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8 Power Practices to Activate Your Soul’s Worth & Manifest Wealth

8 Power Practices to Activate Your Soul’s Worth & Manifest Wealth by Marcia Mariner | #AspireMag

If you are reading this, most likely, you are already waking up to your worth to one degree or another. 

But do you have everything your heart desires and more? 

If you answered no, what that means is that you have not made the permanent shift from living in your mind dominated survival pattern to fully unearthing and embodying your soul’s worth. 

You may not know how to cross this threshold so that it becomes your new default. Until you have this essential skill set, you will be held back in manifesting your dreams for your life. 

I do not know about you, but if you are like me and so many other women who I have mentored over the years, knowing something intellectually does not actually help us have the results we are looking for in our lives. No matter how hard we try, we often feel defeated.  

That is because as women, we are governed by our feelings more than our thoughts.  We cannot just will something into being or if we can, we do not sustain it for very long. 

Usually this shows up as: 

  • We start out excited and then we give up. 
  • We want a great relationship, yet no matter what, we find ourselves settling for less. 
  • We want to lose weight and yet, we just cannot seem to ever achieve our goals. 
  • We want to launch a dream business and yet it never seems to takeoff. 
  • We want to make a big impact on our evolving world and yet we can’t seem to get out of their fear of visibility. 
  • We want more money flow and yet end up financially drained. 
  • We want to break out of codependency and yet we find ourselves still in that trap of unhealthy self-sacrifice. 

Why do so many of us “do the same thing and get the same results” when we desire a different outcome?  

In my years of experience, here is one conditioned pattern that, for many women, underlies our difficulty in manifesting our dreams for our lives:  

It is an underlying trance of unworthiness.   

To some degree or another, the traces of this trance will, if not fully uncovered and released, keep us from accomplishing our destiny. 

The degree and intensity that this trance shows up in women varies, but for most of us, we have been under its grip for far too long, no matter how intense or slight it is.

Even when we breakthrough a level of worth, there could be another level waiting for us to dissolve, so that we can achieve our dreams and accomplish our mission. 

We will know that there are no traces of past conditioning holding us back, when we can say we are being fully our authentic selves and well on our way to thriving in all areas of our lives with no more inner barriers holding us back. 

This trance state shows up as a script of “we never are enough, our worth lies outside of us, we do not belong, we can never do enough, we have to try harder, we do not deserve “it”,  we must compete, we compare ourselves to others, we can never measure up and we are powerless and we never have enough. 

Sometimes it shows up as needing to hide our brilliance or fear of “hurting others” if we step into our destiny.    

There are multiple ways this trance will stop us dead in our tracks and we always must be vigilant when these unwelcome guests show up. As Rumi mentions in his poem “The Guest House”, “meet these unwelcome guests at the door laughing”. 

This trance, when recognized and overcome frees us to go for the results we want, no longer encumbered by this scarcity conditioning pattern. 

When it no longer encumbers us, we then can say “we have acquired a sacred wealth mindset” 

The truth is: each of us is born with sacred gifts and superpowers.  Every one of us has a unique and valuable contribution to make to our evolving world.  

Women are, without a doubt, a most precious and valuable resource to our evolving world.  Each and every one of us needs to wake up now, so that we can spiritually and financially prosper 

How do we crossover into not just knowing we are “worth it”, in our heads, but feeling it activated and embodied in every cell of ourselves? 

Here are 8 power practices and steps to amplify your worth and attract the wealth you desire: 

1. Take “soul worth” breaks at least 3 times a day for 3 minutes, where you focus on imagining and feeling your worthy self. (Allow yourself to shift into your heart space and anchor that vibration in more with each practice.)   

2. Find a “high vibe tribe” who can help you uplevel your worth. 

3. Take 3 action steps every day that invest in your vision for your life and contribution you want to make. 

4. Be generous with sharing your wins and supporting other women rising in worth. 

5. Spend 30 percent of your time with visionary lightworkers who are already at the level of worth you desire. 

Spend 30 percent of your time with supportive peers and visionary colleagues. 

Spend 30 percent of your time in generous service to the less advantaged. 

6. Say YES to being uncomfortable, as you evolve in your experience of worth.

7. Invest in a program to help you activate, sustain and increase your “worth frequency”. 

8.Commit to your well-being first (#MEFIRST) and you will feel your worth rapidly rising.

May you trust more and more in your feminine superpower of intuition. It knows so much more than your limited mindset of what is possible for you. In trusting this higher knowing, you are well on your path to living “the dream”. In so doing, we are creating a better world by becoming the best version of ourselves!

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About the author 

Marcia Mariner

Marcia is a Divine Feminine Visionary leader, speaker and author empowering women to create transformation in their lives. Using her expertise from over 30 years experience as a licensed therapist, Marcia combines therapeutic coaching with the power of women’s circles to help women break free from their patriarchal conditioning, embrace their feminine gifts and wake up to their worth. By fully embodying their own beauty, and magnificence, Marcia believes women have the power to collectively shift the evolution of the world. Marcia invites you to download your From Blah to Blissful in 3 Simple Steps video today!

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