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A High “Frequency” Is Essential for At-Will Divine Connection

A High “Frequency” Is Essential for At-Will Divine Connection by Dr. Maragaret Paul | #AspireMag

For me and many of my clients, our unique gifts and deeper sense of purpose was buried under fears and false beliefs that we developed as we were growing up. We lost contact with the individual blueprint we each have regarding how to joyfully express our purpose on the planet. Perhaps you feel the same way. Because of my disconnection, I had to relearn that my purpose on the planet is to evolve in my ability to love and to creatively manifest the gifts I have been given. I did this by connecting with my inner and higher guidance. As I did, I also discovered that this is the purpose for all of us. 

Through the Inner Bonding process, you can regain this deeper knowing and become able to creatively express your unique gifts. Finding inner peace, safety, and self-worth comes from an internal shift in beliefs and in how we treat ourselves—rather than from external validation. When we have no way to heal the beliefs that limit us and cut us off from our Divine guidance, the peace and joy of life elude us. It’s these false beliefs that then fuel our self-rejecting and self-abandoning behaviors, which are the underlying causes of our suffering. I know from personal experience what it’s like to live disconnected from myself and my spiritual guidance, as well as what it’s like to live with it. For me, this has been the difference between suffering and joy. 

There is no one “right” form of Divine guidance. We have many names for our spiritual source of love and wisdom: God, Goddess, Spirit, higher power, the Lord, beloved, Jehovah, Yahweh, Holy Spirit, nature, the light, the source, universal intelligence, universal life force, the all, the creator, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, guardian angel, and inner or outer wise-self or higher-self. So use the words that work for you and connect through a form that resonates.  

A High “Frequency” Is Essential for At-Will Divine Connection 

Divine connection has to do with “frequency,” and it was with Erika’s help that I discovered how to attain the frequency I needed for at-will Divine connection. I had discovered through reading, taking courses, and meeting some people who were key to my spiritual search that I needed to develop a high frequency—a high level of vibrancy—to connect to Spirit. However, until I met Erika, I had no idea what it meant to have a high frequency or how to achieve this in an ongoing way.  

Our frequency is the rate at which our energy vibrates. Energy is the level of lightness and vitality we experience. For example, if you walk into a room full of closed, angry, rejecting, and blaming people, you might feel like you want to leave because of the heavy, dark energy in the room. If you stay, you might end up feeling anxious or depressed. That’s a low frequency. But if you walk into a room of open and caring people, you will likely feel welcomed and relaxed due to the light, vibrant energy in the room. That’s a high frequency.  

Another way of understanding frequency is by thinking about television or radio stations. Each station has a different frequency, which is what enables you to tune in to what you want. When you want to tune in to a television station, you turn to a particular channel, which has a particular frequency. Just because you can’t see the television or radio waves doesn’t mean they aren’t there. You accept their presence because the program you want comes on the television or radio. Just as you turn to a particular radio station or television channel to connect with what you want to hear or see, you can learn to turn to a particular inner frequency to connect with your personal source of Divine guidance. And just as you don’t have to believe that the radio and television waves are there, because you experience the result of tuning in to your station, you don’t have to believe that your Divine guidance is here for you.  

One of the reasons most of us can’t see Spirit is because the energy of Spirit moves very fast, which means that Spirit exists at a higher frequency than we do. Because we are in bodies, our frequency is slower and more earthbound than that of Spirit. Imagine if our energy were moving as fast as the propeller of a plane or a hummingbird’s wings. We would have a hard time seeing each other! However, we can learn to raise our frequency high enough to connect with Spirit.  

Divine connection occurs when we are energetically available to the higher frequency of our Divine guidance. Since we have free will, we get to choose, moment by moment, whether we want to be open or closed, welcoming or rejecting, and this choice is one of the two major aspects of what affects our frequency. 

It was when I finally discovered the two secrets for raising my frequency high enough that I found I could consistently experience at-will Divine connection. This discovery dramatically changed my life; it gave me the ability to access the wisdom, creativity, and support of Spirit to manifest my dreams.  

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About the author 

Margaret Paul Ph.D.

DR. MARGARET PAUL is a bestselling author of 12 published books, a relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® self-healing process. She has appeared on numerous radio and television shows, including Oprah, and has successfully worked with hundreds of thousands and taught classes and seminars around the world for over 54 years. Margaret is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council. Learn more at

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