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Find Your Life Purpose: Four Ways to Discover Your Unique Career or Business Path

Find Your Life Purpose: Four Ways to Discover Your Unique Career or Business Path by Lisa Michaels | #AspireMag

Do you feel off track with your life purpose? Then you’re probably looking to the outside world to define the goal-centered roles you play in life. Instead, consider living your life’s purpose as a soul-filled creative process in order to take your career to the next level.

Finding the Right Career Path

Many women recognize their life purpose as reflected in their career choices. Too often, though, career success engenders stress, confusion, and personal struggle. Even though previous career choices have seemed right and a great fit, there’s that nagging feeling that something’s still missing.

Instead of thinking of your life purpose as only related to your job, work or career, recognize there are multiple ways it can be expressed through your business and life.

Living your life purpose is an ongoing act of creation. And your real job in life is to express it fully.

Four primary ways to discover your life purpose are:

  • Learn to recognize the creative urges you experience
  • Uncover the elemental archetypes that make up your inner creation team
  • Discover and connect with your unique inner gifts
  • Allow the alchemical process to reveal your true creation essence

Once you understand your life purpose, a wide variety of career and business paths open so that you can express it outwardly in the many ways you choose.

Meet Your Inner Creation Team

To understand your prosperity motivations in your career or business, consider getting in touch with your inner creation team, which functions as your “board of directors.” Consider the sun sign of your birth. Each sun sign calls into account certain types of life experiences which may have deep personal significance to you in terms of the expression of your life’s purpose. Each sun sign also aligns with one of the four elemental forces of creation: Earth, Water, Air, or Fire. The combination of these creation archetypes helps align decision-making and action as you increase your self-sufficiency in the world.

Elemental Prosperity Motivators

Your life purpose and vocational choices suggest opportunities for increased personal prosperity. For example, Earth asks us to build solid, sustainable, and stable resources; Water reminds us to be relational and fluid; Air stimulates our minds with creative and innovative ideas; and Fire moves us to action as we follow our passion. Your personal overall elemental makeup will impact how you work to create increased prosperity and abundance in your life.

The Art of “CookingYour Life’s Purpose

Think of your life’s purpose unfolding as if it’s a pot of delicious soup. Most of us love the experience of slow cooking raw ingredients to transform into the alchemy of a delicious, nurturing soup. Similarly, the process of time will enhance your ability to bring forth your unique life purpose gifts and express them in the world in terms of your vocation or calling.

The alchemical process of “cooking” your life’s purpose offers the time needed to look inward and consider the treasure within the chamber of the heart. Your life purpose evolves from these raw ingredients. In turn, time allows the ingredients to meld and transform. Finally, you will come to understand how to anchor that purpose through your actions in the world. The clear, nurturance of knowing your life’s purpose will clear the way to increase personal prosperity in the work aspects of your life.

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About the author 

Lisa Michaels

Lisa Michaels, author of Nature’s Creation Alchemy, LunaSol, and the Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle, inspires heart-centered women to unlock their feminine prosperity potential. You can align with your inner Creation Team through her program Your Life Purpose Prosperity Blueprint or Prosperity Power sessions. Download Lisa’s complementary resource to dive deeper into your archetypes, UNLEASH: Your Inner Feminine Prosperity Power. 

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