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7 Steps to Release Your Past

7 Steps to Release Your Past by Monica Dubay | #AspireMag

When you are struggling and can’t see through the pain you are in, I suggest you do this simple exercise in forgiveness.  I love this because it is quick and it really works.

These 7 steps are taken from Edwene Gaines in her classic book called The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity.

I had the privilege of meeting Edwene recently and drove her to the airport after her talk at our Unity Church.  She asked me what I see myself doing this next year.  She must have a link to the Divine, because the idea I shared with her is beginning to happen now.

Please take a large piece of paper or a journal and set aside about two hours of uninterrupted time. As you complete the following sentences, go within, simply allow the process of inquiry meditation to reveal to you the hidden feelings.

Now write the answers to the following.

  1. I am through feeling guilty about­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________.
  2. I am over feeling sorry for myself about _______________.
  3. I am no longer going to blame _____________________.
  4. I am finished with all sadness about _________________.
  5. I forgive my parents for __________________________.
  6. I release all suffering about ________________________.
  7. Above all, I forgive myself once and for all for _____________________.


Writing out the long-held resentments can inspire you to open your heart up and release them finally from your mind.  None of them are worth one moment of your beautiful creative mind.  They only bring pain.  They only bring you sickness and suffering.  Haven’t you had enough?

When you complete this exercise and have it all written out, state out loud in a declaration to the Universe what you have written.  Repeat it every day for a week if needed.

You will feel different, you will be changed.  Because your mind has all power, this exercise can raise you immediately to a different vibrational frequency.

You will be lighter, more at ease, and more willing to be open hearted toward yourself and others.

When your resentment is written down, not just thought about, the release comes.  If you are sincere in your heart to forgive, you will know it. Years of pain may come up in tears, anger, or judgment.  That’s OK.  It’s important that you allow yourself time to go through this exercise.  It may take some time.  Good.  There is no better use of your time.

If you do it, you will be healed.  Forgiveness is the great key to happiness. And it is so simple, really.  But you must let go of the unhealed pain inside you in order to function as the free, enlightened being that you are.

You will come out free and clear of the past. The power is within you, but you have to remove the blocks, then you will feel the power of love that resides there.  Try this simple exercise.

What have you got to lose?

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About the author 

Monica Dubay

Monica Dubay is a spiritual teacher, healer, author and catalyst for transformational leadership. She is on a mission to empower women who want to crush fear, shamelessly love themselves and change the world.

Monica has been a teacher of transformation since 1990, when she was healed of anxiety and depression miraculously. She has taught A Course in Miracles for over 25 years. Her Heal Your Mind Heal Your Life Transformation Program helps women become leaders by finding their true purpose, forgiving the past, and embracing their divine calling. Monica is a spiritual guide, a catalyst for enlightening the mind. She helps clients identify blocks, using powerful energy healing methods to affect a breakthrough in consciousness. She uses wisdom from all spiritual teachings, visioning, and inner guidance to transform and enlighten. Take the next step on your journey, download your 10 Steps to Create your Life’s Desire Video Course & Meditation.

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