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7 Ways Nature Helps You Stimulate More Joy and Success

7 Ways Nature Helps You Stimulate More Joy and Success by Lisa Michaels | #AspireMag

Joy, according to Merriam-Webster, is the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires, while the Oxford dictionary says it’s a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. No matter how you define it, the question is how can you consciously align with bringing more of this delicious feeling into your life?

One of the easiest ways to align with this rich and juicy feeling is by connecting on a deeper level to the natural world and your own inner nature. It might be hard to believe but tuning into Nature’s core energies of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit, along with their rhythmic cycles, can actively help you create more joy and success in life.

These energies collectively form the foundational essence of creation, so they can help you accelerate and increase your well-being and success in any endeavor. Anytime nature’s rhythms and energies are honored as the profound teachers and guides they are, you gain ready access to support and clarity to boost your capacity to create more joy and success in your life.

7 Ways Nature Helps You Stimulate More Joy and Success

  1. Spend time in Nature to increase your feeling of well-being.
    This one thing will help ground and center you emotionally faster than anything. Go for a joy walk. Spending 10-20 minutes—outside moving in nature, looking at the beauty around you, focusing on uplifting your energy—balances your mind, emotions, body, and spirit and gives rise to greater joy.
  1. Trust in change to allow the cycle of joy and success to emerge in its due time.
    Change exists as the core energy of Nature. Transformations happen constantly, with every element, and on every realm. The sun and moon, while consistent in their rising and setting every day, change times, location, distance, and impact the changes you experience in the seasons and tides.Nature reminds you with the turning of the seasons that everything goes in cycles. The ground rests in the quiet of winter, followed by waking to spring, and the abundant joy-filled blooms of summer, before harvest and the falling away of autumn.If you allow for this understanding of joy and success in times when you are experiencing a personal winter, it will help you deepen your trust in the cycle of life. Learning to trust in the process of change will assist newfound joy to emerge when you’ve experienced darker days. It’s helpful to remember that even when you see no proof all winter, spring does return.
  2. Keep your thoughts uplifted with gratitude.
    Gratitude centers you in abundant feelings that generate joy, so give thanks. This feeling creates a fertile environment for more abundant feelings of well-being to grow in your life.

Create an abundant spirit by taking time often to show your appreciation and gratitude for even the tiniest of blessings in your life. Be mindful of where your thoughts are focused, and if you find them centered on fear, feelings of unhappiness, or worry, bring them back to gratitude. Find anything you can to be grateful for, even something tiny, and focus on that until your emotional energy also resets. Gratitude brings the highest vibrational frequency from which to create joy and success.

  1. Know you always have guidance available to uplift your success.
    The elements of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit want you to know that your body is created from a unique combination of all of them. Therefore, you are intimately connected to each of them and have access to their wisdom at all times. All you need to do to access this powerful assistance is to ask for it with a grateful heart and be open to receiving it.

Here are tips on how each elemental realm can support your joy and success.

Earth – Physical Realm: Appreciate all the physical things such as your body, home, car, garden, family, clothes, business, (everything—even the tiny things) that bring you joy, uplift your heart, and put a smile on your face.

Water – Emotional Realm: Infuse love into every area of your life. Fill yourself with love and allow self-doubt to be released to refocus your flow of bliss and contentment.

Air – Mental Realm: Notice if you are saying anything to yourself that weakens your feeling of well-being and cheerfulness. Focus your thoughts and beliefs on your sense of satisfaction.

Fire – Action Realm: Notice what actions enliven your sense of joy, such as a walk in nature, time with family, a fun dance class. Add these activities to your routine as often as possible.

Spirit – Essence Realm: A deep connection to Spirit, Source, All that Is, God/dess, can add to your lightheartedness and exuberance for life. Center yourself with a meaningful relationship to the Divine.

  1. Develop a deeper level of intuition to support your success.
    Learning to listen to the wisdom and guidance in Nature can increase your intuitive awareness and insights to direct you to more joy in every area of life. The organic rhythmic cycles of Nature remind us that in order to fully access the feminine power of intuition, we need to balance time for rest with time for movement.This alignment with natural processes nourishes your inner nature where your intuition awaits. To cultivate the feminine gift of intuition, open to receive new knowledge, clear old beliefs, and release feelings of limitation through simple yet powerful creation actions.
  2. Create time for rest to balance your energy and stimulate joy.
    Rest, quiet, the darkness of night all balance the outer world activity of daylight action and movement within the natural world. Making sure you receive plenty of rest allows you to access and increase your intuition and balance your vibrations so you can experience a deeper sense of well-being.

Too much outer world activity and stress dampen your ability to hear your inner voice which guides you toward joy. You may become restless, emotionally or financially unstable, or experience burnout. To balance these energies, consciously seek and plan peaceful rest times, or time away from the demands of everyday responsibility and technology.

Quiet inner time creates receptivity, incubates the seeds of your desires, and grows your ability to receive and allow joy. Without doubt, working with the elements and cycles of nature harmonizes and influences your personal energy field with subtle and gradual changes in your life. Even when you shift into rest, the living creative pulse of nature assists you as you rest, heal, and receive insights to stimulate joy in your life.

  1. Remember joy is a state of mind and heart.

Keep aligning your mind and heart with this precious emotion. Notice the difference you feel. Allow Nature and the elemental forces of creation to assist you in centering your life in a vibration of joy anytime you need uplifting.

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About the author 

Lisa Michaels

Lisa Michaels, author of Nature’s Creation Alchemy, LunaSol, and the Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle, inspires heart-centered women to unlock their feminine prosperity potential. You can align with your inner Creation Team through her program Your Life Purpose Prosperity Blueprint or Prosperity Power sessions. Download Lisa’s complementary resource to dive deeper into your archetypes, UNLEASH: Your Inner Feminine Prosperity Power. 

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