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9 Ways the Angels Can Assist You in Navigating Life

9 Ways the Angels Can Assist You in Navigating Life by Kris Groth | #AspireMag

I have always believed in angels but didn’t really pay much attention to them until 15- years ago.  That’s when I had an experience with a psychic who told me he saw angels all around me. Somehow what he said struck a chord within me.  

I began surrounding myself with angels, placing them in every space in my home. I started studying them and calling on them to help with my healing work. I definitely felt the powerful healing energy flowing through me as I worked, and my clients experienced great results.  

I can’t say it was all the angels doing. It was us working together that provided these transformative experiences. Even with all the results showing up in my life and in my client’s lives, I began to notice something. I was keeping my work with the angels all to myself. At first, I believed I was doing so because it was so sacred to me.  I came to realize that I was afraid of criticism and judgement from others. I’m sure you can relate to that feeling.  

Over the last year, I realized it was costing me too much to hide the truth of who I am. My soul was nudging me to step out and share this work with others. Though not always, comfortable, I know that it’s part of my mission to let others know that they are always divinely supported.  I recently stepped out by creating a free Facebook group, Angel-Inspired Living. If the topic of angels resonates with you then read on because I can’t wait to share how the angels can assist you.  

There really is no limit to what the angels can assist with, if you ask them for help. The help may not come in the form that you expect, and it may not be immediate, but it will come. They try to guide us to what is for our greatest and highest good, which may not always be what we are asking for, or what we expect.  

Sometimes they do help us get what we want, even if it is not what we need. And other times they help us to receive something better that we never considered. I do believe that they answer our prayers and requests, if we are paying attention to the infinite ways that the answers come. 

Here are 9 Ways the Angels Can Assist You in Navigating Life 

  • Support:  When you are feeling alone and need comfort, they are with you. When you are scared and need reassurance, strength or confidence, the angels are there for you. The angels have your back with everything you are doing, in every moment, through the celebrations and the challenges. 
  • Protection:  In times of danger, stress, or everyday occurrences, even to establish boundaries, and protect us from ourselves, the angels are there when we need them and are powerful protectors and guardians. 
  • Inspiration:  The angels can bring in a flow of creativity and inspiration for all types of projects. They are a source of innovative ideas. They also help you tap into your innate gifts and how to best express them. 
  • Manifestation:  The angels help us to bring in what we desire and need. They help open doors and opportunities for us to make our dreams become reality. They also clear what is blocking us from the flow of abundance.  
  • Illumination:  The angels shine a light on what is important, and what we need to pay attention to. They guide us to a higher perspective and help us to see the bigger picture of a given situation. Often we have a limited view, as we see through the lens of our past experiences and expectations. The angels help us to expand that view, to see not only another’s point of view, but also to see that everything happens for a reason. 
  • Guidance:  Gentle nudges, messages and signs are another way that the angels assist us. We ask for clarity and direction in making decisions. They always allow us to make our own choices. They try to point us in the direction of ease and grace, by giving us signs and nudging us in one direction or another, but it is always our choice which path to take. And even if we choose the more difficult path, they continue to guide us without judgement.  
  • Healing:  The angels provide a flow of loving healing energy to all who wish to heal physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and energetically, for our greatest and highest good. They also support our ability to help each other to heal and grow.  
  • Wisdom:  Vast spiritual wisdom is available through the angels, and can come to us intuitively through dreams, visions, knowing, feeling and sensing. We can ask for the knowledge, wisdom and clarity of a certain issue or topic, or we can be open to receive what would be most beneficial to us.  
  • Unconditional Love:  Angels are love and are an infinite source of unconditional love for each of us, no restrictions, no limitations, no strings attached. They see all of our flaws and imperfections, and they also see all of our strengths and gifts. And they love and accept all of it. They can also help us to see and accept that within ourselves, with love and compassion. 


All you need to do is ask to connect with them. You can do this through prayer or meditation. You can create a ritual or ceremony to invoke them.  I just do it within my mind or even say out loud:  

“Angels, please help me to know you are with me, please send me a sign that I can recognize.”  

“Angels, please help me to find the perfect parking spot.”  

“Angels, please help me to understand what is really going on here.”  

I do this all day long and have noticed that the more often I connect with them, the easier it is to recognize the signs and messages. I know that they are with me all the time. They really are not picky, and don’t require any special invocation. They are already there, just waiting for you to connect with them.  

Go ahead and ask, see what amazingness awaits!

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About the author 

Kris Groth

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing and restore balance to the body, heart, mind and soul, and to live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing, and spiritual mentoring sessions, including powerful custom guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls. Claim your free "Discover the Archangel Around You Quiz & Meditation" today and visit for more supportive resources.

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