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3 Step Procrastinator’s Challenge to Help You Move Forward

3 Step Procrastinator’s Challenge to Help You Move Forward by Adrienne Fikes | #AspireMag

Side note to start: That title made me laugh when I wrote it because depending on how I read it, I am a procrastinator challenging you OR I am challenging you, a procrastinator.

Either way you interpret it, that title is probably right.

Yeah, I said it. Own it. It is a waste of good energy to deny it. It is actually quite liberating to acknowledge who you authentically are. No judgment here. The good news is being a procrastinator is not always a problem or even a negative thing. Some things are okay being delayed for bigger priorities. No harm, no foul.

My challenges of being a procrastinator show up when I delay taking action on something that I need to take action on now or yesterday, or last month (hey, no judgment right?). It happens to the best of us. So today, for a quick motivational moment, I am challenging you to take a small step toward dealing with your natural tendency to procrastinate. Just a small step. Nothing major. Less thinking and a bit more moving. Are you up for it? Awesome sauce!

Now in order to do this, you will need 5, 10 or 15 minutes – your choice. If you have time, I highly recommend 15 minutes; however, select the time frame that allows you to do this right now. The trick is not to think about what else you have to do right now or what you will need to be doing soon. Stay with me in this present moment please. Chances are if you do not take this challenge now…well, let’s not go there. We already know how we are. Ready? Cool beans.

1. Identify Something Needing Attention That You Have Been Avoiding

If I may suggest selecting that one particular thing on your list of things to do. Yes, I know all about your Big List of “UnDones”—those things you had real good intentions to do, but were not particularly excited about doing, or seemed a bit overwhelming at the time, and one day, real soon, in the near future, when you get a chance, you will get around to doing them. Yeah, that list. Chances are there is one particular thing on that list that when you read it, or think about it, your stomach does a miniature flip. You want that item for this challenge. Got it? Sweet!

2. Break It Down Into Smaller Steps

Now, take just a moment to list out the steps of completing this task. Make sure they are small baby steps like find the phone number, make the phone call, or schedule a specific time to call this evening. Got it? I am so glad you are still with me. Now we are not going to get side tracked thinking about how long this has been on the list of undones, or verbally kicking ourselves for not having it done by now. All of that is in the past. Stay in the present moment. This is kinda fun isn’t it? Okay, now depending on how much time you have given yourself, estimate how many of those steps you can accomplish before your time is up. Make it interesting but doable. Alright, now the fun begins.

3. Time Yourself to See How Much You Can Accomplish

Based on the specific time you have given yourself, start a timer and get to work. What’s that, you do not have a timer. Boom! Now you have a timer. Uh, hello! I said start the timer. No more thinking, it is time for action. Yes, right now! Go!


So how did you do? *High Fives* Are you proud of yourself? I hope so. Are you saying great things about what you accomplished? I hope so. Did you learn something cool about turning your brain down and moving your feet? Ha! I knew you would! Are you motivated? How cool is that right?! Will you take this challenge again today or tomorrow with something else on the List of Undones? If the answer is yes, may I suggest you actually take a moment now to schedule time on the calendar so that this challenge does not end up on your List of Undones.

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About the author 

Adrienne Fikes

Adrienne Fikes, the Soul Power Coach™ helps control freaks, procrastinators, and friendly neighborhood superheroes stop feeling isolated, frustrated, and overwhelmed from having too many responsibilities.

Working with Soul Power Coach™ means having the freedom, peace of mind, and courage to be exactly who you are and do what brings you Unspeakable JOY. Clients get the exact steps they need to access their own Soul Power and make better decisions on purpose.

Take the 30 Second Soul Power Challenge™, schedule a Taste of Soul Power Conversation, and grab the whole pile of free strategies, Tuesday Challenges, and audio downloads at www.SoulPowerCoach.Com

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