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7 Things You Should Give Up if You Want to Be Happy

7 Things You Should Give Up if You Want to Be Happy by Patricia Young | #AspireMag

Whether this moment is happy or not, it really depends on you. The moment will not make you happy, it’s YOU that makes the moment happy. With mindfulness and awareness, we can make of any moment, a happy moment. Happiness is a conscious choice. Happiness is an art, because we can create whatever we can from any situation or circumstance.

The key to connecting to our happiness is through love – self-love. When we start really loving ourselves and being aware of our worth, we will connect with our inner power, and that, is a conscious choice. By loving and knowing ourselves better, we start being more authentic and truer to ourselves. We then let go of attachments, stop handing over our worthiness to others, and let go of the need to have other people’s approval. Ultimately, we must realize and believe that, as spiritual beings here on the planet, we are perfect, whole, lovable, and enough—just as we are.

Some people tend to seek happiness, in so many things outside of themselves to avoid their pain and fears. We waste so much energy and time without realizing that really knowing ourselves – not the stories we have created about ourselves – is necessary to be happy … When we do not look inside of us, we tend to fill our emptiness with people, material things, etc. and the only thing that these external things will bring to us is more co-dependencies and if we are not mindful, even addictions. Eventually, we’ll try to cover that emptiness, pain and suffering, with more of the same… it’s an endless cycle of pain.

When you live life expecting external things to feel happy, you live a life that is not aligned with your Authentic Self and your unique life purpose; you’re not really taking the time to connect with yourself and love and value yourself for who you really are. We all have that hidden reservoir of limitless sacred power and energy, waiting, ready, and available for us to connect to it, so we can see miracles unfold in our lives when we are aligned to it.

Reaching that point of truly knowing and accepting ourselves for who we really are, honoring our strengths, and s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g  beyond our fears, is how we connect with happiness. It’s really on us, we must change the way we think in order to attract harmony, balance and happiness to our lives. We just need a change of consciousness, a shift in our mindset, a change of habits in our way of thinking and seeing life.

Here is a list of things that you can choose to give up so you can start feeling happier now. We tend to hold on to so many things that cause pain, struggle, suffering and stress in our lives that if we chose not to cling to them, a new whole world of possibilities would open up in front of us. If you’re ready, starting today, give up on the things that no longer serve you and embrace a happier life. Here are a few examples on the things you would need to give up:

1. Your need to control – Allow yourself to flow with life. Let others be who they are, don’t try to change them. You will not be able to control and change some situations in life, so surrender to what is. You can either resist or you can accept it and surrender. And always try to see the positive side or the gift in every situation.

2. Your need to blame others or circumstances – Stop blaming other people and circumstances for what you have or don’t have, or for what you feel or don’t feel. Happy and successful people are responsible for their own lives and they hold themselves accountable for what they have and how they feel. They see every experience as a learning experience.

3. Your need to judge yourself and others – judging ourselves and others comes from our conditioned self, our ego mind. We need to create the habit of looking at people with love, compassion and kindness (including yourself). We don’t know what the other person might be going through, we might be missing parts of the story. We just have to be open minded and keep in mind that we all want the same thing – to be happy, be loved and understood.

4. Your stories and excuses – The only thing that holds us back, prevents us from achieving our dreams, and getting what we really want, is the excuses we tell ourselves about why we can’t do it. We all have the capacity to do whatever we want, to live a greater and bigger life, the life we came here to live, we owe it to ourselves. As long as we give power to our old conditionings and our current circumstances, we will get the same results over and over again.

5. Your attachment to the past – The present moment is all we have now. Don’t dwell on the past and don’t worry about the future. We are living right here, right now, so make the best out of it. You create your future from your present moment, so start creating and living your best life now.

6. Your negative self-talk – We need to change our mindset and stop the negative and toxic repetitive thoughts that create pain and stuckness. Definitely, don’t believe everything your mind is telling you, specially is it’s self-defeating thoughts!

7.  Living life according to other people’s expectations – Don’t make decisions based on what other people think you “should” do. They may have the best intentions giving you advice, but Your path is unique, it’s different from everyone else’s, so listen to your heart. We all come to earth with a unique purpose, it’s as unique as a fingerprint. Living in alignment with it is not only our responsibility, but it’s also our birthright. Not following your Purpose, and not acknowledging your gifts and talents, not only dishonors who you are and who you came here to be, but also, it’s a disservice to those around you and to the world in general. Being clear on your life purpose will help you live your life to the fullest potential.

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About the author 

Patricia Young

Patricia Young is a Transformational Life Coach & Strategist, international best-selling author, the host of the popular Awakening to Life podcast, the founder of Inner Prosperity Academy, and the author of the book, Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Consciously Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles (February 2018, Inspired Living Publishing). She is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine and a sought-after media and summit guest.

Patricia passionately supports sensitive and growth-oriented women in identifying and living their highest life vision. Her keen insight, nurturing energy, and proven strategies help women take action to bring this vision into reality so they can live the life they came here to live—both personally and professionally.

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  • Great overview of what to give up to feel more at ease and happier. I especially need to quit playing with my old stories and excuses. Time to dump them for new and productive ones.

    • Patricia Young says:

      Thank you Virginia!
      Yayy! Yes, time to shed old stories and open up the space for new and greater things! 🙂

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