Resilience is about how well and how fast you bounce back after a setback. This is a key skill for entrepreneurs because we live in a state of constant challenges and change. Inability to bounce back quickly prevents you from moving forward, learning life’s lessons, and growing your business.
The first step to improving your resilience is to gain an awareness of how you handle yourself in key areas. Do you build walls, hide out, blame other people and circumstances or do you confront yourself, your reactions, nurturing yourself with grace and understanding?
Here are eight key areas where your Human Design can help you build more resilience:
1. Manage Your Energy
We only have so much energy and it varies by our Human Design Type. But even those with what seems like unlimited and sustainable energy can burn out. We all need to manage our energy so we can do all the things in life that we want to do and be fully expressed in our highest potential.
Getting enough rest in the first place is the first step in managing your energy. Beyond a good night’s sleep, we should take breaks during the day to recharge. Walks are good. Naps are better. Even a 15-minute nap can refresh. Try setting a timer 5 minutes before the top of the hour each hour during the workday. When the timer goes off (and make it a beautiful chime), stop what you are doing, get up, walk around, take a few deep breaths, make a cup of tea, whatever you feel called to do in that 5-15 minutes to refresh.
2. Trust Yourself
You are hard wired to know yourself. When you clear away the should’s and have to’s and trust yourself to follow the path you know is right for you, you build self-confidence. Self-confidence gives you the power to be resilient.
You must listen to yourself and connect with your intuition and “gut” feelings. Resist the temptation to go outside of yourself for the answers. Asking others is not bad, but relying on others to find the answers and not trusting yourself can be. Ask yourself.
The more you trust your inner wisdom, the louder it will speak to you. The universe has your back. Trust it.
3. Strengthen Your Courage
We all have fears. We are hard wired with some fears in our Human Design, and they are found in the Spleen center. Others come from past experiences. You cannot stop your fears, but you can learn to walk through them and live courageously. Don’t go through life letting fear paralyze you so you are afraid to do the things you w. to do or live the way you want to live. Fears exist to motivate us into action and to make us aware when danger exists so we can protect ourselves. Strengthen your courage. Use fear as a motivator. Choose courage over fear.
4. Make Aligned Choices
We have all been taught to think logically and make decisions with rational thinking such as weighing the pros and cons. But making decisions with your head is not the right way for any of us to make decisions. Aligned choices and decisions are about whether it feels right.
In Human Design, we all have a special decision-making center in our bodies called our Authority. Learning what your Human Design Authority is and how to use it to make aligned choices helps you make the choices that are right for you. When you know how to make clear and aligned choices, you can bounce back faster.
5. Manage Your Self Worth
You must know and embrace your self-worth. Human Design teaches us that we have a unique role or life purpose to live out in this world. You are a valuable piece of the puzzle we call the Human Story. The puzzle cannot be completed without your puzzle piece. You have a valuable contribution to make and the natural gifts and talents to make it. You are enough. Learn to recognize your valuable contribution and what it is worth. Don’t allow yourself to judge your self-worth by the standards set by others.
6. Manage Your Emotions
Practice Emotional Intelligence by learning to control your own emotions and by having empathy and compassion for others. Learn to recognize your triggers and get in the habit of responding rather than reacting in an uncontrolled, chaotic way. Practicing the ability to do this helps you pause, regroup, and respond without upsetting yourself as much, without creating drama, or deteriorating your relationships with others.
Tap into your emotional wisdom. Listen to yourself. Listen to what your body is telling you. Where are you tense? Do you clench your jaw or tense up your shoulders when you are triggered? Body language is also a way we express our emotions.
7. Feel Empowered
You came into this world with a purpose and a set of gifts, skills, and talents to support you in fulfilling your purpose. You are divinely designed to be unique and powerful. Be empowered to put yourself out in the world and fulfill your purpose.
Human Design shows you that you have everything you need to live the creative expression of who you are. The steps are simple. Be Yourself, Use Your Natural Gifts, and Shine Your Light!
8. Be Authentic, Know Yourself
How well do you know yourself? Are you living in alignment with your true self or are you being who you have been taught to be? We have all been conditioned by well-meaning parents, teachers, peers, church, society, and advertising. We are taught how to think and act so we fit into our society. And we do it because the urge to fit in, to be accepted and loved is very strong, so strong that we can sometimes hide the parts of us that are unique or not highly valued in our society.
But entrepreneurs are original and are not here to fit in. Entrepreneurs are here to think differently and explore the possibilities. When you are different you will face resistance. You may draw criticism that can get you off track and make it difficult to proceed with your plans. Build your resilience to help you become unstoppable in life and as an entrepreneur.
Human Design is a system that supports you in cultivating a deep understanding of the most authentic, aligned, and high performing expression of who you are. It empowers you to connect with your unique purpose, recognize your natural talents and live your life in a way that feels good to you for the utmost success, satisfaction, and happiness. Knowing your Human Design helps you cultivate resilience.
Feel like you’re always chasing clients? Discover Your Client Attraction Personality Type to learn how you are naturally designed to be magnet.