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Call in the Power of the Archetypes to Shift Your Energy

Call in the Power of the Archetypes to Shift Your Energy by Ailynn Halvorson | #AspireMag

We are all shapeshifters in our own way. Anytime we step into a party, a conference, or a new situation, we shapeshift. We may not physically change form, but we adjust our energy to meld with the rest of the room and to connect with others. Although we shapeshift to fit in, we each still carry our own personalities and distinguishing qualities. This is a magical tool we are all gifted with, but some use it more than others. I use this tool often to help me to create, embrace or adjust to situations that may be pushing me out of my comfort zone. This allows me to step into a new energy and way of being, even if only for a short time. Shapeshifting is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as “the ability of an imaginary person or creature to change itself into a different shape or form”.  

I think of shapeshifting as “the ability to shift personal energies to create a new desired self or way of being”.  Maybe the correct term would be energy-shifting. Either way, we are shifting and melding into a desired form of being to help us fit in, call in, or to become who we wish to become. We are shifting personal energies.  

In my new book “The Tarot Apothecary; Shifting Personal Energies Using Tarot, Aromatherapy, and Simple Everyday Rituals”, we delve in deeply into the study of shapeshifting or energy-shifting, using the tarot as our guide, and we call in additional support through simple everyday rituals to help us to embrace this new energy. I have had many situations in my life where I desire and or possibly need to call in some energies that I personally lack. This is where and when we can embrace the energy of an archetype to lead the way. In my planetary and elemental make-up, I lack the fire element. I only have fire energy in one house in my chart, so the qualities of the fire element are often something I need to call in and focus on in order to achieve my goals.  

The fire element is a masculine, expansive energy, that is hot, passionate and powerful. I am totally a water girl, feminine, internal, flowing, so very opposite of fire. We have keywords such as courage, confidence, charisma, leadership, power, strength, passion and creativity that help to define the fire element, so I often choose an archetype to embody, that is related to the fire element to accomplish my goals. When I go for a job interview, I call in leadership and confidence. When I teach, I call in charisma, confidence and courage. When creating my business, I call in strength, power and leadership qualities.  These are all fire element energies. Calling in the energy of an archetype can be the key to creating the atmosphere required for success.  

I chose to work with tarot because tarot is what I know and love. Within the tarot, there are twenty-two major arcana cards as well as sixteen court cards that one can call in for support and advice for movement forward. Out of the sixteen court cards, I prefer to work with the four queens, as they embody the element they are associated with. I also often work with the major arcana. These twenty-two major arcana cards are all powerful in their energies. I like to step into their shoes and embody the element myself, therefore, personally giving me the qualities of the chosen queen or major arcana archetype.  

You do not need to be a tarot expert or even a beginner to understand and embrace the tarot archetypes. Within my book, I give you all the qualities and energies of each tarot archetype, so that you can choose the energy that best suits your needs.  If not wanting to work with tarot, one could choose to work with Goddesses, Gods, Deities, or ancestors and relatives, by choosing an archetype that carries a certain energy or characteristic that is desired for accomplishing a goal and creating success. There are so many options.  

Once you have chosen an archetype to work with, then it is time to call in support from the five senses. Connecting with the senses allows you to embrace the energy of the archetype and therefore creates an atmosphere where you to be reminded continually of your goals. Call in the sense of sight by wearing the colors of your archetype’s elemental energy. Wear some red lipstick for the fire element, calling in courage and charisma. Create a mantra using the keywords of the archetype, therefore embracing the sense of sound. This helps you to speak your desires out loud, for your benefit, as well as for the Universe to hear your wishes. Use spices and teas that relate to the element of the archetype.  If you are working with the fire element, you could use spices such as cinnamon, cayenne, chili powder, peppercorns, cardamom and many more, to call in the sense of taste. Drink in a hot Chai Tea and call-in passion and the ability to be seen, like the sun. Your intention will set the foundation for your magic, so if a hot Chai Tea represents passion, then you are literally drinking in passion.  Work with aromatherapy essential oils to create the scent that reminds you of your goal. Here we have the sense of smell. You know how scent can bring back memories? I think that a scent can create a new memory, one that is representative of the desired qualities of your chosen energy, or archetype. Each time you breathe in the scent of your chosen fire element essential oil you are reminded that you are strong and courageous. Of course, let’s not forget touch. Touch is important and I often use the example of the warmth of a teacup and how this warmth calls in comfort, security, and love.  

Whether you are using the term shapeshifting or energy-shifting, does not truly matter. Either way, just being aware of this magical tool is power in itself. This is a power that we all have available to us if we choose to use it.  In this manner we can call in any power, element, or energy of our choosing and we can step into and onto foreign ground with a new sense of self-trust and confidence. We all have the power to create who we truly wish to be, we just have to trust and to be willing to step out of our comfort zones when needed. Allowing yourself to envision the archetype of your choice, granting yourself permission to use the imagination to create, and most importantly, allowing yourself to be open to receive, are powerful keys that can open many doors that were previously not seen or available to us before. Don’t wait for your dreams to come to you, choose your power, step into your dream one step at a time and use the power of energy-shifting to move forward on your path.  

This is your magic, use it and become who you truly wish to be. 

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About the author 

Ailynn Halvorson

Ailynn Halvorson is a writer, author, tarot reader, teacher and a potion maker. Ailynn believes that there is magic everywhere, all we have to do is to believe, ask, and be open to receive. Ailynn’s new book The Tarot Apothecary, Shifting Personal Energies Using Tarot, Aromatherapy, and Simple Everyday Rituals (Llewellyn)". Learn more at

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