Life is a series of endings and beginnings. In fact, each moment is a new beginning; and each day, week, month and year we have the chance to engage consciously with the energy of new possibilities and make a fresh start.
I love the sense of potential the New Year brings and always feel recharged by the process of clearing out the old to make way for the new. Having experienced so many major and minor completions and initiations in my life, I appreciate fully the benefits of crafting an inspiring creative vision to act as an energetic blueprint for the next phase.
So here are my suggestions for how to develop your creative vision for 2016:
- Review the Recent Past
Cast your mind back over 2015 and write in your journal about what you’ve learned, realized and accomplished – as a writer and in all areas of your life.
You may have discovered a new technique to write more freely, fully realized once and for all the importance of making time to nurture your creative soul, and finally taken action to make progress with a project you feel passionate about, however small or large that progress may be. It all counts!
- Release What No Longer Serves You
Think about what you feel ‘done’ with and are ready to release. What aspects of your life deplete your energy? What long standing commitments do you no longer need to be bound by?
Releasing old patterns of belief and behavior as part of this process is especially important for creating valuable inner space for fresh inspiration to pour in. Write about specifics on loose leaf paper and responsibly burn it, consciously letting go as you watch the smoke and flames transform old limitations into new possibilities.
- Clear Your External Space
Take this opportunity to clear out old papers, files and folders or any kind of clutter in your external space, especially where you do your creative work.
Shred old notes you kept ‘just in case’ you might need them ‘one day’ and organize material you genuinely do want to keep so you know how to find everything quickly and effortlessly. Repeat the process with your digital space and archive anything that doesn’t relate to your current feelings of interest and importance.
- Craft Your Creative Vision
Now it’s time to replenish the wonderful space you’ve created by making conscious choices about what you do want to welcome more of into your life during 2016. Set aside some time when you won’t be disturbed. Have some plain paper and a pen ready; you’re going to do a mind map.
Step #1: Spend a few minutes with your eyes closed and your attention turned inwards. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. Focus your attention on your breathing to settle your everyday mind into stillness. From here, drop your awareness into the deepest level of your being and expand into your true self.
Step# 2: When you feel ready, turn your paper sideways (landscape) and write in the centre ‘My Creative Vision for 2016’
Step #3: Now write key words that cover the most important areas of your life as branches extending out from the centre.
You could use any of the following possibilities and of course come up with your own ideas as well: spirituality, creativity, physical health, emotional well-being, relationships, work/business, financial, learning and development…
Step #4: Reflect on each area and add words or phrases as sub-branches which identify specifics you’d like to develop during 2016.
For example, you may want to begin or deepen a regular meditation practice as an extension of ‘spirituality’. And assuming that writing is one of your sub-branches of ‘creativity’, you would add the forms you feel drawn to such as ‘blog’, ‘articles’ and ‘book’ as well as the categories of content you’d like to explore.
Allow your ideas to flow onto the page freely and without judgement even if you have no idea how they will manifest. Simply stay connected to the visionary focus and enjoy playing with potential.
Step #5: When the process draws to a natural conclusion, take a break and go for a walk or do any kind of conscious movement that appeals to you. Keep a notebook nearby and remain alert for additional ideas that may arise. Add these to your mind map until it feels finished – for now.
Once you have completed your creative vision, look at it daily for the next 21 days and on the 1st of each month thereafter to remain connected to your intentions. Use this as a guide to plan your actions.
However, remember that life has a way of surprising us so remain open to unexpected developments along the way. Above all, make it a priority to be present to the unfolding dream and enjoy each stage of the journey!
Question for You: What is your reaction to these ideas? What approach works for you when it comes to crafting a creative vision for your next steps? How have you benefitted from similar practices in the past? Share your comments with your fellow Conscious Writers below.
© Julia McCutchen 2016. All Rights Reserved.