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9 Empowering Lessons We Can Learn from Our Animal Friends

9 Empowering Lessons We Can Learn from Our Animal Friends by Wendy Van de Poll | #AspireMag

If you are like me, do you sometimes forget the innate power that you hold as a woman? When you do forget do you

  • Lose touch with the powerful you?
  • Get lazy with your decisions and feel drained?
  • Develop so much mind clutter that you are chasing your emotions and never seem to catch up?

I understand and I know this can be exhausting. I have been there many times. The thing is that you probably have some very unexpected teachers that are very close to you that can help.  When I finally discovered these teachers my life changed.

Here’s the thing…these unexpected teachers can offer you a totally new perspective on managing your life. They can help you with healthy diversions and solutions to change the sometimes endless mire of burnout, self-doubt, anxiety, self-sabotage, depression and a ton more!

Can you guess who these teachers are? It really isn’t too much of a secret and they are probably in your presence right now!  It is actually your pet! The loving creature that you love and cherish everyday can be your greatest teacher  when it comes to understanding what matters most in life!

Don’t have a pet? That’s fine. You can still learn how animals can help you keep your feminine power by discovering who your spirit animal or totem is. You can work with your spirit animal or totem through dreams, meditation and working with an intuitive coach that works with animals in different realms.

You can learn a lot about how to live a happier and more balanced life whether you own a dog, cat, snake, horse or have discovered what your totem animal is. Doing so empowers you in making choices in your life that supports your feminine power.

Here are 9 empowering lessons that I’ve discovered in my work as an Intuitive and Animal Communicator:

1. Live your life in the moment!

I love this one because as humans this is probably one of the most important lessons we could learn in order to stay centered and calm. So many times we spend our lives ruminating over the past and worried about the future…how many animals do you know that do this? They all live in the present moment. The past is gone and you can’t do anything about it. The future is unknown. So enjoy the present no matter what situation you are in…it will get easier.

2. Enjoy life everyday and play!

No matter who you are or what type of animal you own (even our animal totems and animal spirits) feel joy and move their bodies. This is a good reminder to us to play, exercise and take a break from work. Playing everyday opens your mind and spirit to all types of great ideas and expands your creativity.

3. Feel love and let go of fear!

Love can transform all fear. I am sure you have heard many stories about how love helps all types of fearful animals overcome these insecurities and become wonderful companions. Love works for us too! Love conquers all insecurities, fear, lack of self-esteem and more. The first step to understanding is to love ourselves and then replace all fear and any self-criticism with this love. When you do this you will begin to feel better, act better and live your life with peace.

4. Let go of resentment to others!

If you hold a grudge towards someone else you will inevitable feel angry, weighed down emotionally and stuck with your feelings. Really it is only humans that hold resentment and grudges. Animals just don’t do this and by mirroring their innate ability to let go will give us a tremendous sense of personal freedom.

5. Show joy when you are happy!

Animals are not afraid to show their joy in life. In fact, they are very clear and honest with all their feelings. We live our lives so fast; we often forget to celebrate our successes. We loose touch with our feminine power and forget to get excited that we live in a world where flowers bloom, season’s change and the sun comes up every single day. Watch the joy in your animal the next time you come home, give them a treat or throw them a ball…share that fun and jump for joy when great things happen to you!

6. Enjoy the ride!

Whether you have a dog that loves to be in the car, a horse that loves to run or a bird that loves to fly around in your home…remember they are enjoying their journey. They don’t care where they are going and are totally in the moment enjoying themselves. When we set our goals, we often forget our feminine power and get too attached to the outcome. We get frustrated and maybe angry if we don’t meet our crazy expectations that we set for ourselves. Next time you set a goal enjoy your personal journey for getting there. Enjoy your excitement, creativity, fun and lessons.

7. Loyalty and dependability are enriching!

Many animals are pack animals and they pay attention to that detail. They hunt, play, defend and travel with their pack or family members. As a great reminder to us and our relationships by being loyal and dependable as a friend, partner, sibling, lover or parent will be incredibly rewarding and help strengthen your feminine power.

8. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

We have heard this many times but how many of us really listen? All animals know instinctively when their bodies need water and food. They usually stop eating and drinking when their body is nourished.  This simple behavior is such an important reminder for us to take care of our physical bodies and even weight management.

9. Unending Unconditional Love!

No matter what we do our animals care and love us unconditionally. Yes…even your cat. However, it is our dogs that have this down and no matter what mood you are in they still want to give you big wet kisses. They don’t judge you on how you behave. Loving others unconditionally is probably the most difficult task for us humans. But wouldn’t you agree the world would be a better place if we listened and at least tried?

There’s much wisdom to be learned from our animal friends. Their companionship, loyalty and lessons are unmatched when keeping your connection to your personal, feminine power.

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About the author 

Wendy Van de Poll

Wendy Van de Poll is sought after Animal Communicator Expert and Intuitive Life Path Coach dedicated to empowering women in discovering their Sacred Soul Promises and learning to trust their intuition. Using her intuitive coaching process, and with Sacred Soul Promises as a starting point, Wendy brings in the energy and messages of your animals (past and present) to empower and support you in knowing yourself on a deeper, more intimate level. She is the creator of The Sacred Soul Promise Method™ and The MarleyBee Foundation™. Wendy holds a Master’s of Science degree in Wolf Ecology and Behavior and has run with wild wolves in Minnesota, coyotes in Massachusetts and foxes in her backyard. In the recent past, Wendy was the past host of the syndicated radio show “Beyond Animal Speak’ as well as serving as a Massage Therapist for Humans, Horses and Hounds. Learn more about Wendy’s Intuitive Life Path Readings, Coaching and Animal Communication sessions at

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  • TheBacaJourney says:

    What a perfect list, Wendy! Simple and profound.

  • I love this list of life lessons. Here’s to our unexpected teachers!
    Thanks so much for sharing this thought provoking post.

  • Love this Wendy! We have four dogs and a chicken that live these important lessons for us everyday, setting a wonderful example for us to follow. I am just as loving to my totem animals who show up unexpectedly in my meditations and dreams. Here’s to the connection we have to all the animal kingdom!

  • Andrea Patten says:

    This list captures so much of what I get from sharing life with dogs. Thanks for sharing!

  • Animals are part of nature – our greatest teacher – having grown up on farms and ranches, I know this to be true! This list is excellent Wendy…thank you for sharing your wisdom!

  • Leslie Hoff says:

    Great post! I definitely agree that my pets have taught me so much 🙂 I am very grateful to have so many furry friends in my life. This post really reminded me of a book I recently read by author Joel Lund entitled, “Watson’s Way” ( The author uses his family dog named Watson to teach us about the struggles of life and growing up. For anyone who has ever had the joy of being loved by a pet, this book will instantly tug at your heart strings. There is such a deep spirituality in our pets and they can truly bring out the best in us, and that is exactly what the author shows us in this story. Whether you are a Christian, believe in God, love dogs, or are just feeling lost, this book can truly help you reflect on your life and learn some very important lessons a long the way. I hope you will give it a read!

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