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Powerful Manifesting Tools: Your Intuition and Intention

Powerful Manifesting Tools: Your Intuition and Intention by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

Listening to yourself and getting to hear and then understand your own truth isn’t always easy. Your own mindset, emotions and influences of others in your lives can get in the way. Too often, we get wrapped up into listening to all of this and get lost amidst all the noise.

Hearing Your Truth:
Your gut instinct speaks to us daily, moment by moment. If you haven’t listened to it for a long time, it may be barely discernable. It can be fainter than a whisper, a sense or a feeling. It’s that hunch that you were intimately connected to but over time have stopped paying attention to.

Intuition and intention are powerful players in the field of manifestation and living a life filled with joy and love. Using your intuition comes from the place of listening to your own inner wisdom. That is your truth. From there, it’s living with intention based upon that wisdom and truth that will ultimately manifest those desires. The seeds of joy and loved based upon your truth will grow from within and your intuition will continue to guide us each and every day….if we allow it.

We all have intuition. It is that part of each of us that is divinely connected to universal energy. Because it has a direct connection, it is truth.

Beginning to hear it again comes from quitting down the chaos in side of you and turning off the noise around you. Listening and understanding comes from knowing these four traits about intuition:

1) It’s positive. Because Intuition is connected to the love and light within that comes from source, messages are always given in an encouraging and inspiring way.

2) It’s soft and supportive. Your intuition speaks to you as a trusted friend. It is empowering and encouraging.

3) It’s strong and stretches you. While your intuition is supportive, it is so in a firm and strong way. Intuition’s messages are certainly not meek and mild. Your truth always stretches you to let the best you have inside come out.

4) It lets you know you are safe. While your truth stretches you to act courageously. It also has a sense of security within.

To hear your voice of intuition, you must become quiet and turn down the noise within you and the noise around you. Quieting down can come from meditation, mindfulness practice yoga and more. It’s about taking the time to let the mind slow down and release emotions that don’t serve you. It’s about having and believing the ultimate knowledge that we are not defined by our thoughts or emotions but who you are at your fundamental core.

Encouraging & Trusting Your Intuition

Once you are able to hear your inner voice more often, it’s important to start trusting it. Taking simple steps and acting upon messages that stretch you a little bit will bolster that trust. There are many great exercises for this. A simple one is when you are driving asking yourself “Is there a better route to take?” This is not done by asking the GPS in your car but by asking your own inner GPS! Your inner GPS will give you a response. Trust and follow your initial reaction. You may Get some delightful surprises to confirm your ‘hunch’! Indeed, it was more than a hunch. It was actually your powerful intuition at play!

Intuition is like a muscle. It can be developed over time with exercises like this. Encourage it to ‘play’ more often. Have fun developing this skill.  Be curious as to what confirmations you will begin to receive saying “Yes, you were right!” This allows not only your intuition to be developed but to trust yourself to use it more often.

Understanding your intuition is a byproduct from hearing it and trusting it more often. Understanding it is about really connecting deeply with it. Sometimes, your intuition has a language of its own. It does not say “Go to the PTA meeting and volunteer to make presents for all the teachers.” It may show you images or give you feelings of what will be in your highest good. So, one of the best ways to being to understand this language is to understand “The Big Picture” of your life.

The Big Picture: Understanding.

Using imagery is one of the best ways to understand what you want in your life from the deepest level of your soul. What do you truly desire to have? Sacred Soul Collages, Vision boards and mind maps are a great way to create a visual for yourself. In doing so, you can discover the feeling you want from your life from your inner core. That feeling gives you your truth. Connecting with it is connecting to your intuition.

Another way to do this is to create a moving picture of your life. Mind movies allow you to imbed the feeling of your deepest desire into your cellular, physical being and carry that feeling with you as you step through your day.

Vision boards and mind movies allow you to embrace the feeling you want in your life simply by looking at them. By bringing that feeling into you visually, it will connect with your intuition and you’ll be able to truly hear and understand your soul’s truth.

Intuition: The compass for your Intentions

While your intuition is always accurate because it is based on your core truth, it is not always easy to follow. Your fears and long seeded disempowering beliefs will creep in when it’s time to take action.

That’s where intention comes in to place. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” is a familiar expression. Those ‘good’ intentions were not based upon one’s own truth. When your intentions are created based upon your ego mind and the emotions that do not serve you, they will lead you on a path paved to things you do not truly desire.

When you base your intentions on the messages from your intuition and the feelings and desires you want in your life, you are bound to find your own bliss and your own joy. You will not find them far off down this road either. But rather when intention creates the action steps based upon your own intuition, manifesting your desires puts the joy and love right in your path now. They are in each and every moment of the journey.

Intention is a powerful co-creator. It allows you to be inspired and see the goodness that indeed is in each step of our lives. By basing your intentions upon your inner truth, you are actively engaging your courage and taking action becomes inspired and in your highest good.

Intuition & Intention: Powerful Manifesting Tools

Understanding your intuition is a guide to manifesting your deepest desires. When you discover how to hear it with greater consistency, understand it with greater clarity and act upon it intentionally and with courage, you are capable of manifesting your deepest desires. Indeed, because your actions are based upon your truth, you will be acting in accordance with your highest goods and deep joy and love will surround your journey.

If you listen and hear what is being offered and act upon that wisdom with intention and courage, then your life will be filled with beauty. Listen.

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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