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7 Ways to Know You’re on Your Right Path

7 Ways to Know You’re on Your Right Path by Kimmberly Wotipka | #AspireMag

Do you find yourself constantly questioning if you’re on your intended path, but feel you can’t hear your own wisdom? I believe most of us do, at least, at one time or another. 

Things like managing divorce, caring for aging parents, empty nest syndrome, dependent adult children, navigating illness, or unrealistic career demands all can make us feel imprisoned by our circumstances if we let them. 

When you aren’t amid a particularly stressful situation, being on the right path isn’t actually a question we tend to ponder. Why? Because we feel things are working as they should, and we are allowing them to unfold. 

Sometimes, though, even without a life circumstance interrupting our flow, we can feel misdirected and lack motivation in our lives. 

Here’s the seven ways to know you’re on your right path, whether you’re in a stressful situation or not: 

1. You express your authentic presence and are willing to be visible, seen, and recognized.You know WHO you are – a full embodiment of your own passion, sovereignty, and power. Most of all, you love sharing it willingly with all of Creation. 

You’re one of those women – the ones that share their ideas and opinions without fear of being judged. You know, without needing a friend or coach to tell you, that there’s always space for you and your thoughts, too! 

You never let your fears and inner critic hold you back. You have become your own superhero and aren’t afraid to go out on a limb.

2. You attract and create relationships that meet you where you are, where you are loved unconditionally for who you are, and deeply supported in who you are becoming as an individual. Nothing is more important in life than having the right people around you. You recognize the magic that happens when you have strengthened your self-worth and stopped settling for less than absolute respect and admiration.  

The Law of Attraction has a curious way of rearing its beautifully purposeful head and you will discover endless resources for finding your “tribe.” This community has your back, wants what’s best for you, and desires you to succeed.  

You have a purpose. And so do your relationships.

3. You’ve discovered your genius and natural endowments and contribute these to others in deep, meaningful ways. We all have a mission whether we realize it or not. And part of each of our missions is to help people stuck in the muck to see their own and share it with the universe. You continually seek guidance and practical steps you can implement to accomplish your next-level goals.  

You don’t wait for someone to ask you, validate you, or invite you. You simply show up fully yourself. You know you don’t need to be anointed to fully share your genius and talents.

Opportunities consistently present themselves to you while miraculously being exactly what you need when you need it or happen to be exactly what you were looking for.

4. You have created a thriving livelihood that’s aligned with your values. You live in a prosperous flow with more than enough to take care of yourself and your family, as well as to be benevolent and generous to causes that touch your heart. You’re unwilling to settle for any other kind of life than this.  

One thing you’re unwilling to do is listen to the naysayers. You got used to winning and losing, the good and the bad, the ups and the downs. And, for goodness’ sake, you stopped trying to be the “good girl” a long time ago.

It feels like you were always supposed to be right where you are. It’s simply meant for you. Your life is not the only one that changed because you are altering the lives of everyone around you for the better. 

5. You express your creativity and manifest your desires easily. You know how to magnetize all your desires and to enjoy the finer things in life simply by showing up as who you truly are. You’re inspired, pumped, energized, a little nervous, and excited all at the same time.  

You already knew what a knock-it-out-of-the-park life looked like for you so you dreamt into it. This life is your game, so you committed to showing up for yourself every day as your own best friend.  

6. You radiate health and vitality. You understood to transform, you needed to take a holistic approach — addressing mind, body, and soul. No matter what you look like, people tell you that you look amazing. And they mean it. You’re a superstar!  

The sun shines a little brighter, the air is a little cleaner, and people are a little more decent. In reality, none of these changes happened on the outside. 

The world is just reflecting back what you are putting into it. Everything in your spirit starts to flourish in response to that energy.

7. You deepen your spiritual connection on a consistent basis and live in partnership with a higher power. You have created your fiercest and most authentic life by living in alignment with this connection. You have practiced the deep internal work and shifted your entire being on a cellular level. 

You have clarity and certainty about yourself, your life, and where you’re headed. 

Living your purpose is the key to igniting your power and stepping into these higher possibilities. 

Do you resonate with these qualities or are you in the midst of a circumstance that has you wondering what’s next? You’re being called to go within so you can hear the messages of your own truth and uncover your next step, so you can create a life filled with balance, bliss, and inner peace.  

I invite you to download the free 21-day Quiet the Soul e-course that will bring you simple, easy practices to nourish your body, indulge your senses. and tap into joy. Grab it here. 

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About the author 

Kimmberly Wotipka

Kimmberly Wotipka is an international best-selling author and course creator but, first and foremost, a Priestess. As an Elemental Priestess™, she supports women in working with the Spiritual essences of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth to create a life filled with magic, intention, and possibility.

Working with the elements in this way helps them to connect to the tangible natural powers in our physical world while at the same time returning to the building blocks of creation by rooting their feet in the material world. Kimmberly invites you to learn more at and to download your complimentary 21-Day Quiet the Soul Journey

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