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7 Ways Spirituality and Happiness Lead to Success

7 Ways Spirituality and Happiness Lead to Success by Patricia Young | #AspireMag

There is nothing like having a daily spiritual practice. If you think about it, we’re being constantly bombarded with information and demands from our culture. We’re “required” to measure up to certain pre-set standards. If we are not mindful, we tend to base our self-worth on external factors like material things, accomplishments, approval from people, etc.

Even though all this is part of living in this world and era, it can be very exhausting and draining. We have to remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, so with all those external demands we tend to ignore our spiritual connection, which is vital for our growth, but most importantly, it leads to happiness and success.

The idea of Success has been evolving in past years, it is far from what years ago was referred to as making a lot of money and achieving material things. Success, nowadays, goes way deeper than just having an abundance of wealth and physical things. Success means that we live our lives from a place of authenticity, we live feeling a great sense of fulfillment, joy, freedom, peace, health and a knowing that we’re inspiring those around us to live from that place as well. Success is an inner state, we create it from within.

It is well known that Happiness fuels success, and that when we are positive, our brains become more engaged, creative, motivated and productive at work. Even though it is said that our genes and our environment will define our happiness, the truth is that Happiness is ultimately a conscious choice that we can make every day, no matter what’s going on around us.

Here are a few tips to cultivate our spirituality and happiness on a daily basis:

Practice Gratitude every day – get a Gratitude Journal and write down 5 things that you’re grateful for every morning

Set intentions every morning – write down 2 or more intentions on how you want your day to be

Meditate – Quiet your mind and reach deep inside. Go beyond your ego mind, so you can hear your inner voice – your inner wisdom, and connect with the Divine.

Engage in random acts of kindness – Kindness is healing and a great source of happiness. Give back to your community, give a compliment to someone, open or hold the door for someone, leave a $5 bill at a random place with a kind note.

Live on Purpose – Reconnect with your unique gifts and talents. If you don’t know what your passions and talents are, take a moment every day to sit down in silence so you can reconnect with your spirit. A great way to do it is writing down what you used to love when you were a kid. Take your time to explore, but know, that serving others and making a difference is one of the best ways to bring unlimited happiness, abundance and success into your life. Success it tight to who you are and what you are here to be and do.

Be mindful of the law of cause and effect – Choosing actions that bring happiness and success to others ensures the flow of happiness and success for yourself.

Let go of the need to control – Just allow yourself and others the freedom to be who they are and let go of the attachment to outcomes. The unknown is the doorway to infinite possibilities and freedom.

I invite you to practice these tips for 21 days, and then share with me the shifts and miracles that you start noticing. I can’t wait to hear how your practice of spirituality and happiness is shaping your success!

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About the author 

Patricia Young

Patricia Young is a Transformational Life Coach & Strategist, international best-selling author, the host of the popular Awakening to Life podcast, the founder of Inner Prosperity Academy, and the author of the book, Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Consciously Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles (February 2018, Inspired Living Publishing). She is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine and a sought-after media and summit guest.

Patricia passionately supports sensitive and growth-oriented women in identifying and living their highest life vision. Her keen insight, nurturing energy, and proven strategies help women take action to bring this vision into reality so they can live the life they came here to live—both personally and professionally.

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    • Patricia Raga-Young says:

      Thanks Shann! Glad you liked it!! Xoxo 🙂

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