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How to Spot Synchronicity in Your Life

How to Spot Synchronicity in Your Life by Tammy Mastroberte | #AspireMag

The Universe is always talking to you. Every day and in every way, you are being guided by your angels, guides, loved ones who have passed on, and an entire team in Spirit working to lead you to your highest good. The problem is most of us have never been taught how to recognize the communication being sent, and we end up feeling alone in life as we try to navigate challenges in the dark.

However, just as we communicate to the Universe through our thoughts, emotions and conscious prayers, the Universe is responding. And the way it does this is through signs and synchronicities. While a sign is often a single event, synchronicity is the occurrence of two or more events seemingly related or connected in some way.

I started noticing and studying signs and synchronicities after the sudden death of my mother from a brain aneurism only three days after Christmas when I was 22 years old, and I’ve found there are three main ways synchronicity shows up — Providing Reassurance; Wake Up and Notice; and Guidance and Direction.

Providing Reassurance

Have you ever wondered if you were making the right decision about something important in your life? Should you move now? Should you move out of state? Is this the right diet for you? The Universe will use signs and synchronicity to provide reassurance you are on the right path.

One way this could play out is you get the name of a new doctor to help with a recent diagnosis and you wonder if you should follow up with him or not. Then, while standing in line at Starbucks, you hear someone praising a doctor they went to and it sounds like they have the same condition as you. You politely interrupt and ask this person who they are talking about, and it turns out to be the same doctor you were considering.

Wake Up and Take Notice

The Universe will use this from of synchronicity to get your attention on something not yet on your radar, but that can help you in some area of your life. It could be the name of a book, a healing modality, an online class, a dating website, a new type of yoga, or a new diet, but the Universe will repeatedly send you messages about something until you recognize it and act on it.

For example, a friend might call you and share how she is reading a new book on manifestation that she loves and thinks it would be helpful for you, too. You agree to check it out, but then don’t do anything about it. A few days later, you get an email from an author you follow who is promoting the book to her followers as a must-read. You think to yourself, “Oh right, I wanted to look this book up and order it,” but you get distracted and still don’t get the book. The following week, you are a yoga class and you overhear two people talking about tips for manifesting and they mention the same book. You are shocked that you keep hearing about this book, and after class, you finally go online and order it.

Guidance and Direction

I don’t believe in accidents or coincidences. I believe everything that happens in our lives — the good and the seemingly bad — is happening for a reason. It is directing us forward toward our highest good, even when it doesn’t look like it. My favorite quote by Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung sums it up perfectly, “In all chaos there is cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”

The Universe, our angels, guides and loved ones will often us synchronicity to guide us to the best step for our highest good, and the easiest way to find proof of this is to look back at your own life. Think back to a time when something terrible happened to you, either a divorce, death of a loved one or losing a job, and then look at where you were led next. Did it lead you to something even better than you had before? Maybe losing your job led you to a new company where you met your husband? Or the divorce led you down a spiritual path and now not only are you are teaching others how to thrive after divorce, but you also met your next husband during a retreat you were holding on the topic.

I teach an exercise in my book, “The Universe is Talking to You: Tap Into Signs and Synchronicities to Reveal Magical Moments Every Day,” called Follow the Footsteps where I have readers connect the dots in their own past so they can find proof of this and boost their faith in the future that no matter what happens, it will always work out — just not always in the ways we expect.

Two Clues to Look for in the Future

There are two clues you can start paying attention to that will alert you when the Universe is trying to talk to you and guide you in some way. The first is repetition. In the examples I gave above, especially for reassurance and taking notice, you will see something repeating over and over. Whether it’s the name of a book, a doctor or a new health trend, you will continue to see it show up for you until you act upon it. The Universe never gives up on us. Even if we make a wrong turn, just like a GPS, it will reroute and recalculate until we get it.

The second thing to pay attention to is when you hear yourself or someone else say things like, “This is so weird,” or “The strangest thing just happened to me,” or “I was just thinking about this and now here it is.” This is your team of angels, guides, loved ones and more directing you and watching over you. It’s never a coincidence.

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About the author 

Tammy Mastroberte

Tammy Mastroberte is the No. 1 Amazon bestselling author of the award-winning book “The Universe is Talking to You: Tap Into Signs and Synchronicity to Reveal Magical Moments Every Day.” She teaches people how to get unstuck in every area of their lives using simple spiritual practices and tools, was a featured expert in the films Dream Big and The Truth About Prosperity, as well as Authority Magazine, and ThriveGlobal and more. For more information visit

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