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7 Tips to Living in Alignment with Your Soul’s Nature

7 Tips to Living in Alignment with Your Soul’s Nature by Jami Hearn | #AspireMag

Are you suffering through misaligned living?

Do you seek balance and happiness with to no avail?

Does your 9 to 5 fail to resonate with your true vibration?

Are you feeling completely depleted by settling for the life you are living?

You deserve MORE! You deserve the exact life you desire!

Too often we just trudge along through life without investing time, effort and energy in ourselves and the things that really matter… like what you devote the majority of your waking hours to. We are repressed by the low vibration of settling and surviving, while we grow resentful of those around us who appear to be thriving.

I have a neighbor, who does not appear to be the sharpest tack in the box, but still he runs a wildly successful lifestyle business. My husband wanted to know how someone like this guy succeeds, while so many others are just treading water. The secret is creating the life you really want and making choices to move yourself in that direction.

I yearned to live in more alignment with my soul’s divine nature – because I was tired of the draining experience of fighting against the tide. Here are the seven steps I took to start moving toward a more aligned and fulfilling life… take them one at a time… don’t get totally overwhelmed. And by the way, it is not always complete ease – but the result is so worth the effort and growing pains.

1. Purge. We are surrounded by things and people that are not supporting us and our true vibration. Of course it is easier to get rid of stuff than people, but you should consider everything that is not serving your highest good. My own spiritual evolution required cleaning out my closet and some toxic friendships.

My mentor suggested to me that I apply a 3-part analysis to everything: 1) Have I used it within the last year? 2) Does it still serve me?, and 3) Do I LOVE it? If you do not answer yes to all three of these questions – toss it! Clutter does not serve you in any way. It merely creates energetic chaos that prevents you from becoming truly aligned.

2. Solidify Your Ritual. Routine and ritual really helps elevate your vibration. I find that a morning ritual practice works best for me, I get it accomplished and move on to the great things waiting for me in the rest of my day. On the days that I have tried to postpone my meditation or any part of my ritual to the evening, I never get it done. My morning ritual practice includes lighting a candle or incense, setting intention for the day and meditating.

A ritual practice doesn’t have to be long and drawn out, it can be 5-15 minutes of time you devote to you and restoring your vital life-force energy. You deserve time to focus on yourself and bring in the self-love that is your birthright.

3. Daily Affirmations. Lots of us use daily affirmations… I am abundant; I am open to receive love; I attract everything I need… I encourage my clients to alter this practice just a bit. Make your daily affirmations to yourself in the mirror. Do them in the first person and then a second time in the second person.

“I am beautiful and worthy of love – You are beautiful and I love you.” Say this to yourself while you look into your own eyes. Try this approach for a few days and see how it feels to you. For me, it provided internal support and stability that I used to seek from external sources. You have all the power you desire within you; take the steps to harness and enjoy it!

4. Acceptance. We are our own most critical voice, which makes it so very difficult to accept and love ourselves for exactly who we are, instead of striving to be someone who fits in or fulfills some else’s dream. This is an exercise in mindset. I love the tapping technique… whatever happens or has happened… I love and accept myself anyway. That is clearly paraphrased, as I am not a tapping expert – but I love and accept myself anyway. See how it works…

One of my personal accomplishments is recognizing when a circumstance is out of alignment with me and accepting it for what it is. I had a law client question my professionalism because I have a spiritual business. A year ago, I would have offered many reasons that her assertion could not possibly be correct. Now, I come from a place of complete acceptance of who I am. So I told her that it was unfortunate that she and I were not in alignment with respect to either facet of my work and I hoped she had much luck with another attorney. It was empowering to put myself first… and lovingly accept the consequences of my choice.

5. Locate your Tribe. Don’t go it alone. Even the most introverted of sisters need some sense of community. There are many places to look for your tribe… lots of amazing possibilities are collected right here in Aspire! Whether you join a circle of sisters on-line, or are fortunate enough to have access to a group of like-minded people who are local to you – there is strength in reinforcement. There are people like you out there, don’t be afraid to look around and reach out. We all started somewhere, probably feeling like we didn’t fit in, either.

6. Go Public. Stepping out of the spiritual broom closet is not easy. We are all so worried about what people will think. What will my mother say? Will the people at work look at me differently? Well…. Your mother is a wild card, but she will still love you. And YES, the people at work will look at you differently, for one of two reasons: 1) They will be jealous that you are brave enough to be who you really are, while they can’t even make a decision about where to get lunch without everyone’s approval; or 2) they will confess to you that they are locked in the spiritual broom closet too and they feel empowered that you are being true to yourself. Embrace your true divinity and let people know the real you. It is an amazing feeling to give up the appearances and SHINE!

7. Don’t Give a Shit. This is the hardest step to fully embrace. By human nature we place value on opinions and relationships, but these are not more important than your relationship with yourself. This relates to going public… and ignoring public perceptions and opinions. So take a deep breath and don’t take any of it personally! When someone has a judgment or something less than kind to say, they are expressing their own insecurities and self-imposed restrictions. Keep your vibration high and remind yourself that such negativity is not in alignment with who you are, so it doesn’t really matter.

Being who I am at my soul level has impacted every area of my life. I have chosen happiness and that spills out in the most unexpected places. I will be driving along in the car to an appointment and I notice how full my heart is and how happiness is just brimming from my soul. Take small steps and allow your new intention to fill you and propel you forward into living your most divine life!

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About the author 

Jami Hearn

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Teacher, who is passionate about working with high-achieving, spiritual women, to curate the life of their dreams through accessing the Divine Feminine and inner sovereign power that is her birthright. Through her coaching, readings and retreats, Jami empowers women to release self-judgment, tap into true clarity of path and purpose and reconnect to sacred wisdom, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of.

In addition to hosting the podcast Witches, Bitches and Dead People, Jami has a thriving, international coaching practice, is an Akashic Records Expert and Teacher, and has been a successful attorney for more than 20 years. Walking with a foot in each world allows Jami to intentionally and intuitively guide her clients to the ideal strategy for their individual situation, with flow, ease and grace. Learn more at

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