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Can’t See Over It…Can’t See Under It…Can’t Go Around It…Must Go Through It!

Can’t See Over It…Can’t See Under It...Can’t Go Around It...Must Go Through It! by Crystal Cockerham | #AspireMag

The darndest things pop into my head when I am working with clients sometimes.  I have learned to roll with it and my clients appreciate the quirkiness of how intuition flows through me.

Well, I was with a client the other day who was caught in an emotional loop when suddenly the children’s chant, Going on a Bear Hunt popped into my head.  She said to me in her moment of frustration and heartbreak:  “I just want this to be over.  I am tired of feeling like this!”  To which my response was: “I understand how difficult this is for you.  You have done so much work around this to get you where you are now.  As uncomfortable as it is, it is so good that it is moving through you!  As icky as it is to be facing and feeling this way, each tear you shed represents the exponential amount that has been hiding within in you all this time.  Once you have moved yourself through this, you will feel so much better!  Or, you can try to move around the emotional bits knowing that each time they surface, it will be with more fervor and intensity than the time before.  You always have that choice.”

And this is why my response was what it was:  Are you familiar with the phrase “Get over it”?  If you are, it is likely because you have found yourself on the receiving end of the phrase and, it didn’t feel so great.

I cannot begin to count the number of people who have crossed my path and in our first meeting they either say, “I just wish I could get over it already” or they are very much hurt because the other people close to them make them feel wrong for not being able to just “get over it and move on”.  Ay yai yai where to begin!

My heart bleeds every time I hear this.  It is so inconsiderate of another’s feelings.  As much as society has reared us to ignore our feelings, they are what makes us human.  We are emotional beings.

We are each a unique individual with our own authentic recipe of life experiences, which constantly evolves us into the person we are in each moment.  Our recipe is a melting pot of memories, learning experiences and interactions with other people.  All of which are a combination of both positive and negative perceptions.

You see, when an event occurs which wounds us or leaves us not feeling so good about ourselves, we of course perceive this to be negative.  Our ego automatically kicks in to protect us.  This is all well and good unless we neglect to fully work through the wound and its emotional aspects including the piece of wisdom in it for our personal and spiritual growth.  In fact we all have wounds from some point in our lives or inherited limiting beliefs that keep us from the emotional aspect and the ‘lesson to be learned’ for this particular part of our journey.

Our emotions are the driving force of our actions, wants and desires.  They are what makes us human, the binding agent of our authentic recipe.  If we think of our emotions as a system of the body like the lymphatic, circulatory, digestive or endocrine system, etc., then it becomes much easier to understand how this part of ourselves can keep us stuck repeating behavioral and emotional patterns that prohibit us from evolving into who we wish to be in the world.

When we are stuck, there is an unprocessed negative experience detouring the natural flow of our emotional system-it has literally left the ego switch on so that we are constantly living and reacting from our wounded self in that moment in time versus our real self in the now.  This then affects every decision we make and how we perceive each experience thereafter.  We aren’t always aware, because it happens over time.  The longer we hide from the unprocessed experience the stronger the limiting belief and false sense of self becomes.  It morphs into the new ’norm’ with its own emotional patterns that create and strengthen their presence in our subconscious.

Emotions are the glue that connects our spirit to our human form.  They can be both sticky and uncomfortable as well as joyful and intoxicating.  They are vital to our life’s journey.   If we tune in and listen, they give us a lot of information and when we don’t listen, they block our energy flow, create physical dis-ease and keep us from our authentic selves.

“The role of the mind and emotions in your state of health is vital.  There is an intimate and dynamic relationship between what is going on in your life, with your feelings and thoughts, and what happens in your body.” (Dr. Deb Shapiro, Your Body Speaks Your Mind, p.11)

Your emotional well being is important, there are some things you can do to support your personal and spiritual growth as you move through the sticky emotional bits, awaken your divine wisdom and become the you you wish to be:

  1. Journal.  Writing is an incredible means of processing.  No technology, paper and pen/pencil and write, scribble, doodle whatever so long as your arm is moving across the paper!
  2. Meditation.  Quieting your mind is very helpful!
  3. Yoga/Walking/Exercise
  4. Hydrate!  Moving Energy and Emotions are a form of detox, hydration is vital!
  5. Healthy Diet
  6. Nutritional Support-a diet rich in minerals has been proven to support and promote healthy endocrine, immune and digestion–all directly affected to your emotional state!
  7. Creative outlets such as coloring, handcrafting, gardening, cooking/baking etc.,
  8. Bodywork
  9. Energy Healing
  10. Coaching/Counseling

Of course you don’t have to do all of the things on this list and this list isn’t all inclusive, but it is a well-rounded start and support structure for your transformational process.

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About the author 

Crystal Cockerham

Spiritual Mentor, Retreat Leader and Author, Crystal Cockerham, works with empathic women to deepen their relationship with the Divine, learn their souls language, and hone their empathic gifts so they can create the divinely inspired life they envision, desire and deserve. Through her offerings and community, Crystal empowers and supports women in awakening their inner wisdom.

In addition to authoring her own journal and 4-part meditation series bundle, Awaken Your Divine Wisdom: A Guided Journal Expedition to Explore Your Universe & Decode Its Secrets, Crystal has been published as a coauthor in several International Best Selling Books including; SHINE!: Stories to Dream Big, Fear Less and Blaze Your Own Trail, 365 Days of Self-Love: Daily Exercises from Experts Around the World, Radical Self-Love, Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo: Women’s Stories of Self-Discovery & Transformation, and more.

Crystal is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine, and Expert Instructor for Inspired Living University™: A Sacred Curriculum & Community for Women.

She has appeared on numerous radio shows, podcasts and summits including; Inspired Conversations, The Breakthrough Show as both a guest & a panelist, and AngelScapes Radio with Nancy Smith.

She is the host of the popular Feminine Wisdom Keepers Facebook Group, a community for the awakened women.

She is an engaging and passionate guest and is available to speak on numerous topics such as:

The Divine Feminine
-The Red Tent & Sacred Women’s Circles
-Intuitive & Empathic Gifts
-Claiming Your Sovereignty
And can customize a topic to fit your audience.

Claim your Rituals to Nurture Your Goddess Soul Gift Set from Crystal today!

SCHEDULE your FREE Discovery Session today if you are ready to hone your empathic gifts, connect with your feminine wisdom & be who you were born to become.

REQUEST to join the Feminine Wisdom Keepers Facebook Group if you’d like to be a part of a sacred community that supports and nurtures women in embracing their divine connection, cultivating their inner goddess and unleashing their feminine wisdom.

Celebrate the Goddess in you with a hand-crafted Transformational Adornment from The Goddess Collection. Intentional, commemorative jewelry designed for daily wear, special occasions & ceremony alike!

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