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How To Let Joy Be Your Guide To A Life You Love

How To Let Joy Be Your Guide To A Life You Love by Tina van Leuven | #AspireMag

What would make 2015 an amazing year for you?Are there any dreams you’ve been longing to manifest? If so, then let’s go on a little journey together to discover how joy can be your guide to creating a life you love.

As with any journey, there are some preparations to optimize your experience.

I invite you to set aside some time to review what to leave behind and what’s coming with you as you’re about to step into a brand new year. 

Imagine getting ready to go on a trip and choosing what to pack and what to leave at home so as to avoid those hefty excess baggage fees. Be sure to take your courage and passion with you and send your doubt gremlins on a retreat. 

The next 2014 Solstice falls on December 21st and happens to be followed by a new moon on the 22nd. Perfect timing to:

reflect on your accomplishments to date.
– let go of what is no longer supporting you as you’re becoming more of who you are. 
– get clear on which dreams you’d like to manifest by giving yourself permission to create a life you truly love. 

What would be the most outrageous thing that could happen to achieve your goals and intentions?

One of my favorite rituals at times of transition, such as leaving one year behind and stepping into a new one, is to make a list of everything I’d like to celebrate which led me to this moment. I keep writing until I have a list of at least 100 things. This is such a powerful way to acknowledge yourself for how far you’ve come and to celebrate the amazingness that is YOU. 

From this place of gratitude I then write my intentions for the year ahead, really tapping into the desired feeling state and asking the divine to optimise my requests. At new moon time I place this list under my pillow and sleep on it. It feels magical when looking at those lists several months or even years later and seeing what has unfolded, often in surprising ways. 

It occurred to me the other day that it helps when you’re clear on what influences your decision to say yes or no to something. Would you agree to do something, go somewhere or say yes to someone out of obligation? If you’ve ever said yes when you wanted to say no, or vice versa, then what’s really going on here? Even though most people will say they want to live a life they love, why do so many find themselves in jobs, relationships or living conditions that are zapping their energy and joy?

I wonder what would happen if tomorrow morning everyone on the planet woke up and decided they would let joy be their guide in all aspects of life… What might that look like?

No more conforming to expectations which others and society placed on you. No more working for the weekend, vacation or retirement so you can finally do what you love. No, thank you ma’am! Ditch the waiting and being manipulated into doing things that drain your life-force out of fear that otherwise you might not survive, belong, be loved or liked. No more seeking approval or being afraid of rejection.

Instead, fully expressing and contributing the gifts and talents that make you unique. Living in alignment with what truly matters to you and waking up excited that you have another day to shine your light. Knowing that who you are makes a difference. Daring to stand out from the crowd.
Blazing your own trail. Trusting your inner guidance. Creating a life you love. Tuned into your own joy channel.

Doesn’t that sound inviting?

Joy is a state of being. The way it expresses through and as you is unique to each of us. It invites you to get in touch with what truly matters to you, what feels inspiring to you and what uplifts you.
Being tuned into your own joy channel will guide you through challenging times with grace. It’s like being in the eye of the storm. Whatever situation you find yourself in, it won’t diminish your joy even if what you’re experiencing isn’t exactly fun.

Some people have associated being joyful with having to be happy 24/7 and others will think it requires you being bubbly. Could you allow yourself to let go of everyone else’s definitions of what joy is and is not? Instead allow yourself to feel how you experience joy in each moment and let that guide you to people, places and opportunities that are resonant with who you are. 

When you receive an invitation, check in with yourself before you say yes or no. What felt joyful to you yesterday may not necessarily feel the same today. Joy invites you to be present in the moment. Perhaps that’s why this may feel like a bit of a learning curve as you have to trust yourself. Will you give yourself permission to use your ability to discern what you are available for and to express yourself authentically, despite the fear of consequences if your choice upsets others?

It takes courage to claim your dreams and follow through on the required action steps along the way. Your very own joy sprinkle trail is beckoning you. Will you let joy be your guide to a life you love?

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About the author 

Tina van Leuven

Tina is the Joy Oracle at InnerDelight and author of Money and Miracles - 40 Days to the perfect relationship between who you are and what you make. She coaches other passionate entrepreneurs how to prioritize themselves in their business and personal life so they easily create a steady stream of income and experience lasting fulfillment while doing what they love without burning out. You can find out more at

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