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How to Discover Your Personal Truth and Find the Courage to Live by It by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

How to Discover Your Personal Truth and Find the Courage to Live by It by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

Listening to your heart, finding out who you are, what your truth is at any time in your life, and having the courage to follow that, may not be simple. But it is a skill. And, once developed, it is an art that when practiced leads to walking on the path of joy and abundance. 

Listening to your inner wisdom goes beyond mindset. It goes beyond simply shifting thoughts from negative to positive. Though, you do need to know how to do this.

Listening to your inner wisdom goes beyond being able to feel your emotions and not react to them. But rather see them as part of your human experience and create the response you want to have. Though, you do need to be able to do this.

Listening to your inner wisdom goes beyond having a strong, healthy, vibrant body. Though, you do need to have this to be a receptacle to hearing the wisdom within.

Listening to your heart finding out who you are, what your truth is and having the courage to follow that is about taking the time to quiet down all the chatter around and within you. In this sacred space, you will begin to feel, see and sense your inner knowing. You will develop and enhance your intuition to hear that truth and understand it with greater clarity.

In our day-to-day life, it is easy to forget to do this and work off of auto-pilot. When you do, your attention gets diverted, and you will begin to take action by default. Reacting to life this way, ultimately, will lead you into choices that are not for your highest good and takes you off the path of truth that allows us to be who we truly are.

When you develop and practice this skill, this truth becomes easy to access. Hearing this truth, which has always been there but in hiding waiting for you to see and hear it, becomes a way of life. Much like any skill does that you put into practice! And, this truth is essential to being on the path to joy and abundance.  

There are several ways to use to begin to hear this truth within: 

 Journaling ~ gives you time and space to recognize what you are saying to yourself and what you are avoiding hearing. It offers the chance for you to fully see how you are reacting to things and embracing others and uncover and lead by the beauty that is within your soul. 

Meditation ~ by quieting the mind and being still, you can hear the whispers of your soul with greater ease. A simple strategy, to begin with, is to sit peacefully focusing on your breath.  Allow any thought that comes through your mind to be parked to the side. After a time, you feel, sense and even see, an answer that comes from within. 

Mindfulness ~ by listening to what you are saying to yourself and asking if that is your truth, you will begin to understand how your mind may be playing with you. Yare able to decode what is ego-speak and what is wise-talk from within.  

Walking in nature ~ There is no better space than a walk in nature that allows chatter around you to quiet down. Here in the calm, away from the hustle and bustle of life, you uncover hidden horizons that allow your innate wisdom to flow. 

Mantras ~ by using mantras (or simply repeating a sound like Ommmm) clears the clutter out of our heads that tries to guide us in the wrong direction (all the should and woulds that we repeat). By using a mantra, it quiets that misguided inner voice and allows the truth to come up from within.  

Aromatherapy ~ scent allows us to step out of our ego-self and wrap ourselves in the trail to our truth. By using our senses, we align ourselves with our inner being. We stop the chaos and reconnect to our inner self.  

Sound ~ again, by using our senses, we align ourselves with our inner being. Remember how you feel when a music with a good beat comes on? It brings us back to a natural rhythm. Drumming and using chimes can do this well. Simply by tapping a finger on a desk allows you to stop energies that do not support you and bring you back to center. 

Clearing your 5th Chakra ~ the throat chakra ~ where our truth resides. Often times, our truth goes into hiding when this chakra is gets stuck. Clearing this space within allows the truth to rise and be understood. It is a great exercise to practice actually use your voice when hearing your truth (or reading from your journal aloud). It allows yourself the space to articulate your truth to someone with greater ease. 

Finding the courage to act upon your truth is also a skill. When we have been living by default and reacting to our lives rather than living by our truth, it may take time to take courageous actions. The best way to do this is to take simple, sequential steps of courage each and every day.

It means stepping out of your comfort zone. It means addressing your fears, feeling them and stepping forward in spite of them. It means having confidence in yourself and having faith and trust that the path ahead is the best one to take.

There are several ways to take simple, sequential steps of courage each and every day:

Start with yourself. What are the best self-care you can give yourself? Begin the ball rolling from that point and step into a place of greater self-respect.

Listen to your wisdom. Set the intention that it will give you small, simple steps each day. That may be taking the road less traveled to work ~ you never know the adventure you might go on. That may be setting the intention to go on a retreat or a quest and begin to investigate how to do that.

Find a group of aligned thinkers that will hold sacred space for you to be who you are at the core and love you through the rawness of growth and celebrate these steps with you. You can find them in your community or on-line.

Living your truth does not mean that all of life’s challenges disappear. It does not mean negative thoughts won’t happen or emotions won’t rise. It means being able to bring your best self forward in spite of the challenge and our ego-self. It means being able to over-come these challenges, rise above them and be the self we were destined to be.

When we develop and enhance the ability to hear our inner truth and understand it with greater clarity, we begin to walk that path. It becomes inevitable. That true path is filled with great joy and abundance.  

******* INVITATION:  FREE WEBINAR!  Discover How to Live Your Truth with Master Soul Coaching® Practitioner and Trainer Laura Clark. On Wednesday, March 14th at 2 PM EST, you will learn how to find the clarity and courage you need to begin, and continue on, the lifelong journey of Living Your Truth with self-compassion, authenticity and love. When you do this, you will attract success beyond your imagination–in business and life.

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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