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8 Ways to Stand Confidently in Your Feminine Power

8 Ways to Stand Confidently in Your Feminine Power by Bonnie Snyder | #AspireMag

For centuries, the masculine way of living has encouraged outer success and diminished the gifts of the feminine. These gifts, which tend to be intuitive and not typically proven logically, have left women feeling less than confident in fully trusting themselves and their intuition.   

The good news is the world is changing. You’re a part of the positive change. The gifts of the feminine are important. Being able to hear your inner guidance, trust your intuition, and take action (the masculine) is the balance of the feminine and the masculine. When you learn to confidently stand in your feminine power you support the vibration of the world to change.  

Here are 8 Powerful Ways to Embody Your Feminine Power: 

1. Connect to Your Source Connection, aka Your Sacred Diamond Matrix. 

The sacred diamond is high-frequency energy, a sacred octahedral energy system that surrounds your body. When you focus on your personal diamond, your individual spark of light unfolds and radiates through all 8 facets of your diamond. The octahedron, your personal diamond, connects your physical body to your eternal essence or spark of light, which then unfolds and begins to amplify. Your diamond is like a superhighway to your Source connection.  

Visualize or imagine an eight-sided diamond. Your personal diamond is two four-sided pyramids, base to base, with the bases located at your tailbone. Eight sparkling facets with a pole of light that runs from a foot below your feet at Earth Star and runs up your spine to a foot above your head to the Soul-Cosmic Star. When you focus on your personal diamond, your spark of light unfolds and radiates through all the facets of your diamond.  

In the quiet, connect to your personal diamond. Take a few minutes and breathe into your diamond. Feel your body relax and your heart open. Connecting to your diamond is a wonderful way to start the day to embody your divine feminine self. You can also connect to your diamond when you find you are stressed or want to find clarity. Each of the eight facets of the diamond energizes the entire diamond and the multi-dimensional aspects of yourself. This rebalances and strengthens the energy flows, balancing the masculine and feminine energies in your diamond.  

2. Take Pauses throughout the Day. 

Be still…pause… for just a few minutes and focus on the present moment. When you do this, you’re not in the past or projecting into the future. You can breathe into your diamond, or just focus on your breathing, or an object. Notice every small nuance calming the nervous system in the present moment. The amygdala is the survival part of your brain and regulates your nervous system. As you focus on something the amygdala relaxes, creating a calm mind and clarity.  

3. Gift Yourself Time for Self-Nurturing. 

A natural gift of the feminine is nurturing. When the feminine is out of balance it overdoes and overextends “nurturing” and caring for others. It loses power and becomes part of the dysfunctional feminine energy.  

When that happens you lose your inner knowing and inspiration for what is needed, creating dependency, and many times resentment or exhaustion. You may overwork or take responsibility rather than trust your powerful inner guidance on how to move forward. Remember to factor yourself into your nurturing to stay balanced. 

4. Call In Your Inner Lioness for Increased Courage. 

Have the courage to stand up for what you know without judgment of yourself or the situation. It’s time to have the courage to be your light-filled, fully empowered, feminine self. This isn’t always easy. But the gifts of the feminine are important. The feminine balance has compassion, respect, and integrity for herself and others. Have the courage to let go, stand in your power, and be the Lioness. Take your place embodying the newly empowered feminine on the planet. 

5. Stop the Limiting Voices. 

When change happens, when you have to step out of your comfort zone, or when you have to speak your truth- what happens? You know – the old dusty limiting beliefs or saboteur voices come up. These can create anxiety, anger, or stress disconnecting you from your intuition.  

Catch yourself when those old patterns pop up. These sabotaging thoughts are natural. We all have them. Whether created from childhood, life experiences, or traumas small or large, those voices in your head are not going to support you in feeling empowered. Rather than lead you to the next step from inner confidence, they will create fear and anxiety and foster mistrust. They are there for physical survival not for inspiration or trust.  

6. Embrace Outer and Inner Compassion.   

It’s easy to judge another when you are triggered. Sometimes it’s easier to have compassion for others than for yourself. The feminine gift of compassion is important. Don’t turn against yourself. Take time to listen to your wiser self. Review situations from a higher perspective – observation without blame.  

7. Connect with the Wisdom of your Body. 

Stuck on the next step? What to do? Allow your mind to relax. Imagine going from your head to your heart in an elevator if your mind starts taking over. Pause, be still. Don’t take action until you feel it in your body. Trust and take inspired action accordingly when that ‘I don’t know feeling’ leaves and you feel confident in your core.  

8. Believe the Universe Has Your Back.  

The energy of the feminine is birthing something new, pushing you to the edge of your comfort zone. At times it’s about changes you don’t have control over. Or maybe it’s a shift you want to make that you feel guided to do. Take a risk! Use the power and intuition of your feminine gifts and shine your light. Feel empowered to trust yourself and your feminine gifts.  

Remember connecting to your diamond for all 8 steps enhances your ability to connect to your inner knowing.  

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About the author 

Bonnie Snyder

Merging thirty-years of psychology and energy-based trainings, Intuitive Life Balance Coach and Energy Psychology Diplomate Bonnie Snyder, Ed.S., CPC, DCEP supports highly-sensitive women to uncover and transform limiting thoughts and beliefs so they can embrace their sensitivities as the superpowers. She compassionately meets her clients where they are and intuitively chooses from her many modalities, such as Self Havening, Donna Eden Energy Medicine, Positive Psychology and EFT to name a few. Learn more at

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