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7 Spiritual Ways To Escape Negativity

7 Spiritual Ways To Escape Negativity by Jami Hearn | #AspireMag

Facebook, work, PTO meetings – they are all mired with drama and negativity. But all that negativity really brings down the vibration that those of us on the spiritual path try so hard to elevate. Unless you are moving to a Buddhist temple in the mountains of Tibet, completely off the grid; it’s impossible to completely eliminate and escape the drama of those surrounding us in everyday life. The best we can do is to take measures to insulate ourselves from it and limit our exposure. 

Try some of these simple steps you can take to limit the impact of negativity in your environment.

  1. Breathe Deeply. Remind yourself that you are in control by taking a deep breath. As you breathe in, feel your lungs fill with fresh positivity. Then exhale out all the negativity that you are feeling. Sometimes, we feel negativity from other people, situations or even places. Use your breathing to insulate yourself and your space. As you exhale all the negativity away, imagine the space immediately around your body filling with beautiful white protective light.
  1. Keep a Crystal in Your Bra. Find a small quartz crystal that resounds with you. Make sure you touch your crystal before selecting it if you can. Sit quietly with the crystal in your left hand and set the intention that the crystal will counteract any negative vibration that you encounter. Keep the crystal close you… your bra is a perfect spot, but your pocket or purse will do. The crystal amplifies the intention you infused in it and will let the universe know that you wish to attract positivity. NOTE: Be very specific about your intention.
  1. Meditate in Your Car. When you just can’t escape to a quiet sanctuary, grab a few minutes of peace in your car. Download a guided meditation or serene music and keep it on your phone. The few minutes of you time will do wonders for your positive energy and will fortify your defenses against the negativity and drama you may encounter.
  1. Listen to the Voice in Your Head. Maybe you “hear” your intuition in the pit of your stomach or your heart… wherever it resides in your body – listen to it. If your inner voices says that you should avoid a certain situation, do so. Don’t tempt the situation… Heed the warnings and always place yourself in the position of most protection. Your energy can be fragile and you should protect it as such. Don’t let others impede your vibration… your intuition is ALWAYS right!
  1. Have a Drink. Well – some days may require a glass of wine, but I was actually referring to a cup of cleansing herbal tea. The warmth of the cup and the introspective moment you get when sipping the divinely steeped brew can counteract even the most toxic of negativity. I have become rather a tea snob and I prefer certain loose teas. Monkey picked oolong is favorite to say… truth be told, I can’t taste a difference between the tender monkey picked leaves and the commercially gathered normal ones… but the label that says Monkey Picked gives the resulting beverage that much more power in my positivity arsenal.
  1. Unplug for 15 minutes. Have you noticed how many times we check our email, phone or computer every hour. By taking the step to unplug – no screen time for 15 minutes, you can reground and immerse yourself in nature or even a quick meditation to recharge yourself and restore your positive energy.
  1. Keep a Gratitude Journal. Gratitude in general is the most powerful tool you possess to accomplish endless positivity. When you take a moment to reflect on just a few of the wonderful things you have, your gratitude drowns out all the negative drama and allows you to focus on what really matters. Take action and write down three things you are grateful for each day. The universe feels the ripple that emanates from the action of writing and feeling your gratitude. This flow of positivity helps ward off negative vibrations and situations. Use the great things in your life to attract more great things…. You can never have enough great!

Now when you are faced with those unpleasant situations and people, you can sit back and giggle a bit knowing that you have sufficient tools to combat the drama and stay in your healthy happy place! Love and Light!


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About the author 

Jami Hearn

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Teacher, who is passionate about working with high-achieving, spiritual women, to curate the life of their dreams through accessing the Divine Feminine and inner sovereign power that is her birthright. Through her coaching, readings and retreats, Jami empowers women to release self-judgment, tap into true clarity of path and purpose and reconnect to sacred wisdom, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of.

In addition to hosting the podcast Witches, Bitches and Dead People, Jami has a thriving, international coaching practice, is an Akashic Records Expert and Teacher, and has been a successful attorney for more than 20 years. Walking with a foot in each world allows Jami to intentionally and intuitively guide her clients to the ideal strategy for their individual situation, with flow, ease and grace. Learn more at

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