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An Invitation to Fearless Living

An Invitation to Fearless Living by Wendy Van de Poll | #AspireMag

Are you yearning for a way to live your life differently? Perhaps you are feeling unfulfilled at some level and would like more adventure and less fear? Have you considered bringing more of the explorer spirit of curiosity into your daily life?

Taking an adventure of fearless living can be done! I know this to be true because there was finally a point in my life where I was just feeling stuck, bored, unfulfilled and quite frankly feeling like I was going to scream with desperation.

Then it happened for me. That feeling of loosing touch with my curiosity, courage and boldness was all it took to finally say to myself, “Wendy! Set your course for fearless living!”

Now here is the thing…many of you are probably thinking you may have to take a trip around the world to someplace you never been before in order to accomplish courage. Or maybe you are feeling like you have to jump out of an airplane to become fearless. The great news is you don’t have to create an exotic adventure with tons of drama to become connected with your inner courage and boldness.

Do you know why? Because it is really all about your own personal mindset that keeps you from living life with courage. Fearless living is purely an attitude and it comes from your self-designed wisdom.

That is great news isn’t it? Think of fearless living as a relationship that you have with your mindset and that the unknown is not something to be feared. Instead, it is a place of endless opportunity for you! It is the resolution that feeling alive is more important than just about anything else. It is the overriding desire to reach and accomplish your goals of happy adventures so that you can look back on them and feel good about yourself.

Fearless living is entirely relative to what you are used to and who you are. For you, signing up for salsa lessons might be a major leap into the unknown, and really rewarding as a result because of the courage it took to take that leap. Or you might be that person who is a regular skydiver, and find that easy, but a more exciting challenge might be talking to a stranger. Or you might be that person who finds it easy to be the life of the party but have an inability to hold down a job, so you could look for ways to act differently in that area.

The key is to make a list of what is different and ever so slightly scary for you. Then think about what you could do with those adventures on your list. Then figure out how your actions of change would create the most fulfilling adventure for you. This is a creative way to reach a place of fearless living that you designed for yourself.

The other experiences to look at are all those magical moments that you have when you feel the most alive.

Here is the thing…Not all moments are created equal. When you have an experience which makes you feel alive it is worth so much more than those periods of time when you are immersed in your fear and letting it rule your soul and spirit.

You and I know that instinctively…Right?  When you look back at all the moments in your life that have meant something, that make you smile to remember, you do not think of the thousands of times you brushed your teeth. You think of the peak experiences. The ones that made you feel joy, passion and excitement.

I call those adventures in fearless living. And the trick to a fulfilling life is having more of them.

So you may be asking me right now…But, why are so many of us unfulfilled in the first place?

Since we all want to feel happy and magical, why are so many of us stuck in a rut of fear? The answer is because of our two basic human tendencies: (1) the tendency to develop routines, and (2) the tendency to avoid the unknown. By recognizing these, we gain control over them. The human drive that stops us from feeling alive is our own mind.

The ability to form routines is definitely a vital and necessary behavior because it does free up our resources to do other things. It is incredibly efficient to form a pattern for brushing our teeth so that we do not need to waste mental energy figuring it out every day. The same with tying our shoelaces and a thousand other things we do every day. If we did not have routines, we would not be able to function in the world.

So many of your routines are not really the problem; the problem is when we let too much of our lives become routine. The drive to reduce everything to a routine will make every day identical and boring if we let it. And then guess what happens?….fear has a way of settling in.

The other human tendency is our uncanny avoidance of the unknown. As people we tend to stick to what is familiar. Yes…this approach is undoubtedly a safer way to go. However, many of us have designed for ourselves a wariness of things and activities that are different from what we are used to.

Yet right now… think of the times when you felt most alive, they were never part of a routine, and they always involved some degree of the unknown. Your marriage day, the dream holiday, and the birth of a child – all involved something new happening, a break from your usual routines.

Right now! I invite you to try taking your leap of curiosity, courage and boldness for one day. Pick tomorrow as an invitation from me to fearless living!

Approach everything tomorrow with the mindset that you DO have a Fearless Life! Every chance you have does something in a different way! Take a breath and keep looking for opportunities for adventure all throughout your day. Challenge yourself to take a leap into the unknown.

No need to take an enormous terrifying leap into the unknown, but let yourself experience lots of little steps. Wake up with the intention to make tomorrow memorable, and find ways to do it all day long until you are lying in bed that night smiling to yourself.

The more you do this the easier it becomes and much more fulfilling than the forgettable day it might have been.

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About the author 

Wendy Van de Poll

Wendy Van de Poll is sought after Animal Communicator Expert and Intuitive Life Path Coach dedicated to empowering women in discovering their Sacred Soul Promises and learning to trust their intuition. Using her intuitive coaching process, and with Sacred Soul Promises as a starting point, Wendy brings in the energy and messages of your animals (past and present) to empower and support you in knowing yourself on a deeper, more intimate level. She is the creator of The Sacred Soul Promise Method™ and The MarleyBee Foundation™. Wendy holds a Master’s of Science degree in Wolf Ecology and Behavior and has run with wild wolves in Minnesota, coyotes in Massachusetts and foxes in her backyard. In the recent past, Wendy was the past host of the syndicated radio show “Beyond Animal Speak’ as well as serving as a Massage Therapist for Humans, Horses and Hounds. Learn more about Wendy’s Intuitive Life Path Readings, Coaching and Animal Communication sessions at

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  • Lisa Marie Rosati says:

    I LOVE this article Wendy. What I know for sure is that life magic starts just outside your comfort zone – what a great reminder! Sending you many abundant blessings!

  • FABULOUS post Wendy! Here’s to living FEARLESS and FREE! We all deserve to live our truth, rock our passion and revel in our true divinity!

  • Fearless living takes courage, but when embraced wholeheartedly, what transformations we can make. Stepping outside of our comfort zone makes our heart beat faster, pushes us to new heights and fills us with delight! Great article Wendy.

  • Chara Armon says:

    Wendy, I love how you portray this as a feasible transition, a point at which we can “set a new course.” Fearless living is such a noble path, and you make it sound appealing and attainable.

  • Lots of take-aways from this post! You gave me a lot to think about.

  • SueKearney says:

    One of the gifts of getting very very very sick this summer was the light it shone on my routines, my choices that had become habit. Now that I’m getting stronger and better I find that I’m sinking into routines again, but with a new level of awareness about the choices I make every day.

    It’s pretty amazing how even life-threatening illness can promote gratitude. Or maybe instead of “even” I should have said “especially.”

    Thanks for inspiring me!

    Love and New Moon blessings,

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