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5 Elements of Manifesting Magic and Miracles

5 Elements of Manifesting Magic and Miracles by Lizete Morais | #AspireMag

I just love miracles!! I’m sure we all do and have all experienced them at one point or another.  There are those special times when everything seems to magically work out and we manifest something that we wanted, that we either believed was impossible or were told was impossible. 

Living in magic and miracles has become a way of life for me and I equate this as living in the flow, or living in alignment with my soul’s purpose. But for a very big part of my life, this was certainly not the case.  I believed that it was just a random occurrence — sometimes things worked out and sometimes, well — they just didn’t.    

This was until I started noticing the same pattern of 5 key elements that aligned for all these magical manifestations to happen. 

I had always felt there was a bigger life tugging at the corners of my heart and a higher purpose pulling me forward — do you have that too?  Do you also find that it seems close, but somehow out of reach?  Do you sense that it’s so real you can almost taste it, but then you look around your every day life and it just isn’t showing up? 

Miracles are no random occurrence.  They have a signature pattern and today I want to share what I’ve found with you, so that you can live in greater alignment with your soul’s purpose and the magic you know in your inner guidance is possible for you. You might have heard of some of these before but I want to invite you to look closer and reflect on your own journey.   

A few weeks ago I got to see a miracle not only in my life but in the life of two of my friends, a couple who have been married for 5 years, who we will call John and Tammy for the sake of this article.  Their story and how they manifested a new chapter in their life in a time-frame of 3 months is so inspiring, but also demonstrates these 5 keys in a practical way.  As their journey unfolds we will discover these secret keys and how to apply them.  

In October of last year, John and Tammy got in touch with me and shared that they weren’t happy with where their life was.  They weren’t enjoying their work.  They weren’t feeling at home in their city and were starting to feel desperate as they could feel that their life should be more than this.  They had tried everything from positive affirmations to meditation to trying to get over it but — it simply wasn’t working. 

Element 1: Honor Your Feelings. This is your call to action! 

When our life isn’t working, we have the tendency to try and fix it and get out of that place of discomfort as quickly as possible — it’s human and I totally get it.  We often avoid being with the feeling because it hurts and it doesn’t feel good. We distract ourselves with other things or push it down within ourselves and try to “get over it”.   

The real problem with that is, by doing this, we have made our feelings wrong and we have judged our circumstances to be wrong.  This actually locks us into the very pattern that we want to escape from.  

What if your feelings are right?  What if they are not trying to hurt you but are trying to tell you something?  What if there are no “bad” feelings — only feelings that are telling you that, what you are experiencing, is no longer in alignment with your highest good and not serving your soul’s purpose.  What if they are simply calling your attention?  Will you listen? 

Your feelings are so faithful to you that if you ignore them or push them away, they simply start shouting louder, in the hope that you will listen and see what they are trying to tell you.   

The first step in manifesting miracles is listening and honoring your inner guidance. Your feelings are here to serve you, so could we let it be ok to simply acknowledge what they are saying?  

John and Tammy stopped resisting their feeling and started listening.  They started entering into acceptance that they just weren’t happy with the work they were doing and with the life they were living.  Which leads us to the next element. 

Element 2: Get Clear On What You Do Want. Time to Focus 

In life, there is not much that we can control, but we do have control of our focus. I have found that most people when they are in a situation they don’t like, they tend to focus on what they don’t like.  This only takes us into a downward spiral of despair.  To manifest our miracle — we need to focus on what we want.   

When John and Tammy got clear on what they wanted, they decided to focus on manifesting a home with space, in a peaceful place in another part of the country and a good job where John would be appreciated.  

Element 3. Take Inspired Action. Stay Attentive to Your Guidance 

I have never been afraid of working for my dreams and most of us aren’t, however I have learnt – to the point of frustration – that action itself does not get us to manifest our hearts’ desire.  Inspired action though is quite different. 

The word inspired comes from the words ‘in spirit’.  When we start tuning in to the gentle whisper of our intuitive inner guidance and start taking action from that inspired place, everything starts to flow.  It is imperative that we don’t worry or project about how everything is going to work out, but only focus on the very next step and stay attentive to our surroundings.  Every time we do this something truly magical starts happening. Unexplainable coincidences start to occur and unexpected doors start opening.  We run into people that have answers, or connections, or insights.  We stumble on an article that suddenly speaks to us [Symbol].  

It is at this stage that we have the true test if our initial intention is in alignment with our highest good and aligned to our soul’s purpose.  If you notice there is absolutely no momentum, I would recommend you revisit the intention, but if there is, you will notice the world seems to start flowing with you. 

John and Tammy started to pack up their home.  Without any outward evidence that they were moving quite just yet, they felt it would happen quickly – and they were right.  John also started to look for a job and felt guided to only send his resume to the best hotels in the area they wanted to live. Within seven days it was confirmed—He was joining the best 5-star hotel in the country. But something was missing – they still needed a home. 

Element 4. Don’t Let Projections Take You Off Course 

Our friends, family and even the circumstances, could be some of the hardest roadblocks to overcome.  When our intention has not manifested yet, it is still in the realm of possibility and it will require faith and courage to stand strong.  

Everyone has experience or an opinion on pretty much everything and because of this, they will project what they know on our intention.  Most will mean it well, but they are not necessarily right. 

We must use our wisdom.  We will need to discern if the information being presented is going to help us and is serving as a warning sign or if it is fear being projected at you, under the guise of love and concern.    

Some may call you crazy – I know I had this experience, especially on the biggest transformations – they still remain the best decisions I have ever made and everyone came around quickly after I took the steps. 

So, remember to stay close to your truth and listen to your inner guidance and your courageous heart. 

John and Tammy got their fair share of projection.  “The house market is insane right now,” said the realtor.  “The best you can get in this area, for that money, is a 1 bedroom flat — If you’re lucky.”  The news was disheartening and the starting date of the new job drew closer. They started wondering if they had been wrong and that is when they reconnected with me to complete the last step of their journey.   

Element 5: A Miracle Is Received, Not EarnedAligning to Our Miracle 

We have all been extremely well trained in working for things!  We work things out, we work hard to deserve good things – however the art of manifesting miracles is to open our hearts, our beliefs and our lives wide enough, to actually receive the miracle. 

In order to do this, we must know that we are worthy of it.  If I ask people, if they believe they are worthy of receiving what they have asked for, most say yes without a seconds’ hesitation – but also would be unaware of a secret that is holding them back and which is probably sabotaging the entire miracle.  

I have seen, after working with hundreds of people and facilitating the birth of their miracles, that there is one powerful specific roadblock that stops us in our tracks – Unconscious belief structures and energy blocks. We can have beliefs that are out of alignment with who we truly are and what we truly deserve. 

When John and Tammy came to see me with the concern that the home they had felt was theirs, was not showing up, we did 1:1 sessions together to see whether there were any unconscious blocks stopping them from being in alignment to their miracle and we found them.  John had an energy block that he had to be responsible for everything.  This was causing him great fear that he had uprooted his wife and now would fall flat on his face.  Fear was distorting his receiving and was cleared in the session.  Tammy’s block had to do with a childhood belief of being poor and there was still residue in her system that she would always be poor – and therefore undeserving of a beautiful home she could feel was hers, in her soul.   

To manifest magic and miracles in our life we truly need to be in alignment with what our soul knows is ours.  If there is any energetic block or limiting conditioning that is contrary, we will sabotage the manifestation. Even after doing this work for others for the last 7 years, I still need to have a trust colleague to support me to clear mine – they are that hidden.  

The very next day after our session, we saw the advertisement.  A beautiful 3 bedroom renovated house for rent, in exactly the right location, at the exact price that was budgeted. They were the first people to arrive to see the home and by the end of the day the deposit was given and keys were in hand.  They were moving into their new home within the next 7 days.   

Miracles do happen. I hope these 5 elements have spoken to your heart and will support you to live in greater alignment with your soul’s purpose and the magic you know in your inner guidance is possible for you.  

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About the author 

Lizete Morais

Lizete Morais, embodies her “Authentic Voice” message, by empowering professional, executive and passionate women, around the world, to expand and transform their lives, their profession and their intimate relationships. Using powerful principles of awakening, awareness and authenticity, coupled with her ability to identify the real core issues, standing between us and our desires and dreams, Lizete facilitates transformation effortlessly and effectively. You were born to live a life of joy, abundance and unconditional love. Click here to visit Lizete’s website.

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