I recently saw a book titled, “How to Break Up with Your Phone.” I bet the inventor of the phone never imagined such a thing? The phone was designed to connect us! With the I-Phone and 5G giving us opportunities galore at our fingertips, we no longer have work/life separation or the down-time of years past.
In today’s world, you have to have a plan and take a stand to avoid burnout, overwhelm or confusion. Let’s talk about three solutions to get you feeling like a powerful inspired woman. The idea here is to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to managing tough situations creating stress.
Solution #1: Create a Personal Crisis Reserve Account
Have you ever thought about developing a “personal crisis reserve account”. Just like a savings account where you tuck away money for when you run short, your personal crisis reserve account is about tucking away time and renewal. Scheduling a couple hours weekly or monthly, where you get away from your responsibilities (and phone) to reboot your body and soul.
Deposits in our crisis reserve account allow us time for human-being, without the human-doing factor. We can rediscover our own inner rhythms of productivity, creativity, and our instincts about what’s right for us. If we allow Inspirational breaks, it can sort things out. Inspiration leads to transformation!!
Solution #2: Be Aware of Your Stress Symptoms
Some people chew gum, other’s bite their nails, we all have these pesky little coping skills when we are feeling stressed. The better I know myself, the better I show myself. Take a look at the Stress Response Test pulled from my latest book, “Rise Above the Chaos: How to Keep Positive in an Unsettled World. See how you score on this.
Answer yes or no to the following questions:
- I get annoyed when the cell phone rings
- I get headaches easily.
- I have digestive problems.
- I frequently get colds and flu.
- I often have interrupted sleep or insomnia.
- I always feel rushed.
- I drive too fast.
- I drink caffeine throughout the day.
- I eat high fat or sugary foods to boost my energy.
- I’m smoking more or I’ve recently started smoking again.
- I drink more alcohol than I used to.
- I often lose my temper.
- I can’t stop thinking about my problems or “shut off” my busy brain.
- I’m carrying a lot of tension in my neck, back, or shoulders.
- I don’t have the optimism I once had.
- I often feel fatigued.
- I’m often clumsy; I keep dropping or bumping into things.
- I seem to get upset and/ or into more arguments than I used to.
Count the number of “yes” responses to determine your score:
1-2 You are ready for all life dishes out and can withstand new challenges with a smile and resiliency.
3-6 Some type of lifestyle change is suggested. Are you getting any exercise or renewal time? Do you eat right? You need to affirm, This Spring Season I’m really going to reboot my battery and take care of ME.
7-10 If you are going through a major life crisis than this score is understandable and temporary. If not, burnout is nearing and you’ve got to address some internal chaos which is making your life harder.
11+ Taking some time off is not a luxury… it is a necessity. Find the simplest way to look at some important lifestyle changes. Get some professional help to stabilize your body: Acupuncture, chiropractic care, psychotherapy, or coaching along with regular exercise and healthy eating to get yourself back on track.
SOLUTION #3: Sharing is Caring
Women need to talk, as statistics have shown for years. We speak 20,000 words a day compared to men that speak on average 7,000. So, what happens when we text and post, does it provide that same 3x’s more–words– than– men relief? What I know for sure is you have to have your wordy- girlfriends to get through this life. I love my men and boys—both. But in chaotic times I need my sisters!! If you’re having a difficult day and no one answers the phone, go to the mirror and talk your self through…whatever chaos has been sent your way. i.e. Be your Own BESTIE!!