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Understanding the Purpose of Your Soul

Purpose, SoulWhen I was a teenager, I had a friend who was experiencing some depression. I walked into his house one day to find that he had positioned his 6’2 frame head-first under the small desk in his room. Talking to his feet I asked him what was wrong. “I don’t know my place in the world and here I feel safe and know my place. We all need a desk to sit under Jen.”

For years, when referring to purpose, I would state “we all need a desk”. So often we are missing the point as we search for our purpose.

Stop Struggling With Your Purpose

This society that we live in can be deeply fear and judgment based. We are often bombarded with messages that tell us, “in order to be happy, wise and successful, we need to be living on purpose.”

This creates a Consciousness of How:

  • How can I be on purpose?
  • How can I be happy and successful?
  • How can I make this all work?
  • How can I control this situation to get what I want?

The Consciousness of How is exhausting and drains us of our life force.  In the Consciousness of How, we take the paradigm of manifestation:  be, do, have and twist it into do (how), have, be.

The Consciousness of How can keep us wrapped in fear and comparison energy.

Here’s a new energy thought:

what if, just what if … living your purpose is much more about being than doing?

What if your purpose is a state of consciousness for you and the how or doing is much less than we think it is? What if the new paradigm is: be, feel, do a little, and have?

I believe our purpose has two parts: the being (or the consciousness) of that purpose and Divinely inspired action (let’s call this Purpose in Action).

So, what does this mean for your life and your business? It means a paradigm shift. It means working with your energy not against it. Let me give some examples using the Axiom of Quest (the Soul Language category about mission of purpose).

Our purpose isn’t to be a writer, coach, teacher, author, leader, spiritual advisor – our purpose is about being.  It is to understand what we are profoundly here to experience and then offer that experience and wisdom to others.

When I began to put some tangibility to Soul via my paradigm called Soul Language, what I had been experiencing for years started to make sense. Soul Language puts words to what we know deep down inside of us and provides us with words for the three core energies of our Soul (mission, how you fuel that mission and Soulful personality).

There are 19 (yes – only 19!) Soul Languages of purpose/mission. My Soul Language is the Equalizer – it is all about creating that perfect formula of balance for myself and then offering to others their perfect formula of balance.

It started to make sense that I had jobs where I have literally (and I’m using that word correctly) been paid to hold someone’s hand. “Jen, please hold my hand when I do this – it just makes me feel better.”

Having a deep understanding of your purpose is only the beginning to living your purpose. In fact, most people don’t realize that they are being their purpose every day.

You can begin to live your purpose just by listening to your Soul. Here’s an expansion question to start this listening process:  How was I being my purpose today?

You will be amazed what your Soul has to say. Each day I connect to my Soul and ask several questions:

What would it feel like to be my purpose and what do I DO today to experience my purpose?

By creating this conscious conversation with your Soul (via intention or by connecting to your Soul Languages) you understand where you are pushing rather than being your purpose.

These questions will create a new shift in the way you relate to your purpose, your business and the world.

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About the author 

Jennifer Urezzio

Jennifer Urezzio is a master intuitive, author, teacher and speaker. She founded her own business, Blooming Grove, Soul Language‘s parent company, in 2004 in response to her intuitive senses and ability to help others feel better about themselves both holistically and naturally, working closely with them to generate a feeling of strength and well-being.
She specializes in helping people connect – to themselves, to each other, and to the Divine. She founded a new paradigm, Soul Language, which provides guidance for understanding our true nature and tools for accessing deeper levels of awareness. This new insight into how the Soul expresses itself is being embraced by top healers, lifestyle coaches, and CEOs all over the world as a method for helping people recognize their purpose and live from a place of power and truth. Her modalities of strength include Soul Language™, essential oils, therapeutic kinesiology and pranic healing, among others.
Through her programs, such as the Soul Language Identification and the Spiritual Leadership Program™, she gives individuals tangible tools they can use in their lives every day to help live with integrity, authenticity and prosperity. Jennifer has published an affirmation card deck with Caren Frost Olmsted called Keys of Grace.
Her expertise has been profiled in, Courier Post and The Beauty Bible; she has been interviewed by H. Les Brown for “News for the Soul” and Efficio Radio; and she has written and published her own articles on intuitive healing and understanding your soul in media such as: International Association of Women in Business Online Women in Business Online Spotlight, Entrepreneur Business Coaching with Jeneth Blackert, MOMeo Show, Authentic Self Awareness, Lifegasms and Spiritual Rockstar, among others. She also has conducted many guest teleclasses within the spiritual healing arena, as well as served as a guest speaker or and delivered keynote addresses.
You can learn more at

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