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“When Sh*t Hits the Fan” – Goddess Guidelines

"When Sh*t Hits the Fan" - Goddess Guidelines by Marina Shapiro Elbert | #AspireMag

Making amends with yourself as a Spiritual Being, having a Human experience is one of the hardest lessons we go through in life.As difficult situations are presented to us and we are encouraged to embrace our Spiritual Growth, it can be quiet challenging on a physical human level to comprehend and understand how to get through it all without an extensive emotional and physical damage.

While there is a lot of information out there for those on Spiritual path and the internet is bombarding us everyday with spiritual guidelines full of big words and fluffy feelings: “Follow your heart”, “Accept yourself”, “Love yourself”, “Let go of the past” and so on, which are a great encouragement and a reminder of where our focus should lie during difficult times. But how do you REALLY do it? How do you, a wonderful being of Love and Light, an amazing woman and an awesome Goddess, wake up in the morning and get through the day, when sh*t hit the fan and you see no light out of it? How do you stay connected to Your truth and Your Inner Light, when all you want to do is crawl into the darkest corner in the house? How do Goddesses deal with Sh*t, when it gets real? 

First of all, when sh*t happens and you find yourself in an emotionally difficult situation, which is seriously questioning your sanity, your self-worth and shakes your whole being to the core, one of the most important things to remember is that – nothing is personal! Whatever it feels like the other person did to You, whatever agenda the situation carries – it’s never about You! Whatever choices the other person has made that hurt you deep inside and crushed your world – it is not about You! 

Once you get over the shock and the anger, there is no reason going over and over the situation, wondering what you could’ve done differently, because once again – it’s not about You! You’re not responsible for another’s choices, so no reason to feed the situation by chewing it over and over. The best you can do for yourself at that moment is do everything possible to withdraw your energy and efforts from it, entertaining your mind and your ego with something far more positive. 

For example, writing down positive affirmations and using them everyday to remind you of the Love and Divinity that you carry can make a huge difference and shift your energy significantly. It might sound ridiculous at first, but you can look at it as something to keep your mind busy for awhile, instead of playing the broken record of “how did this happen” and “why me”. Every time a destructive thought comes up, replace it with a positive affirmation, reinforcing your self-worth, your confidence and your Inner light. It requires an effort on your part, but the results are more than rewarding. 

Secondly, in any given situation you are never alone! There is always help available as in physical form (whether it’s your family or close friends) so in Spirit world (your angels and Spirit guides are always there with you and for you, whether you believe/know it or not). Asking for help is the first step on your way out of the situation and towards healing! Saying a prayer, sitting in a quiet meditation or taking a walk are the most powerful ways to get back to your sense of Self and getting in touch with your Inner Truth. 

Thirdly, reminding yourself that in any given situation the most important person is You and staying committed to your happiness and well-being is a MUST. Focus on what makes You happy, on what brings You joy and do everything in your ability to surround yourself with people you love, with things that make you happy, doing activities that make you feel GOOD! Allow yourself to be nurtured and loved by all those who are there for you and make the “taking care of yourself” a priority! By making a choice to make your progress and healing process a priority above all, you make a step towards yourself and out of the situation. This requires self-discipline and a strong desire to stay positive every step of your way. Every time you find your mind slipping back into the pattern of a broken record, make an effort to replace the negative thought with a positive one. Sounds easy and yet, it is extremely hard to do when you feel all the negative emotions stirring up inside with that one familiar negative thought. Once again, make it your priority to affirm to yourself time after time, until your mind catches up and you feel the positive energy filling your whole being. You can also visualize yourself and the whole situation being surrounded in a white luminous light and see how it makes you feel, sense how your energy and your feelings suddenly shift into a more peaceful and loving state. Even if nothing happens the first time you try, make a deal with yourself to try it again until there is an internal shift. 

Allowing yourself to heal is a MUST! As long as it takes, whatever it takes – make a choice not to fix yourself and the problem, but to HEAL on the mental, emotional and physical levels. Yes, you hear many inspirational speakers saying to you that you are perfect just the way you are ( and you ARE!), that there is nothing to fix, because you are not broken, and there is nothing to heal, because you are Divine. Yes, you are Divine and perfect in many ways on Spiritual level, and yet, when encountering a difficult situation in life as a HUMAN, you endure an enormous amount of pain and if you do not allow your emotional and mental bodies to heal, you end up with a hot mess of a physical problem. Our physical problems have little to do with our physical lifestyles, but they have everything to do with us not taking the time to sort out our emotions and make a choice to change and to heal!

Starting slowly by removing yourself from the negativity of the situation and surrounding yourself with everything and everyone you love, doing activities that you love, reading books that make you feel good and creating a strong support system whether in a physical or in Spirit worlds. Help is always here for you, all you need to do is ask and reach out to receive the immense Love that the Universe has for you, whether sending angels your way or literally guiding you to people who will help you heal and move forward with your life. 

Starting each and every day with a simple question : “What will make me happy today?” and listening to your heart guiding you gently to a healthier and happier You!! 

And last, but not least – remembering to find humor and laugh it off in any situation is the best medicine yet. After all, what’s important in any life lesson we learn – is how easily we are able to laugh it off, how quickly we brush the sh*t off and walk forward with dignity and Grace, so we can get back to our Goddess Divinity and help others to do the same! 

Love and Blessings to all!

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About the author 

Marina Shapiro Elbert

Marina is an intuitive artist and a healer, a certified Spiritual Counselor, whose vision and healing gifts can help you reconnect with your soul colors, your inner beauty and life purpose.Her healing ability through art and accurate guidance are a gift to those, who seek to connect to their true nature, rediscovering their incredible beauty, strength and power to transform their life. Learn more at and join her on Facebook

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