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7 Priestess Tools to Accelerate Your Business Growth

7 Priestess Tools to Accelerate Your Business Growth by Lisa Michaels | #AspireMag

When I first heard the word priestess, I actually had no idea what it was or how it functioned in the world. Even though I had been integrating the feminine in my spirituality for years and actively seeking women’s traditions, I hadn’t been exposed to the priestess archetype and initially thought it was a little scary sounding. But it turned out to be profound.

Activating the priestess archetype within opened my inner wisdom and brought new spiritual gifts that I’ve applied to everything in my life. During my high priestess initiation, the entire Elemental Forces of Creation body of knowledge was divinely downloaded to me and I’ve been teaching about it through products and programs ever since.

As women today seek ways to own and fully embody their feminine power, they discover that connecting to the ancient archetype of the priestess awakens the source of Divine Feminine wisdom within. Priestesses learn to channel for Divine energy, which increases their inner guidance, wisdom, and self-confidence. Priestesses learn how to bring energy into form so it flows in every aspect of their lives and businesses.

I know from experience the inner spiritual principles priestesses use can be directed toward growing a business. I’ve intensely studied spirituality for over 35 years and been an entrepreneur for most of my life, and I can honestly say becoming a priestess was the best thing I’ve ever done for my business.

The priestess archetype is naturally connected to the elemental creation energies and helps me more fully channel the sacred into any creative form. The gift of the priestess has helped me draw upon a richer relationship to the Divine. I now use the elemental creation energies and channel the sacred in everything I do. I use the tools of creation and my priestess skills in every aspect of my business, from determining what programs to create, what books and products to produce, and assisting those I work with in private sessions and trainings.

Here are 7 priestess tools I use regularly that can assist you:

1. Call your clients forth on the inner first. Use this inner magic tool to call the unseen into form. Sit in a meditative-like state. Consider what you do and how you help people in the world. Now, call in those you can help with your products and services. Imagine your clients showing up and participating in your programs. Deeply imprint on your inner sub-conscious mind the outer world results you want to experience.

2. Hold the vibration of the highest outcome. Your emotional water magnetizes your desires to you. You must hold the vibration of the result you choose in order to create within your feeling center. Be careful about seeing what’s present externally for you now as the truth of what you can create. Hold the feelings of a successful outcome. Priestesses learn how to set and hold their vibrational tone in order to live a life of meaning, joy and passion that aligns goals with values. This leads to consciously creating a business from a place of meaning and intention.

3. Flow clear, clean, and current emotions. Don’t allow your past emotions to put out your business fire. Clear any old feelings about the results you had from previous business experiences. Clear self-doubt and fear anytime they threaten to pull you under and extinguish the passion you need to take action in your business.

Priestesses understand energetic patterns and the clearing of energy. In my work as an author, speaker and coach, I encounter so many women (and men) who are stuck. And I know how that is. I’ve been there too. And, yes, I sometimes still get stuck. The difference now, though, is I understand how to release old blocked emotions, thoughts, and energies that kept me bogged down in repeating patterns around money, sexuality, relationships, leadership, and self-esteem.

4. Call in sacred space and connect to the Divine and the forces of creation at the start of each work day and before you connect with your clients. Here is a simple prayer you can use.

“Great spirit, I ask the Divine to flow through my life and business today.

I call on the element of Earth to assist me in taking grounded step-by-step actions that produce results (you can insert a specific result).

I call on the element of Water to help me feel emotionally supported as I go through my day.

I call on the element of Air to guide me in focusing on the highest income-producing priority (or any result you need that day).

I call on the element of Fire to energize me to take actions that bring my creations into form and increase my visibility in the marketplace.

I align with grace and ease. I open to receive.

With deep gratitude, thank you for my abundant blessings, and so it is.”

5. Practice setting your business numbers and holding your frequency to bring them into reality. Consistently increase how much you can energetically hold. Use a creation journal to play with numbers. Write down bold goals and time frames. Practice holding your increased income numbers. When you utilize intention in every aspect of your financial life, your results improve dramatically.

6. Align on the inner with what you need first. Call on what’s needed in any given situation. Call on your inner guidance before you write an article, give a speech, or begin a program. Use your creation journal as part of your inner alignment process. The act of collaging, writing, noodling ideas and drawing in a creation journal helps your inner attract exactly what you want.

7. Consistently connect with the source of Divine Feminine wisdom within. Internally, the priestess connects you to the source of the Divine Feminine, strengthening and nourishing your feminine essence. Ask the God/dess to support you in fully owning and standing in your feminine leadership power. She will help you express your deep feminine nature in sacred right relationship to your inner masculine. This is another form of balance women seek. Instead of the masculine within overpowering your inner feminine, priestess energy teaches you how to work in co-creative harmony. This makes it easier to bring forth any creation in life and business.

Awakening and activating your inner priestess will align you with the source of Divine and increase your capacity to consciously direct the creation of your life and business. Today more than ever we need more women in business connected to the sacred and the natural world while fully embodying their feminine essence and standing in their power. This feminine force will move into the world, helping to improve our collective sustainability and the lives of women, children, and men everywhere.

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About the author 

Lisa Michaels

Lisa Michaels, author of Nature’s Creation Alchemy, LunaSol, and the Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle, inspires heart-centered women to unlock their feminine prosperity potential. You can align with your inner Creation Team through her program Your Life Purpose Prosperity Blueprint or Prosperity Power sessions. Download Lisa’s complementary resource to dive deeper into your archetypes, UNLEASH: Your Inner Feminine Prosperity Power. 

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  • I looooved this post!! I striated doing the “calling your clients forth” last month!! It is fun connecting spiritually to your clients before you even get to actually meet them!

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