If we want to change something in our lives, we can start by setting a conscious intention. An intention sets the tone for the birth of a new dream or reality. The minute you consciously set an intention the energy flows into it. But an intention will not materialize in your life without willingness. So, how willing are you to do what needs to be done to create what you want to create? Sometimes setting an intention can be the beginning of the healing process of a wound, because our wounds usually get in the way of getting what we want or what we want to create in our lives or businesses.
I know, for a fact, that I have healed many inner wounds by setting conscious intentions. I like to think of it as putting a little seed in the womb of our consciousness and then, follow through by having the willingness to take inspired actions to create different results and a new reality. Also, know that we’re constantly creating in life based on intentions, whether we are conscious about them or not – and they’re equally powerful. Our intention directs our attention. If we have clear and conscious intentions, we will have a clear focus and our attention will be directed into what we desire through the creative energy of life.
Here are a six simple steps to activate the Power of Conscious Intention and create a new reality:
- Get clear on what you want to change or create – Beyond all the chatter and noise that takes place in our minds, we have to take a pause to quiet our mind and connect with our center, and from a place of love and abundance, hear the truth of what needs to be changed and why. Then plant the seed in the womb of creation.
- Release and let go – Once you’re clear on what your intention is, let it go. Stop thinking about it, let it run its own process.
- Remain in a state of trust and faith – You may encounter people around you – some of them may be very close to your heart – that might be negative, so your job is to remain in a state of trust and faith, and refuse to be pulled into negativity or doubt. Just be open and allow opportunities to come your way, because our intention directs our attention.
- Let the Universe take care of the How’s – Don’t get involved in the details, the magnificence of the Universe will arrange what needs to be arranged in order for you to see your intention become a reality. Stay connected and open for signs and subtleties. Release the need for controlling how things should work or materialize. Things always work out for our highest good, we just need to be present, open and in-flow. Remember, you planted a seed in the womb of your consciousness, so it will germinate when the time and the conditions are right.
- Be willing to take Inspired Action – as you remain open to see some signs, and opportunities, you then need to take inspired actions that will bring you closer to seeing your intention become a reality. Willingness to take action is Key!
- Celebrate – Acknowledge and honor yourself for following through and celebrate the manifestation of your intention by being grateful in your heart.
A conscious intention needs to be set from a place of awareness, love and surrender – where your ego mind is not running the show. You always have the choice to set conscious intentions to get different results, to heal a wound, to create something new, etc. Awareness and willingness are key to stop setting unconscious intentions that are keeping us stuck and playing small. Knowing that you can un-create unconscious intentions by setting new conscious ones is so freeing, so take your power back and make the choice to live your life by conscious design! I invite you to take a moment and make a list of the things that you would love to change in your life or business, and start setting conscious intentions around them, so you set the foundation to start the New Year open to new possibilities and a new reality. “Our intention creates our reality.” ~Wayne Dyer