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9 Contemporary Feng Shui Rules for Us Modern Gals

Feng ShuiIf you are reading this e-article on some screen, you’ve already met the qualifications of “modern gal.” Modern gals are women who have the luxury of living in the modern world of conveniences — like wireless tablets and phones, motorized beds, and many choices in home décor – all potentially delivered overnight! But believe it or not, some purchases may actually be causing you health problems. Wouldn’t you like to know a few potential sources?

I am reaching out to you because you have a very important role in the world. You are the holders of the creative feminine energy — The literal womb (whether literally or figuratively – EVEN IF you are post-menopausal!) for the planet. You are also more often than not the decision-makers for your home surroundings as well. Also, women are usually unstoppable when the cause is saving future generations (like “the elimination of toxic BPA in plastic baby bottles thanks to tenacious moms,” for example.)

 Contemporary feng shui is about creating mindful, supportive conditions considering EVERY THING (seen and unseen) in the environment. Over the years, environments have changed enormously – so feng shui “rules” have had to evolve as well. Think about it: it was less than 130 years ago when toilets went from being a “way out there” residential experience to an indoor, sometimes within 5-steps-from-your-bed one. Around 1970, the microwave oven (first called the “radarange”) strolled into the home with barely a thought as to what the heck it does to food or our bodies because it seemed so, well, convenient.

There have been so many technical advancements even more recently, that I thought I’d take a moment to help you connect the dots between your environment and your life in hopes that you will start to be more mindful of what items you choose to allow in your surroundings. Trust me, it makes a difference both for you and those future generations.

Let’s start with the older-school stuff and work forward:

  1. Avoid using a microwave oven. Not only is the quality of the food not great, the microwave radiation leaking out of that box when it is on is horrific. (Get one if these if you don’t believe me: ). Chronic exposure to radiation like this is just plain foolish considering how easy it is to heat food without blasting your body and environment with radiation. At a minimum – get everyone (and pets) out of the room when the darned thing is on. There’s a reason why pace maker patients can’t be near them – consider those folks your canaries in the microwave coal mine.
  2. Given the choice, buy wood versus particle board furniture and be sure to make sure your existing particle board furniture is dry and sealed to reduce the off gassing. The glues and other unnatural components can make that cheap furniture choice a costly one in the doctor’s office. When in doubt, check out the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on all materials you buy to create your home – from flooring to paint to whatever.
  3. Speaking of unhealthy home materials, lose the wall-to-wall synthetic carpet. This is the most toxic thing people bring into their home by volume. I’d recommend hard natural surfaces first and then, if carpet is required, a natural fibered carpet (silk or wool) with natural padding (wool is the only padding that does not contain fire retardant.)
  4. Stop buying PVC (vinyl.) And definitely stop bringing it into your home. Not only is vinyl the most toxic thing made from a manufacturing perspective, it is one of the more toxic things you can bring into your home – ESPECIALLY if you live where you can’t open the windows daily to release the unhealthy indoor air. Here’s the rule: If you smell that “new-doll” or “new-car” smell, your lungs and body are being exposed to carcinogens. There are plenty of alternatives to a shower curtain (hemp), wall paper (natural grass, silk, cotton), flooring (stone, ceramic tile, cork, etc.) or toys (wooden versus soft plastic ones) so again, do your research.
  5. Do not place your cell phone in a pocket or your bra. Quarter inches make a difference with this recommendation. The farther you keep your phone (or ipad or laptop for that matter) from your body the better. Use texting versus talking, and use the speaker instead of holding the phone to your head if talking. If you want to up your chances for a clean mammogram, please steer clear of putting that darned thing in your bra.
  6. Avoid keeping your cell phone on at night or near you while you sleep. Wait – What? Yep, sorry. A cell phone is designed to ping to find a tower about every 5 minutes to make sure it has access when needed. That pulse (or pulses if you’ve got more than one phone in your house, etc.) is going through your body while it is trying to recharge at night. Basically, if you feel “wired” all night or have trouble sleeping, this could be ONE of your culprits. Think of it like one loud energetic dog bark every 5 minutes all night while you try to sleep. If only everyone in the neighborhood would do this. I swear I wouldn’t have the fertility and sleep deprivation problem clients that I have (from hormone situations to weight gain to inability to stay focused and get organized, etc.)
  7. Turn off Your Wi-fi hub whenever you can. I know I’ve lost the war on this but it’s my job to keep repeating this in case I find someone out there new to the conversation. All cordless/wireless devices do not run on magic. They run with radio frequencies (AKA radiation.) Once again, distance does matter, so if you do have a wi-fi hub, get it as far from you in your home as possible.
  8. Unplug your motorized or adjustable bed and the electrically-powered things around it. Plug in lamps away from the bed versus behind it. Push the electrical alarm clock away from your bed. Get any wires at all away from touching or near your bed. For those of you who are stiff in the joints trust me, the electromagnetic fields from these things (including the heating blankets, pads, and massage chairs you are probably using too) are part of the problem and not the solution.
  9. Get those dang fit bits and blue tooth things off your body – AT LEAST while you sleep! Sure they are low level exposure items, but is anyone considering the cumulative effect?

This is by no means a complete collection of unhealthy items in homes today. But hopefully it was enough of a conversation to get you AWARE of the potential problematic things that thoughtlessly creep into homes in the name of convenience so you could get in-the-know before “voting with your wallet.”

Health issues usually come down to something that you ate, drank, inhaled, ingested, injected, rubbed on, believed, perceived, had a genetic disposition to, or were exposed to. If you could reconsider a few choices to save humankind, wouldn’t you? Future wombs will thank you.

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About the author 

Karen Rauch Carter

Karen Rauch Carter is a feng shui consultant and healthy-lifestyle designer, educator, and the best-selling author of Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life and Make a Shift, Change Your Life. Visit for a complimentary webinar on the traditional feng shui “best furniture positions” for a more supported life.

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