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9 Authentic Creation Tips for Divine Feminine Leaders

9 Authentic Creation Tips for Divine Feminine Leaders by Lisa Michaels | #AspireMag

Uncovering the truth about creating your authentic dreams, desires, and purpose isn’t easy.Cultural training runs deep in the psyche. The programing to fit in, follow the crowd, and not make waves begins early with sit still, be quiet, don’t talk back, and stop dancing around. Slowly the impulse to express yourself gets drowned out and overtaken by “be nice, play safe, and follow the rules.”

No wonder it takes time for women to take the lid off those old messages and start the deep inner digging to reveal their distinctive soul truth. It takes the alchemy of experience to show you what no longer serves your essence expression so you can take a stand as the authentic leader of your own life and business.

Years of coaching women, along with my own personal journey as a Divine Feminine leader, have shown me certain patterns that women uniquely face when they choose to authentically create their lives and businesses. Here are 9 authentic creation tips that will support your journey.

1.  Listen to your inner guidance. You can find yourself propelled into the leadership of your own life at any age. Sometimes women start early, but for others, they find themselves following the rules of the world around them for many years before they start tuning into the frustrations and discontent that ultimately guides them to their inner knowing.

One of the simplest ways is listen to and connect with your inner guidance is to sit in silence and write in a journal. Ask yourself questions about what is genuinely true for you in any situation you are facing. Write your responses. You’ll be amazed at the layers of awareness that will be revealed in this process.

2.  Connect to the Divine Feminine within. A direct connection to the Divine within brings profound insights. Including your feminine essence helps you draw on the ancient source of feminine power that flows through your veins. Any time you need support or guidance, ask for a direct connection to the Divine Feminine within and open to receive insights.

There are many faces of the Divine Feminine from cultures all over the world. Each brings her unique gifts and perspective. Depending on the strengths and guidance you need, you can call on the earth mother Gaia, Mother Mary, Isis, Saraswati, Tara, Hecate, Brigid, or any other Goddess. These expressions of the Divine Feminine can bring you insights for any issue in life or business.

3.  Align with the creation energy of nature. Nature’s calming and healing energy help you align with your own inner nature, which balances you vibrationally, thus maximizing your capacity to handle the stresses of our increasingly technology-filled world. Not only does nature harmonize your energy field, but her fundamental principles increase your wisdom and teach you about your life.

4.  Make friends with the Elemental Forces. Nature’s core energies of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit, along with their rhythmic cycles, can actively help you create more authentic success in life. Because these energies collectively form the foundational essence of creation, they can accelerate any creational endeavor you’re involved in.

When nature’s energies and rhythms are honored as the profound teachers and guides they are, they readily bring assistance and clarity to boost your capacity to create success in your life. Your body is created from all of the elements. Therefore, you are intimately connected to them and have access to their wisdom at all times. All you need to do to access this powerful assistance is to ask for it with a grateful heart and be open to receiving.

5.  Spend time in nature. This one thing will help ground and center you emotionally faster than anything as you strengthen your authentic feminine leadership. Go for a gratitude walk. Spending 10-20 minutes outside moving in nature, and focusing on anything you’re grateful for, will balance your mind, emotions, body, and spirit. Open to receive the messages of the elements.

6.  Trust in change. Change exists as the core energy of nature. Transformations happen constantly, with every element, and in every realm. The sun and moon, while consistent in their rising and setting every day, change times, location, distance, and influence the changes we experience in the seasons and tides.

As Earth’s seasons turn and change, you learn from nature that your life, too, follows this same rhythm of constant transformation. Sometimes the shift in life from one thing to another expresses in a subtle and gradual change, and sometimes it is quick and imposing. Yet the undercurrent of motion keeps the energy turning.

7.  Allow organic transformation. Organic transformation is a natural process of change. Organic means the inherent or inborn makeup of a thing. Trans means to go to the other side, over, across, or through. Formation is the shape, outline, or configuration of anything. Quite often our organic transformation looks like a natural disaster to us initially, and later we see the magic that has occurred.

The transformation works its way through you in a way that is so all-encompassing, there is no way to know or understand what the end result will be beforehand.  To transform gracefully, you need to learn to let go of what was, allow change to happen, and do your best to not fight the process. It is here you learn greater levels of trust.  Stepping into your authentic leadership, you’ll be learning to trust the processes your body, mind, feelings, energy, spirit and life moves through as you claim your inner feminine wisdom.

8.  Stop your inner tug-of-war and expand your consciousness container. One of the core problems I see women struggling with all the time is thinking they need to choose between being of service to the world and making money. Instead of choosing between these two things, why not expand your capacity to effectively hold both at once? When you expand your consciousness container, you’re able to tune into how you can make money by being of service.

Notice when you feel a need to choose between one way of being and another. Ask yourself if you need to allow your inner tug-of-war to dissolve by expanding your container to hold both ways of being in your consciousness.

9.  Keep your thoughts uplifted. Be mindful of where your thoughts are focused, and if you find them centered on fear, bring them back to gratitude. Find anything you can to be grateful for, even something tiny, and focus on that until your emotional energy also resets. Gratitude brings the highest vibrational frequency from which to authentically thrive.

The more you give yourself the gift of getting to know your deepest thoughts and feelings the easier it is to draw on your inner wisdom any time you need to access it. Creation decisions flow effortlessly from your Divine Feminine leadership when you are centered in your authenticity.

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About the author 

Lisa Michaels

Lisa Michaels, author of Nature’s Creation Alchemy, LunaSol, and the Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle, inspires heart-centered women to unlock their feminine prosperity potential. You can align with your inner Creation Team through her program Your Life Purpose Prosperity Blueprint or Prosperity Power sessions. Download Lisa’s complementary resource to dive deeper into your archetypes, UNLEASH: Your Inner Feminine Prosperity Power. 

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