Your ability to connect with your spiritual Guidance is related to your vibrational frequency. Discover what raises or lowers your frequency and your ability to connect.
Your frequency is the rate at which you vibrate. For example, a hummingbird’s wings vibrate, or move, at such a rapid rate that we can hardly see them. We vibrate at a slower rate so that we can see each other. Our spiritual Guidance vibrates at a high frequency, which is why most of us can’t see spiritual beings. In order to communicate with them and receive their guidance, we need to raise our frequency.
What Raises Frequency?
There are two major ways of raising your frequency:
- Move into an intent to learn about what is loving to yourself
- Open to your imagination, and trust what is coming to you
When you open to learning about loving yourself and you learn to trust your imagination, you will find yourself accessing information, such as answers to your questions about what is in your highest good in a particular situation. Your Guidance is here to support you in your highest good, so it will always find a way to communicate with you when your intent is to be loving to yourself and loving to others.
Our imagination is a great gift from Spirit – a kind of direct line. Most creative people, people who write, paint, dance and so on, know that their ideas come through them rather than from them. They are opening to their imaginations and allowing Spirit to come through them.
Certain experiences help to raise your frequency, such as prayer, being in nature and certain forms of meditation. For some people, playing with a pet or hearing inspiring music, or reading spiritual literature can help to raise the frequency. But none of this will work without being in the intent to learn about loving yourself, and trusting your imagination.
Love, compassion and inner peace are the highest frequency feelings, so being kind and compassionate with yourself and others, which creates inner peace, raises your frequency. In addition, genuine heart-felt gratitude will always raise your frequency.
Frequency is a delicate thing. Many situations, both physical and emotional, affect your frequency. Following are some situations and choices that will likely lower your frequency.
Intent to Control, Negative Thinking, Negative Talking, Resistance
When your desire is to control your feelings, as well as attempt to others and outcomes, you are operating out of your ego wounded self, which lowers your frequency. Controlling behavior always lowers frequency.
You cannot keep your frequency high when you think and talk about things that create anger, fear, anxiety or depression. Negative thinking and complaining about what you don’t have, or about what you can’t do, will always lower your frequency. Self-judgment and judgment of others also lowers your frequency. Any thoughts and actions that make you feel badly are lowering your frequency, and your bad feelings are letting you know that you are off track in your thinking and behavior.
The lies you tell yourself, coming from the false beliefs programmed into your ego wounded self, lower your frequency. Feelings of fear, anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, shame, jealousy and envy all have a low frequency, so any thought that comes from false beliefs and that creates these feelings, lowers your frequency.
The fear of being controlled by others, by God, or even by yourself, creates resistance, which also lowers your frequency.
Tiredness Â
It is very challenging to keep your frequency high when you do not get enough sleep, or when you are working yourself too hard. Part of your job as a loving adult is to make sure that you get to sleep early enough to get a good night’s sleep, and to deal with any issues that may be keeping you from sleeping. Lack of sleep may be the result of negative thinking – thinking that is creating too much anxiety to sleep, or from a lack of exercise. It is hard to have a high frequency when you don’t get enough sleep.
When your body is busy dealing with illness, it may be very difficult for you to raise your frequency high enough to connect with your Guidance. When you are very ill, you need to make sure that someone else is acting as your loving adult, as you are probably not able to connect with your spiritual Guidance enough to access your truth and the loving actions for yourself.
Our hormones have a huge affect on our frequency. If your hormones are out of balance, your whole body is out of balance, making it very challenging to raise your frequency. Many things affect hormones – food, water, exercise, illness, thinking, feelings, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, aging, the environment and genetics. Because we are mind, body and spirit, we cannot separate our hormones from everything else that affects us in our lives. As with illness, sometimes we need to rely on another to be our adult and help to guide us toward our highest good.
Food, Alcohol, Drugs, Water
Food has a major effect on frequency. Eating the wrong foods for your body can contribute to insomnia, illness, anxiety, depression and hormone imbalance. If you want to consistently have a high enough frequency to stay connected with your Guidance, then you need to learn as much as you can about what foods support your health and wellbeing and what foods do not.
There is no right way of eating that works for everyone. Some people can do well on a vegetarian or vegan diet, while others need a paleo type of diet. By learning to stay tuned into your body, you can come to understanding how you need to eat for health and a high frequency.
Fresh, whole organic food has a high frequency, but processed foods have a low frequency, and these foods lower the frequency of your body.
Cluttering your physical body with sugar, nicotine, caffeine, drugs, alcohol, pesticides, preservatives, heavy foods, greasy foods, and so on, lower your frequency and make it much harder to connect with your Guidance.
While people might convince themselves that they raise their frequency when drinking, this is not true. Just because it may lower your stress, doesn’t mean it raises your frequency.
Since prescription drugs are alien to the body, the body has to work to deal with them, which causes a lowering of frequency. A few recreational drugs – the kinds of drugs that indigenous people used infrequently to connect with Spirit – can raise your frequency for a short period of time. But frequent use has the opposite effect.
In addition, a lack of water, resulting in dehydration, creates huge stress on the body, which lowers your frequency.
Lack of exercise
Our bodies are meant to move; not moving lowers our frequency.
Negative environment
It is often hard to maintain a positive attitude when in a negative environment. We are affected both positively and negatively by others’ frequency.
If you want to keep your frequency high and experience the incredible joy of being connected with your spiritual Guidance, then you need to do all you can to be thinking, eating, and behaving in ways that support your overall wellbeing.