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Feel It, Heal It, Release It!

Feel It, Heal It, Release It! by Mal Duane | #AspireMag

How do you react when a cosmic curve ball hits you right between the eyes? Do you cringe, fall to the ground and hope no one is watching. Then do you get up and pretend nothing happened?  Honestly ladies that used to be me. I was afraid to show anyone how I was feeling when I was hurting inside. I got so caught up in an image of being a strong resilient woman that I became afraid to show when I was unhappy or even worse, emotionally wounded.

Screw it, here I am. I am tattered, I have been wounded, disappointed and broken hearted. I am not afraid any longer to share this with you. Sadly most of my life I have been a stuffer. Concealing my true feelings to keep peace, not rock the boat and ultimately the process of dishonoring myself.

Ladies when you have been emotionally wounded you need to allow yourself time to feel the pain that is ripping your heart into pieces. Giving yourself permission to experience fully what you need to is the only real path to healing. I like to think of it as if you are cleaning your house. To do so, you need to know where the dirt is. Well its time to get down and get dirty. Being authentic about how you feel also allows you to express honestly what is needed to give you some closure. When you stuff your feelings, they ultimately resurface and usually with a stronger negative perception than what you experienced originally.

Why do we fear getting in touch with our feelings?

Feelings are caused by emotions and emotions are vibrational reactions to what we are thinking or experiencing. When they feel good we are in alignment with our heart’s desire and when they don’t we are disconnected from our divine source. The good news is you can change your vibration by setting the intention to do so. You have the ability to will yourself into feeling better.

There are several practices you can implement to raise your emotional vibration.

  1. Evaluate the situation that is upsetting you. Does it have the potential to get worse? Most usually do. So be grateful you are where you are at presently and not where it could go. Appreciate that you have not gone to the lowest point that you could imagine.
  2. Why is this happening? Is this a pattern that you need to recognize? In most cases the things that bother us most keep recurring in your life. What could you do to break this pattern? How can you accept responsibility for it? When you do this you own it and it stops controlling you. Now you are in a place of an empowered mindset to take action needed.
  3. Meditating on your free will and the ability to make different choices can unblock the fear that has attached itself to the different energy centers (chakras) of your body. Breath into any tightness or discomfort you feel. For me it is always in my stomach, solar plexus and throat. When I am deeply emotional my throat will constrict and actually change the sound of my voice. Doing deep cleansing breaths loosens the restriction and frees the fear.
  4. Write down your fears and what is most painful today. Put it all on paper, let your heart pour out all that it feels. Keep writing until there is nothing more to say about what you are experiencing. You have emptied your heart and soul in your writing. No need to go back and read it. This is a cleansing. You can tear it up and if you like discard it because you no longer internalizing it.

Remember you are far more powerful and resilient that you can imagine. However, emotional pain is very real and attacks the body like any other illness. If you don’t take measures to feel it and heal it, you can’t release it.

Dear ones you were put on this earth to experience joy, to fulfill a divine purpose and share your amazing gifts with others. You have all the tools you need to do this and more. Sometimes you just need a new set of instructions.

A golden nugget from the amazing Dr. Christiane Northrup:

“Feeling is healing. Your emotions are powerful messengers, and you’ll find that listening to them, rather than suppressing them, will have a more powerful impact on your life than any single potion, pill, or herb.”

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About the author 

Mal Duane

Mal Duane is a certified Spiritual, Professional, and Life Coach. She is also a certified Law of Attraction Practitioner and has been recognized as a leading expert on self-worth.

She is the bestselling author of Broken Open: Embracing Heartache & Betrayal as Gateways to Unconditional Love and the award-winning, #1-best-selling author of Alpha Chick: Five Steps for Moving from Pain to Power, as well as a contributing author to the international best-selling Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness.

She has been featured on Fox News, Huffington Post,, Middlesex News, Aspire Magazine and Healthy Living. She has been interviewed over 250 times on CBS Radio, Blogtalk Radio, and other media platforms on the power of choice and personal transformation for women.

Having triumphed over devastating life challenges— including the implosion of her marriage—Mal uses the lessons she has learned to coach other women and help them to reclaim their self-worth. Her life experiences of betrayal, failed relationships, depression, and recovering from alcoholism as a young woman, have provided her with extensive hands-on, in-the-trenches experience for taking hold of life and bringing forward the potential that lies buried beneath our scars and hurts.

Visit her blog at

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