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Let Go To Experience Real Growth

Do you give yourself the gift of slowing down and really listening within? When you listen closely, do you hear the knocking and feel the nudges of your dreams, your heart’s longings, your vision?  If you do, woo hoo!  Acknowledge it, value it and listen to it, your dreams are waiting. 

Sometimes, though, listening is hard. I get it. When fear, stress and worry are abundant in your life, you feel powerless and these feelings lead you farther away from your inner knowing.

Today, commit to letting go of one “thing” that no longer serves you. Letting go is a process.  Be honest with yourself(and others).  Listen deep to what does and doesn’t serve you and then take action.  Don’t expect to let everything go all at once and don’t expect it won’t come back.  Sometimes it just does.  It’s a process that you can keep repeating until the healing is complete and growth is achieved.

What I Let Go Of

On my journey, the first thing I had to let go of was perfectionism.  I am on a completely unknown path so everything is brand new.  In order to keep taking action, I cannot even consider being perfect.  Done is good!  It means I took action.

I won’t lie, when I am under pressure, perfectionism rears its ugly head. It is in these times that it becomes clear to me I need to listen within and then breathe through the emotion of perfectionism. I am aware, through my perfectionistic releasing journey, when perfectionism shows up and how work through it. I let it go much sooner than I ever have before! It’s a pretty cool feeling.

Next, I had to let go of my stories, my thoughts of how others see me. The only thing my stories do is create drama. Drama has no purpose! Many of you may feel that you thrive on drama, stress and high pressure. I get it, I thought the same thing. 

This is a perfect invitation from yourself to listen, deep down. In reality, are you thriving or simply surviving? Society is a drama filled place and it likes to remind us that drama is juicy and you need it to live. Drama comes from a hidden source of fear.  Your stories must go to move through your fears.

Finally, as I listened to my heart and felt into what was right for me, I heard to let go of being a people pleaser. I needed to set boundaries, something I’ve never done well. I don’t like saying no, I want to be liked. I don’t want to feel guilty for having to choose one over another. Why is that, I wonder? 

Then, I hear it.  It’s fear calling, AGAIN. Fear of not being good enough. It started in high school, I was in honors classes but was always the dumbest of the smartest.

I feel second best in life though others hold me in high regard. My own fear and need to please others is causing my discomfort.  I am learning to love myself as I am.  As I do, I open myself up to others loving the real me as well.

The Time Is Now

Trust that when you let go of the thoughts and beliefs of guilt and not being enough, the right boundaries will automatically appear and make sense to you. Lean into the discomfort, you are prepared. You attract your peeps and the things that fill you up.  Your peeps support and love you for you, not who others want you to be to make them happy. 

Stop surviving and start thriving. In survival mode, choices seem limited and impossible. Believe me, choices abound. Express gratitude for the opportunity to let go and enjoy the gift it presents.

Okay, I am ready to roll, what do I do?!

Let’s start with the best benchmark. Your values.

After all, your values are the GPS of your decision making process. Do you know what your values are?  Often, my clients have no idea what they really value.  Their value are fed by their circumstances, not their heart. When you are clear on your values, you feel the deep alignment that occurs.   A value clarity exercise automatically creates your Letting Go list.  These are the things, people and places, that don’t fit in with your value system.

To ensure alignment, resonate with your words, understand what they mean to you.  Define, them, sit with them, let them marinate. Ask yourself, why do I consider these my values, why did I choose these words to guide my decision making process? This is one of the first topics that I delve into with my new clients because of the importance it plays in the personal growth journey.

Given this insight, are you ready to thrive in your life? I mean, truly thrive like happy and joyful each day, grateful for what you have and recognize the miracles that are happening all around you, despite the drama, fear and worry, type thrive? Imagine how your life would be different! When you imagine, you dream.

If you are ready to thrive, then it’s time to let go, even if it’s just one thing. Start your list today and take action so that your dreams can come true.

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About the author 

Karen Spaiches

Karen Spaiches is a personal life coach who recently left behind her management career, with the same company for 25 years, to live her dream. She engages with women to uncover their long forgotten and hidden dreams, to stop settling for the “good enough” and to create traction on realizing their ideal life! She provides a nurturing yet accountable environment for women to begin to live their highest potential, higher than their wildest dreams!

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