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Creating Money and Miracles By Owning Your Feminine Power

Creating Money and Miracles By Owning Your Feminine Power by Tina van Leuven | #AspireMag

The next time someone calls you too sensitive or too emotional, smile and thank them.


They’ve just complimented you on qualities that come naturally to you when you own your feminine power. They’re also remarkable boosters for creating money and miracles in your life. How can you not smile about that, right?

In a world where so much emphasis has been placed on outer appearances, it’s quite a skill to master the art of listening to your inner guidance and trusting your wisdom. If you’ve ever said no to something even though it looked good but it just didn’t feel right, then you’ll know what I mean.

Something magical happens the more you trust Divine Presence as it expresses through and as you. You’re guided to be in the right place at the right time and others may think you’re living a charmed life as you seem to call forth miracles at choice. But what if this is simply a matter of living in alignment with what matters to you most?

We are transitioning out of a world where the masculine qualities of doing and thinking have been prioritised over the feminine qualities of being and feeling, regardless of whether you’re in a male or female body. Whenever your action is not aligned with your core essence then it’ll either burn you out or leave you feeling unfulfilled, no matter how much you’re achieving. 

When the mind is in service of the heart they make a splendid team. What if that’s an invitation to let your well developed masculine power have a holiday while you come into alignment with your feminine power? Ditch your To-Do list and let’s get clear on your To-BE list first.

I mean, why would you go to all the trouble of creating something in your life that’ll only have you feeling miserable? Insane, right? Yet that’s exactly what happens when your intentions aren’t aligned with your heart and soul.

You probably already know that in order to manifest anything at all you must BE the vibration of receiving what you’ve asked for. In order to receive, you must be willing to open up so that you can let your requests in. And that, my beautiful friend, is where your sensitivity and ability to feel are required so that you are able to discern what to welcome in and what to let go of. To trust your inner guidance.

This is an invitation to own your feminine power as it calls on you to fully BE yourself without apology. That calls for a willingness to make yourSELF priority #1. Time to kiss the people pleaser and perfectionist in you goodbye and of course you’ll have a gratitude party first to thank them for the outstanding services they provided over the years before sending them on their merry way to summer camp with the Divine. 

They can always come back once their job description has been transformed and optimised so as to support you as the amazing expression of divinity you came here to be. Can you feel the excitement bubbling up from deep within you? 

So let’s have some fun here by calling forth money and miracles. 

It starts by giving yourself permission to choose to tap into what truly makes your heart sing as you allow joy to be your guide every step of the way from this moment forward.
Choose the amount of money you would like to receive. What would be fun and uplifting for you?
Why is this important to you? You might want to repeat this question until you run out of answers as that will connect you with what really matters to you.
What would you use it for? 
How would you feel if this were already available for you now?
Imagine there’s a color associated with this feeling… 

Now it’s time to call on your inner magic.

Everything this stirs up in you which prevents you from allowing yourself to receive and BE what you have asked for, would you be willing for that to be uncreated all the way back to Source now? Including all the agreements, vows, oaths, promises ever made to deny yourself from sourcing Divine Presence within yourself… and all the benefits and (un)conscious payoffs you received from that. What if all this energy can now be optimised to support you in creating a life that reflects the joy, peace and freedom that you are.

As you breathe in, imagine every breath is infused with your color as you allow yourself to receive what is optimal for you in this moment. With every exhalation, let go of anything that no longer resonates as the awesomeness that is YOU.

Go forth and let joy be your guide!

Tina van Leuven

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About the author 

Tina van Leuven

Tina is the Joy Oracle at InnerDelight and author of Money and Miracles - 40 Days to the perfect relationship between who you are and what you make. She coaches other passionate entrepreneurs how to prioritize themselves in their business and personal life so they easily create a steady stream of income and experience lasting fulfillment while doing what they love without burning out. You can find out more at

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  • JJ Carolan says:

    Beautiful ~ I love embracing our feminine gifts of connection as part of an authentic, easeful biz + life.

    • Thank you JJ. The feminine gift of connection… so true and often overlooked because it comes so naturally to many women and men who embody these qualities;)

  • Sara Turner says:

    I feel lighter having read your words Tina – thank you for sharing this wisdom. Orange is definitely the colour for me to inhale my “feminine” magic.

    • Thank you Sara! It’s my joy;) And yes… orange is such a juicy colour and holds the key to releasing family timelines, including those pesky limitations, as well as activating the joy within of creating as the divinity you are…

  • Jesenia DePasquale says:

    Thank you Tina for the powerful and feminine soul stirring reaffirming message of Divine Feminine Love & Healing that I felt as I read these words! So needed that right now 🙂

    • My absolute joy Jesenia! Thank you so much for receiving this and for sharing your beautiful message;)

  • Joanne Newell says:

    Beautiful words, and beautiful message… from a beautiful soul. Thank you for the reminder of the value of feminine energy. I imagine breathing in ‘white’ – feeling pure, soothing and yet expansive and uplifting…

    • Thank you so much dear Joanne! I love the white… I can just feel that pure, soothing, expansive and uplifting energy as you describe it…

  • Great article, Tina! Right on the money! Shine on, Soul Sister!

    • Thanks Quadira! Haha, I love it! Shine on soul sister indeed;) Many joy sprinkles from me to you.

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