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8 Ways to Energetically Grow Your Wealth Garden

8 Ways to Energetically Grow Your Wealth Garden by Corin Grillo, LMFT | #AspireMag

Moving beyond the simple manifestation of fast cash and into the generation of sustainable wealth requires deep inner exploration and a mindset upgrade. As a psychotherapist, I have a natural fascination with the mind and the unconscious. I like to ponder how our mental architecture and belief systems either support or limit our ability to manifest our deepest desires. Sometimes we don’t even realize that these beliefs are there because we’ve had them our whole lives — usually inherited or adopted from our ancestors, families, communities, and cultures. Because we pick these things up so young, we tend to make assumptions about ourselves, and our lives based on these beliefs (often lies) and consider them to be true.  

Let’s imagine it this way: Think of your maximum, ultimate, next level of wealth as if it’s a beautiful, lush garden overflowing with bounty. The birds are singing. The bees are buzzing, and all the fruits and veggies are plentiful, succulent, juicy, and ripe. When your inner wealth garden is hopping like this, it means your cash quotient is overflowing with goodness and your bank accounts are flush with resources. You have officially reached your next level of wealth.  

Now imagine that your inherited belief systems about money are the soil for this wealth garden. The quality of your beliefs will either create fertile ground for your wealth seeds and magical effort to grow or create a toxic environment where your magical wealth seeds struggle to take root. Toxic beliefs will strangle your every attempt to reach your next level of wealth.  

If on a subconscious level, your inner wealth garden is full of weeds and the soil is toxic, no matter what you do, no matter how hard you work, you will feel like you’re financially stuck. Those mental weeds will suck the vitality out of your wealth garden and block your ability to have a fertile and bountiful life. I call them the Wealth Blockers. 

Wealth Blockers are like invisible condoms that prevent your wealth seeds from spreading and taking root in even the most fertile soil. They are the subconscious negative beliefs you inherited from society and your ancestors that keep you from manifesting your next-level wealth, even when you work really hard at it.  

Do you ever feel like you take two steps forward and three steps back when you are trying to get ahead in life? Yeah, those are the ol’ Wealth Blocker’s bouncing you back. They are really good at what they do, but please don’t lose hope. Ever. The invisible barrier that they create isn’t impenetrable. When you think about it, even real condoms are only about 98 percent effective, right? Some of us are living proof of that.  

Luckily, because the Divine is so cool, you have been given a wonderful angelic team to help you pull the mental weeds in even the most toxic soil in your mind. They can help you pierce through the invisible mental condom, so that the seeds of your heart’s deepest desires for wealth, love, and joy can penetrate the fertile soil of Creation, and your biggest, most beautiful dreams can finally be birthed into the world.  

So the question is, how can you identify and pull the mental weeds that are essentially keeping your wealthy life on lockdown? Well, there are lots of ways, really, but my favorite happens to be right between your ears: mindset magic, of course.  

The energy and commitment that you put into your magic in the beginning is often reflected in your results at the end. Enjoy this process. Take your time. Do the practices. Be curious about the mysteries that you may discover along the way, and get ready to officially begin your wealth magic ritual. 

Here are some tips on how to keep your wealth garden growing indefinitely: 

  • Follow the joy. You were likely born from an orgasm, so why not lead an orgasmic life? Your path to finding deep purpose is closely aligned with the parts of life that light you up and bring you joy. I invite you to consider creating your next level of wealth with this in mind. How fun would it be to earn a healthy living by doing work that’s absolutely awesome? Spoiler alert: it’s pretty dang fun. So let your heart and mind dance with the possibility of doing work and creating offerings for others that you absolutely love so that it won’t feel like “work” at all.  
  • Keep building a relationship with the angels. Commit to building a relationship with angels, with Spirit, and with other amazing invisible allies. They are there for you and can help you not just with wealth but with anything at all. Talk to them all day. Remember that they are with you right now. Keep speaking with them. You are never alone, and the more you communicate with them, the more you will experience this as truth. 
  • Go all in. Don’t be half-assed about your wealth making. Commit to wealth with your whole ass. Remember, angels can’t do the heavy lifting for you. Sometimes you will be guided to make small, incremental shifts, and sometimes your guidance will demand bold, courageous — even audacious — actions to align your life with your highest potential. Allow yourself to say yes to these urges and move flexibly on this journey toward wealth.  
  • Commit to developing a wealth mindset. I gave you plenty of ideas for this in chapter 5; however, it’s worth mentioning again. Sustainable wealth begins on the inside. Note the areas where you still need improvement, and keep asking the angels to help you create a mindset that’s conducive to extraordinary wealth.  
  • Block the inner demons. Beat them at their own game. Pay attention to the dialogue in your head, and when you catch yourself trying to harsh on your own vibe with negative thoughts, know that it’s really the tricksters at play. Don’t let the inner demons stop you. 
  • Listen to the sweet, soft voice inside you. Your own intuition is one of your greatest allies. Develop your intuition, and learn to trust it. Take classes or workshops or go on retreats to help you nurture this connection. This tip alone could set your next-level life on fire. 
  • Find community that inspires you. As I mentioned a bit earlier in the book, building a network of wealthy and success-minded folks is powerful. Surround yourself with amazing and supportive people. If you can’t find folks locally, there’s a whole wide world out there. Seek amazing online communities if need be. You can find some on my website at  
  • Stay in gratitude, and count your blessings frequently. A grateful heart stays receptive to abundance. Open your eyes to the good medicine and the blessings that surround you in every moment, and you will begin to align yourself with the abundant flow of nature itself. 

Excerpted from the book from Angel Wealth Magic: Simple Steps to Hire the Divine & Unlock Your Miraculous Financial Flow. Copyright ©2022 by Corin Grillo, LMFT. Printed with permission from New World Library —  

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About the author 

Corin Grillo

Corin Grillo, LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist, international best-selling author, speaker, healer, retreat leader, and founder of the Angel Alchemy Academy. A mind-blowing miracle from the angels saved her life, cured her of life-long depression, and awakened her spiritual gifts.  

She is the author of Angel Wealth Magic: Simple Steps to Hire the Divine & Unlock Your Miraculous Financial Flow and The Angel Experiment. She has a popular podcast and offers online and in-person workshops and counseling. She now teaches others all over the world how to awaken their spiritual gifts, heal their lives, and discover their true purpose by working with angels and the Divine. She teaches by bridging others with direct mystical experiences, excessive amounts of laughter, down to earth spiritual wisdom, ritual, and powerful energy medicine that awakens the heart, mind, and soul. Learn more at

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