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Inspired by Nature: An Adventure into Animal Consciousness!

Inspired by Nature: An Adventure into Animal Consciousness! by Alexa Linton | #AspireMaga

Perhaps it’s the fact that I’m a lifelong animal lover and therefore surrounded by more than my fair share of other animal lovers, but have you noticed the growing abundance of animals becoming an integral and essential part of families everywhere? In fact, in some cases, like my own, animals become the children, the babysitter, the best friend and even the faithful confidant. We look to them for unconditional love, a safe space to cry, a constant and doting fan club and a companion on an ever-unfolding adventure.

Throughout my life and now, my career, I’ve found myself exploring why it is that animals can bring light to the darkest of days, how they magically lift us up when all seems lost and what is actually happening behind the scenes! What I’ve realized is that there is a whole lot more going on then we may realize and that each of our animals has a unique gift and much to share if we choose to listen. In my lifetime and particularly during the last decade, with the help of both human and animal teachers, I’ve had the unique opportunity to dive deeply into the study of animal consciousness and what I’ve discovered is, for lack of a better word, incredible.

The thought that rises to the surface more so than any other with this new understanding is, wow, we sure are lucky to spend our time with these amazing beings! My current understanding of animals consciousness only encompasses what I would consider to be the very tip of the iceberg and I enjoy each moment I get to spend seeing the truth more clearly. It would appear that along with the basic personality and instincts of each animal, which differs for each species, is something far deeper, particularly in the instance of our furry family members. Being so intimately connected with their human beings and our way of being in the world, domesticated animals appear to experience in their own way, all the states of human consciousness. More specifically, they have the capacity to hold and reflect back to us, whether we like it or now, our consciousness as a human being, effectively moving us towards a more harmonious and balanced existence.

From experience, each species is a different mirror to experience ourselves. Let’s look at dogs and the type of mirror they provide. Dogs, in their essence and as pack animals, would like to carry all of our burdens, so that their pack and in particular their pack leader, you or a member of your family, can be happy and healthy. They want to fulfill our needs, whether a basic physical  need such as pain or stress reduction, or an emotional need that you may not even know you have, such as releasing a deeply engrained emotional pattern. When you dog is displaying dis-ease or imbalance it can be a good indication that someone in your “pack”is not feeling well. In fact, digestive discomfort, arthritis and allergies can all be indicators of stuck energy manifesting in the physical body. Incredibly, once the pack member recognizing the pattern, pain or issue in themselves, the dog no longer needs to hold it and can return to wellness. Incorporating canine massage, energy work such as BodyTalk or flower essences can also be powerful in shifting any unreleased stagnation or tracking down the primary issue.

Cats provide, as you may have wondered, a completely different kind of mirror. More subtle and discreet, although capable of employing more dramatic measure if necessary, cats are master energy workers, moving and transmuting impressive amount of energy, emotion and patterns no longer serving them in us and by relation, them. A cat purr, a topic of extensive study in recent years, produces a specific frequency designed to balance and heal. In fact, if you watch your cat closely, they will give you hints on where you’re requiring some balancing. Typically, they will lie directly on the area which they feel requires the most attention. After working on hundreds of cats, it became obvious that they are much better at maintaining their own balance then dogs, not as prone to taking on “baggage.”However, spinal alignment is a top priority for moving large quantities of energy, and you will find out first hand if they are out of alignment. A cat with a spinal imbalance or stagnant meridian can be very grumpy!

Now onto horses! Horses are a mirror unto themselves. Like cats, horses hold onto baggage ono when it is something their person or people needs to learn from. And like dogs, their relationship with their community is a top priority, although horses, as prey animals, will exclude an “unsafe” owner from their herd if deemed necessary for safety. An unsafe person may include someone who is not able to create clear and healthy boundaries and step into a place of leadership or someone who is prone to strong emotional reactions or outbursts. There is no doubt that horses are one of the most clear and powerful reflections, a quality that is giving rise to hundreds of equine facilitated learning facilities worldwide. My horse Diva, for example, can sense my entire state of being before I walk out of my door in the morning. There is no lying to a horse! Her instincts as a prey animal are unbelievably sharp and her ability to read subtle energies is masterful. In fact, any unacknowledged emotion, conflict or pain will be immediately reflected back whether I like it or not. It is an incredibly humbling and powerful experience! As an Equine Sport Therapist, I’ve seen firsthand how well horses respond to structural work, from massage to energy work to chiropractic’s, easily releasing stagnant energy and moving back into balance.

So how can we show our gratitude for all the gifts and teachings our animals give us? Gratitude pure and simple is an excellent first step, along with acknowledging them for their powerful and subtle teachings and listening as deeply as possible to the messages they are giving us. It is also essential to be sure that their instinctual, base needs of feeling safe and supported are met. This varies from animal to animal, but typically includes healthy boundaries and leadership, nourishing food, touch and connection, movement and community. When we can acknowledge that our animals have both their consciousness as an animal as well as a higher consciousness, we can ensure that all their needs are being met. As an animal lover, understanding that each of these parts is vital and indispensable is a powerful step towards healthier and happier furry family members. What are your animals reflecting to you today?

Aren’t animals just so cool?

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About the author 

Alexa Linton

A modern day cowgirl with a mission, Alexa Linton is known for lighting up her world with her infectious personality, bold coaching style and her secret sauce, the BodyTalk System. When these forces combine, perceptions transform and lives change in the most fabulous ways. With over a decade working with horses as an Equine Sport Therapist as well as thousands of pets and people, Alexa has developed a style all her own. A fire-starter by nature, Alexa loves seeing people light up from within and their lives change miraculously as a result. It is her big mission to help woman live a life they love. Learn more at

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  • Chara Armon says:

    Alexa, this is beautiful. It’s such an important topic! So many of us know we love the animals in our lives, but we don’t really understand how they ‘work,’ how connected they are to us. Your statements about how dogs can sometimes ‘carry’ their family members’ burdens via health problems are really striking. I hope more and more people will step into the adventure of really exploring how complex and gifted animals are. You seem to be providing great leadership here.

  • I’m not an “animal person” (having had pretty bad allergies all my life), but I am still fascinated by animals in our lives and how they can be mirrors. Love this.

  • Veronica Paris says:

    Beautiful how you explain each animal and how they offer love…thank you!

  • Sheila Callaham says:

    Wow! I never thought about how my dogs might be taking on feelings and illnesses of our family!

    “When you dog is displaying dis-ease or imbalance it can be a good indication that someone in your “pack”is not feeling well…”

    That one line has just shifted my perspective and I’m going to have to sit with that for a while. Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Peggy Nolan says:

    Alexa – as a lifelong lover of animals, I whole-heartedly agree. I grew up on a horse farm and let me tell you – until I learned how to set healthy boundaries with our horses, I was pretty much ignored…except at feeding time. Then I was every horse’s best friend. We had this one horse, Belle, who was the boss of the outside mare herd. She was an American Standardbred, massive in size, with the broadest most comfortable back. She allowed me to hop on her back, no bridle, just me, her, and the open pasture. I could literally lay down on her back with my head resting on her rump, and she’d just walk wherever and we’d “talk.” Oh my gosh…I could go on and on about Belle. And don’t get me started on my dogs. I’ll start crying (in a good way)


  • Brandy Schuster says:

    Yes I picked this up from my three black cats! They lay right where I am having discomfort and purr away. I have even sent unspoken messages to them with which they have responded. I am trying to develop my sensitivity to energies and try to notice the energy of different animals. It is a fun way to discover more about the world. Thank you it was a pleasure reading this article!

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