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4 Ways to Use Journaling as Soul-Care

4  Ways to Use Journaling as Soul-Care by Kris Groth | #AspireMag

Finding daily practices to support and nurture our soul, can seem challenging, but is so important for our emotional and spiritual well-being. One of my favorite daily soul-care practices is journaling.

I have not been a lifelong journaler. I tried keeping a diary as a kid, but it never stuck. As an adult, one of my mentors assigned me to write in a journal everyday for the six months that we worked together. This assignment changed not only my attitude toward writing, but I also experienced profound results from doing it regularly.

1. Ground, Center, Connect, Journal

Each night before I went to bed, I took time to ground, center and connect with my soul, then I would get out my journal. I wrote about my day, how I was feeling, the things I was going through. Sometimes questions came up, issues that I was trying to sort through, trying to find answers or direction. I just let it all flow without concern or judgement.

2. Clear away the day

The most amazing things happened. The more I did this, connecting deep within myself and letting the words just flow, I began to feel more clarity, calmness, and lightness settling over me. Writing everything down was helping me to clear away all that I had happened during the day, and allowed me to go to bed without all the extra baggage. My mind could relax and quiet.

3. Receiving messages

I realized the words I was writing were messages from my deepest self. My soul was speaking to me through my writing. Writing a question that had been bothering me, then immediately writing the next thing that came to mind, without thinking or judging, often the answers surprised me. From this connected and centered space, I began to write from my heart, feeling the messages I was receiving were real. I looked forward to my nightly conversations with my soul.

4. Fears and worries aside

The mind and ego definitely try to get their opinions heard, and I did honor that. I wrote down those fears and worries as they came up, finding that if I took the time to put them on paper, I could set them aside and give more attention to the heart and soul.

In my book, Soul-iloquy, the main character learns to journal as a way to communicate with her soul as she moves through her spiritual journey and transformation. Journaling is one of the tools that helps her to make choices that are in alignment with her soul and her purpose.

Create a dedicated time and commit to it

Start with just a few minutes per day. It doesn’t matter if it is morning or night, but find a time that you can do it consistently, and without distraction. Create this sacred time for you. You deserve it.

I challenge you to do this for six months like I did, and see what a difference it makes for you.

Making journaling a part of your daily soul-care practice, is a way to honor and connect with your self, listen deeply to your inner wisdom, and learn to live a soul-connected and soul-inspired life.

Isn’t that what we’re all searching for?

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About the author 

Kris Groth

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing and restore balance to the body, heart, mind and soul, and to live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing, and spiritual mentoring sessions, including powerful custom guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls. Claim your free "Discover the Archangel Around You Quiz & Meditation" today and visit for more supportive resources.

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