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The Four Psychic Types: Which Are You?

The Four Psychic Types: Which Are You? By Sherrie Dillard | #AspireMag

Imagine a classroom full of students who have just been asked a question by the teacher. One of the students, a young girl in the back of the room, knows the answer and raises her hand straight up into the air with confidence. You can almost hear her inner plea to the teacher, “Pick me, pick me!” The teacher slowly scans the room of upraised hands. The young girl in the back of the room is now frantically waving her hand in the hope of being picked. Yet the teacher passes her by, almost as if she does not notice her and asks another student to explain the answer. 

This little girl in the back of the room is very much like your psychic awareness. It knows the answer to many of your questions and concerns, but seldom gets chosen to offer its guidance. Instead it’s the familiar students upfront, the five senses, logical thinking, past experience and wishful thinking that you most likely notice and listen to. 

However, despite our reluctance to trust it, psychic awareness is determined. Not content with being invisible and in the back row, it devises clever ways of making itself known. It cozies up to the front row students and looks for an opening. When it discovers the path of least resistance, it takes the opportunity to express its insights and guidance. 

Psychic awareness has likely crept into your consciousness in this kind of way.  

For instance: Do you ever suddenly know something without knowing how you know it? Does it sometimes feel as if you can feel a family member or friend’s emotions, even though they are miles away? Do you ever experience a gut knowing, feel tingles of energy move up your spine or does the hair on your arms stand up? Even though you may not always know what these kinds of signs and signals mean, do you have a sense that they may be trying to tell you something.  

Your psychic awareness is often cleverly camouflaged within your thoughts, your emotions, your physical body and your energy field. It is through these four avenues that your intuition most often emerges. As you become aware of those times when you naturally receive psychic energy information, you will have more confidence in your intuition and be motivated to further develop the spontaneous intuitive insights into reliable abilities 

Your Psychic Type 

Your primary way of intuiting is called your psychic type. Everyone is a combination of one or more types and some are more balanced in all four types. Your psychic type not only describes how you receive energy information, it also reveals aspects of your personality and preferences, your soul gifts and provides insight as to the way that you connect to a higher force and power. 

Emotional intuition is the intuitive heart-centered awareness of emotions, feelings, and emotional energy. If you intuit primarily through your emotions or have a high degree of emotional intuition, you likely intuitively feel and soak in the feelings of others. You may even feel another’s emotions even when miles away. However, you may not always be aware that you are doing this. Instead you may mistake intuited feelings as you own and become confused and possibly overwhelmed by their intensity and depth.   

If you are a mental intuitive or have a high degree of mental intuition, you primarily receive energy information through your thoughts and a sense of knowing. A creative thinker, you may spontaneously intuit new ideas and insights. You are likely tough minded, a problem solver and you may keep probing and following your intuition when others have given up and walked away. You possess intuitive intelligence and may unknowingly intuit other’s thoughts, perceptions and knowledge. However, because mental intuitives are inclined to be skeptical, you might dismiss and dispute your intuitive capacity.    

Physical intuition is the ability to receive energy information through the physical body, the sense of touch and through the natural world and objects and photographs. The physical body of someone with a high degree of physical intuition is a psychic antenna. If you are a physical intuitive or have a high degree of physical intuition, you may experience psychic awareness as a gut knowing or tingles of energy running up your spine or arms. You may also unknowingly experience another’s aches and pains of others in own body. Unaware that these physical sensations have been intuited, this may cause confusion when physical symptoms disappear as mysteriously as they began.    

Spiritual intuition is the ability to receive energy information through the energy field or aura and through direct communication with spirit. If you are a spiritual intuitive or have a high degree of spiritual intuition, you may see energy information as flashes of light, color or orbs and you may have intuitive dreams and day-dreams. With a natural connection to the spirit realm, you may sense the presence of loved ones on the others side, angels or spirit guides. As a spiritual intuitive you tend to be a sensitive creature who may feel overwhelmed in crowds and over-stimulated by excessive noise and activity. You may need quiet and alone time to come into balance and feel an inner sense of harmony. 

Discovering your innate intuition leads to increased insights, wise guidance and new understanding and awareness of our past, present and future. Once you better understand the way you naturally, and often unknowingly intuit, it become easier to develop intuitive and psychic abilities. Psychic awareness adds a new dimension to how we view ourselves, others and the world and deepens our connection to joy and authentic living. 

© 2018. Sherrie Dillard. Reprinted with permission. An excerpt, in part, from You Are Psychic 

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About the author 

Sherrie Dillard

Sherrie Dillard is an internationally renowned intuitive, medium, medical intuitive and author. She has given over 50,000 readings worldwide and has been featured on radio and television for her innovative books and her work as a psychic detective, medical intuitive and medium. The author of the best-selling Discover Your Psychic Type, You are a Medium, Sacred Signs and Symbols, and other books, she is the expert at helping others to better understand and develop their innate intuitive and spiritual gifts.
Intuitive awareness is the natural expression of our soul gifts and truth. Those who are intuitively aware and conscious of energy, have particular needs, strengths and vulnerabilities. Sherrie understands the unique sensitivities of the spiritual and intuitive community and helps guide others to embrace their full potential, come into mind/body/spirit harmony and balance and create a life of positivity and joy. Learn more at

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