Intuition is a survival tool.I invite you to let go of the warm, fuzzy, New Age, hippie idea of what you may have thought it was in the past, and to consider a broader, more grounded and practical approach to what it really is and how you might use it in your life. Intuition is not an ethereal, magical skill. It is an intelligence.
I have come to call this intelligence “First Intelligence” because it develops long before we possess the ability to reason or learn anything the external world has to teach us, and it is in operation before we even know that we can know. It is the intelligence of life. Intuition is specific and precisely tuned to each one of us as individuals, and it guides each of us to our highest potential.
Intuition does not rely on previous knowledge; it does not find its information in studies, research, analysis, graphs, or statistics. True intuition (which is not the same thing as instinct) seeks the routes, solutions, and innovations that align with the potential of our evolution and guides us beyond the tired, worn, unproductive patterns of our past.
Intuition works hand in hand with imagination, innovation, inspiration, and intent, gently leading us to see from a different perspective all the things that we experience. Whether this means a crisis in our health or a relationship, a fork in a career or life path, or an opportunity to create success and great abundance, our intuition is ready to guide us to the attitudes, actions, and alliances that will make the most of each of those situations. All the while, it ensures that we maintain our highest level of survival and most powerful evolutionary potential.
Held within every cell of our body and guided by an innate desire to thrive, intuition is a multifaceted and multidimensional guidance system. It uses not one particular sense, one particular part of the body, or one level of the mind to cultivate its outcomes but rather the entire structure of the human being — mind, body, and spirit — to provide direction and inspiration.
In order to fathom the power of our intuition, we must understand that it is a completely normal human function that works both within and outside our physical body. It uses all our energetic and biological equipment in the exact same way that every other biological function does, to support our survival and provide us with the best outcomes for life.
Many people connect with that inner voice of wisdom for the first time, only to run from it afterward, never to return, convinced that what they were doing was dangerous or abnormal. Others seek medical or psychiatric assistance, certain they are mentally ill, and are prescribed drugs to quiet that inner voice and lock the door of that intelligence. The initial surprise when First Intelligence reveals itself often blocks a person’s desire to continue to engage in the intuitive relationship.
There is a solid middle ground between science and spirit, between the visible and the invisible, and the finite and the infinite, and it holds answers to questions about both sides of the discussion. Intuition falls evenly and elegantly onto both sides and, as a result, proves that it can serve both the material and the spiritual aspects of who we are as human beings.
As I noted earlier, first intelligence is a normal human function. There are many attributes and levels of communication — chemical, emotional, physical, and energetic — and they are all happening at the same time. These functions of intelligence are not supernatural. They are natural. They are not paranormal. They are normal. We simply need to remember how to use them.
Evolving into the Intuition Age
We are exposed to more types of media and more information than any generation before us. According to a study done at the University of Southern California, the average person processes the equivalent of 174 newspapers’ worth of data per day. Add to that the rise in email and social media, and the twenty-four-hour news cycle, and we are being inundated with over five times the amount of data people were receiving less than twenty years ago.1 Today when we have a question about anything, from money and health to relationships, success, and family, we can, with the click of a button, find countless pages and innumerable voices full of information on it. But this overload of information can shift us into analysis paralysis and downgrade our intelligence by amplifying our worry and anxiety.
So how do we survive this tsunami of data to discover if any of it is based even slightly in real intelligence? How do we learn how much of it is true and how it applies to us, or whether any of it serves our best interests?
In order to survive the acceleration in external technology, we are going to have to accelerate the development of our internal technology. The good news is that it is already happening. We already possess the technology we need, and the power of life is already guiding us in how to use it. It’s up to us to learn to listen to this guidance and follow the directions.
Excerpted from the book First Intelligence ©2014 by Simone Wright. Printed with permission of New World Library, Novato, CA.