no, by the time I return home this evening.” I drove to work and saw two green cars and no yellow ones during the commute. I felt relief that I only needed to see one more green car and then I wouldn’t have to contemplate this decision any longer! On my way home that evening, I was stopped in traffic and in my head, thinking about what to make for dinner, when the announcer on the radio said, “have you taken a good look around you?”. That jolted me out of my reverie, and I looked at the other cars. In front of me was a yellow car. To the left of me was another yellow car. And to the right, a third yellow car! What!? I had received my answer. Gulp.  

That was March of 2019. I began to slowly transition out of practice and officially retired my registered massage therapist number in November of that year. March 2020, the world shut down. Massage therapy was not deemed an essential practice in Ontario, Canada where I live, and therefore, RMTs were not able to return to practice immediately. If I had not listened to the guidance, I would have been out of an income. Instead, I listened, and expanded my intuitive practice. I grew my intuitive development program, Flow, to five times the number of members. I’ve written an international best-selling book, Intuitive Languages. I’ve developed several programs. I have multiple offers to speak at events, on podcasts and be a guest teacher in other teachers’ programs. My income has surpassed the healing practice I had built over twenty years. But best of all, I have had the privilege of witnessing the awakening of intuition in thousands of people.  

All of this has been possible because, one day, I decided to put my fear and doubt aside and play a little game. 

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About the author 

Nicole Meltzer

Nicole Meltzer, author of the Amazon bestselling book, Intuitive Languages, and the founder of the transformative program Flow, has helped thousands of people tap into and trust their intuition through her international intuitive circles, programs, and presentations. Nicole’s lust for travel, art, languages, and architecture have her seeking bridges—both physically and metaphorically—to connect with others. She lives with her soulmate of many lifetimes, Elliott, and their two highly intuitive sons in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, where the artsy vibe blends with sporty spice. Learn more at

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