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7 Steps to Awaken the Magick of Your Intuition

7 Steps to Awaken the Magick of Your Intuition by Jami Hearn | #AspireMag

We are living in a world where accomplishment and checking things off our to-do lists is the driving force that moves us through the day. We are so busy, it’s hard to keep track of what day it even is. The chaos with which we move through the world has muted our ability to hear our inner voice. We have ignored the ability to tap into our own knowing and intuition that is readily available to help us every moment of every day. 

Intuition is the real magick that is available to us. We are infinite beings with access to more knowledge and wisdom than we can imagine. When we take the steps to allow ourselves to notice the synchronicities that are everywhere, we lean into the idea of possibility. Even for a moment, we quiet the inner critic that drives us to the next check box. 

Here are a few steps that I take to connect with my inner voice. Some of these may serve as reminders for you and others may be new concepts. Approach each step with intention and curiosity. You may be surprised what comes through! 

1.STOP.  We are fraught with stimulation, devices, to-dos, social expectations, and interactions. These obligations have us moving at warp speed and completely missing all that is happening around us. Take a moment to stop and just be. I know that goes against the grain we are programmed with. The idea that we are always busy makes us feel productive and validated. What if that moment of quiet being is where the real you resides just waiting to be noticed?  

This quiet space is where we can begin to become aware of all the things we haven’t noticed before. The internal nudges that we were moving too quickly to feel. The unusual actions of a blue jay or a cardinal, trying to get your attention. These are the messages that we often don’t notice because we are moving too quickly. 

2.BREATHE. This is another one of those reminders. Most humans breathe at less that 20% of their natural capacity. We are operating in fight, flight, or freeze programming all the time. We often exist in a state of oxygen deprivation. 

Here’s a basic breathing exercise. It may be easier for you if you lay down. Take a deep breath in and allow your belly to expand. Once you have taken in as much air as you can, open your mouth and release it. Allowing your belly to naturally fall. Repeat this cycle a few times. Then allow your breathing to find a more regular pattern, being mindful to keep your belly inflating with each breath. You may not discern any difference the first time you try this but set an intention to do this a few times a day for a week. At the end of the week, notice how your average rate of breathing is significantly deeper. This deeper level is where our emotions and intuition speak to us. This practice can serve as a gateway to amplify the connection to yourself that has been waiting to be noticed.  

3.LISTEN. We hear so much during our normal day that we often don’t allow ourselves to truly listen. The magic is often to be found in between all the noise and words that we are inundated with.  

When we move through these steps, it is the quiet spaces that will offer us the most to hear and truly listen to. I have people tell me all the time that they can’t quiet their minds. There are many ways to work with this, instead of against this. Try walking in nature and listening to the sounds around you. You can do the breathing technique discussed previously and make your breath audible. Focus on the sound of your breathing. You can also play ambient music or binaural beats in the background. These options give your left brain something to tune into without engaging active thoughts. And if those active thoughts continue to flow it, that’s ok, too. Try writing them down. You may notice a theme they are trying to call to your attention and there may be meaning in what you previously considered random thoughts.  

4.NOTICE. You don’t have to know what to do with the information, thoughts, and concepts that are presenting themselves to you. Just notice them. If you see 3 raccoons on your way to work, but you have never seen them on that drive before, just notice that. Also being to notice ideas that randomly come to mind for no discernable reason. Your only responsibility to is to notice them. You don’t have to decode anything or construct a narrative that makes sense to the world. Just see the nuance of messages flowing to you from your higher self and the universe. The more you notice, the more you notice. 

 5.ACKNOWLEDGE. It is easy to dismiss the synchronicities that you are noticing as coincidence. Please be aware that there are no coincidences. Everything around us happens for a reason. Sometimes those reasons are evident, and sometimes we have no conscious awareness of where these events fit into our lives. It doesn’t matter if you nerve know why, just acknowledge the information or the message. I can, often, be heard saying “I see you and I hear you!” These acknowledgements give affirmation to my willingness to continue receiving the messages. I am letting my higher self and the universe know that I am listening to my intuition and the messages I am receiving – even when I have zero idea what to do with them. 

6.ACCEPT. (without judgement). The messages you receive are not necessarily for you to decode. There may be a time when you understand what they all mean, but you don’t have to worry about that right now. Just for today, accept and receive what is meant for you without feeling the need to understand or explain it.  

7.GIVE GRATITUDE: This is the most important element. If you express gratitude for all that you are receiving, you are letting the universe know that you want more. Being in the energy of gratitude had numerous benefits, but the vibration of gratitude allows you to be in harmony with your higher self, your intuition, and the universe at large.   

The real message that your intuition is sharing with you, is that you are magic and all that you do, and experience is rooted in magic. Allowing yourself to see and believe in your magic is also reinforced by trusting your intuition. The more you work with the ideas of both, the stronger your confidence and ultimately, your sovereign reclamation of you, becomes. I know these ideas can feel big and somewhat intimidating, but if you take these steps one at a time. You will see progress faster than you ever could have imagined. You have magic, trust yourself, just enough to take the first step toward connecting with your intuition to come into harmony with it. 

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About the author 

Jami Hearn

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Teacher, who is passionate about working with high-achieving, spiritual women, to curate the life of their dreams through accessing the Divine Feminine and inner sovereign power that is her birthright. Through her coaching, readings and retreats, Jami empowers women to release self-judgment, tap into true clarity of path and purpose and reconnect to sacred wisdom, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of.

In addition to hosting the podcast Witches, Bitches and Dead People, Jami has a thriving, international coaching practice, is an Akashic Records Expert and Teacher, and has been a successful attorney for more than 20 years. Walking with a foot in each world allows Jami to intentionally and intuitively guide her clients to the ideal strategy for their individual situation, with flow, ease and grace. Learn more at

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