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3 Ways to Open the Communication Channels to the Angels

3 Ways to Open the Communication Channels to the Angels by Leeza Robertson | AspireMag

One of the questions I get asked all the time is “how do I know it’s my angels talking to me?” This is a fair enough question to be honest. As often our guides sound very much like us when they speak to us, if of course auditory communication is what you are talking about.  

The truth is, there are many ways your angels can and do talk to you. Most times they do not actually whisper in your ear. In this article we are going to look at 3 ways your angels can communicate with you that have nothing to do with you being able to hear them speak directly to you.  

These three ways are; 

  • Bibliomancy  
  • Social media-mancy 
  • Lyricmancy  

Now these may seem a little random, but honestly, most times it does feel completely random when angelic communication comes our way. In fact, oftentimes the messages we receive have a bit of delay. You see, things move slower here in the world of physical things, which is why oftentimes it is in the randomness that our prayers are answered. Solutions are found and problems are solved.  

Let us dive a bit deeper and explore the three fun ways your angels might just be speaking to you. 

1.Bibliomancy. As a huge book lover, I can’t tell you how many times I have found messages from my angels hidden away in the books I read. Sometimes it does feel quite random as I just seem to come across them after forgetting about asking for guidance. Other times I deliberately seek them out. This intention message is what we are going to discuss here. 

First you are going to need is a book, it really could be any book. A pen and some paper.  On your paper write your question, query or concern. Make sure you are asking it as a question.  

Next pick up your book and hold it to your heart. Take a few slow deep breaths, ask the angels to come and speak to you through the book. Then focus on your question. Now open the book at a random page and run your finger down it until you feel the need to stop.  

Now write out the sentence you have stopped on. Write it out from the beginning even if you stopped in the middle of it. This sentence might be exactly the answer you were looking for or it might just be the first clue. Either way, there is a message here from your angels.  

2.Social Media-Mancy. Technically ‘Mancy’ means a form of divination, the words you place before it tell how you are divining. In this respect we are using social media. But not just in an endless scrolling type of way. A deliberate and intentional kind of way. I think this is one of the more fun ways to play with the angels and I am always blown away with how on point the message is.  

Now, this one works best if you ask a general question like, ‘what do my angels want me to know today’ or ‘what message do may angels want me to receive today’. Or even ‘angels give a sign that I am on the right path’. You want to make these asks before you open your phone onto your chosen social media platforms.  

Next just open your social media app and see what pops up in your feed first. It may not even make sense right away, but take a screenshot of it anyway as it will make sense later. I promise.  

3.Lyricmancy. Hands up if you have ever been thinking something then all of a sudden a song comes on and it just hits you in the heart! You know what I am talking about. We have all experienced this sort of message. It seems like some spooky coincidence but it really isn’t. I swear the angels have their own playlist just waiting to roll for whenever we need to hear them. 

Out of all the Mancy’s I have discussed here, this one is going to feel the most random. But that is only if you believe in random coincidences that just magically seems to line up like some celestial conspiracy. Personally, I don’t think there is anything random about the human experience. The interconnected web of the divine matrix is complex and vast. There is no way for us to ever fully comprehend who we are all connected to or how one event triggers another. 

I have been using all three of these ever since I first started opening up and working with the angels in 2009. It never ceases to amaze me how all three of these processes work so incredibly well. My personal belief is that all three of these hold little resistance on our part to receive the messages.  

Unlike meditation, automatic writing and even channeling which put an awful lot of pressure on opening oneself up and expecting a result. Our three ‘mancy’s’ are fun, playful and void of any need for a result. This in turn leaves us open to connect with the angels on their terms, in their own unique way.  

I hope you found these helpful and will have fun playing with them as you open the pathways of communication with your angels.  

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About the author 

Leeza Robertson

Leeza Robertson is an international bestselling author with Llewelyn Worldwide. She is a girl from the Aussie bush living her best life in Las Vegas Nevada with her wife. You can come play with her in her Patreon community

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