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Consciously Create Your Life: Exploring the Divine Feminine Archetype of the Priestess

Consciously Create Your Life: Exploring the Divine Feminine Archetype of the Priestess by Lisa Michaels | #AspireMag

Are you ready to consciously create your life and manifest what you really want? Then it’s likely you’re ready to explore the divine feminine archetype of the Priestess.

Suppressed for thousands of years, the archetype of the Priestess is reawakening in modern times as women open the door to forgotten sources of empowerment. When women honor and access sacred, natural paths to wisdom and action, they connect with ways to develop physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and energetically. The result is the ability to actively create their lives and manifest consciously.

Here are three ways awakening women can access the Priestess within.

1. Initiate a Relationship with Creation in Nature

The natural, elemental forces of Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Spirit function in feminine consciousness whether we are aware of those interactions or not. Cultivation of a personal relationship with each of these forces in the present awakens each woman’s ability to work in the archetypal realm. This activation, in turn, makes it possible to rediscover our inner selves and remember who we really are.

Clearing old energies in each of these realms makes it possible to release those things in our lives which no longer serve our highest and best outcomes. When we initiate a relationship with creation in nature, we’re creating a personal environment which allows us to become all of who we’re meant to be – personally and professionally.

2. Express the Sacred Roles of the Priestess in the Real World

As an archetype of feminine spirituality which transcends the limits of any one religion, the Priestess offers access to certain sacred roles which express a direct connection to the Divine within every woman. These roles include:

  • Bringing the Sacred Into Form through Acts of Creation
  • Offering Counsel and Support to Others in Times of Need
  • Honoring the Cycles and Seasons of Nature and Life
  • Creating Time and Space to Honor Life Passages and Change
  • Reclaiming the Divine Feminine Right to Positive Financial Flow

These roles are expressed through the Priestess’s real work in the real world, performed with direct guidance from the spiritual realm. As Spirit flows through the Priestess, she is able to hear the voice of feminine spirituality emanating from her true essence.

3. Answer the Pull Inward to Find an Inner Well of Wisdom

The voice of feminine spirituality often shows up during times of change when women feel called to deepen their soul experience. Initiated by job loss, divorce, financial difficulty, health concerns, grief, or general malcontent, the pull inward is unmistakable.

The symptoms of a lost connection to this inner voice belonging to the domain of the Priestess archetype are also unmistakable; anxiety, worry, and distress create an unsettled feeling about life. Then, the endless “doing” addiction or “busy” work becomes an excuse to maintain the status quo, which is meaningless and passionless. The endless focus on outer world tasks, without the balance of tending the inner landscape, drains life force energy and creation ability. The Priestess path to the inner well of wisdom needs to be restored.

Answering the pull inward and awakening to the Priestess archetype requires a willingness to let go of the outer world trappings which do not support the soul-deepening call. At first, an awakening to one’s inner life can feel like a loss of control. Then, the pace slows, allowing compassion to unfold. And we learn to treat ourselves more kindly. As we do so, our inner Priestess guides us on the journey to our wisdom within. We enter the chambers of our own hearts where we find the space and time to receive the insights, guidance, and Divine Grace for which we yearn.

If you feel ready to consciously create your life, and feel called to explore the divine feminine archetype of the Priestess, consider taking the first step toward accessing the tools you need.

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About the author 

Lisa Michaels

Lisa Michaels, author of Nature’s Creation Alchemy, LunaSol, and the Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle, inspires heart-centered women to unlock their feminine prosperity potential. You can align with your inner Creation Team through her program Your Life Purpose Prosperity Blueprint or Prosperity Power sessions. Download Lisa’s complementary resource to dive deeper into your archetypes, UNLEASH: Your Inner Feminine Prosperity Power. 

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