The chakras are energy centers we all have linking our mind, body, and spirit. If you’ve attended a yoga class, you may have heard of the chakras, or perhaps you are aware of them through the energy healing modality of reiki or through a meditation class. But while the chakras have grown in popularity, many people are still too intimidated to try working with them on their own, feeling they need a lot of training or formal techniques. But there are many accessible ways to work with the chakras, and the popular practice of affirmations is one of these. In fact, chakra affirmations are a very helpful tool when dealing with one of the scourges of our modern age – anxiety.
By now we have all seen the research – anxiety contributes to many health issues and has become a major social problem. While there are many ways to work with anxiety, chakra work can be particularly helpful because our chakras provide a link between our emotions and our body. Anxiety has a measurable impact on our body, reflected in our nervous system, muscles, and endocrine balance. Part of the power of chakra work is that we bring our awareness to a particular part of our body while working with the chakra associated with that area. Affirmations are an accessible way to do so, because by stating the feeling we would like to have, we begin to cultivate that feeling, and the associated chakra energy. Through chakra affirmations we bring this cultivated feeling to a part of our body that needs it, helping trigger a physical relaxation response.
The seven main chakras are aligned along the center of our body from our tailbone to the top of our head. Some chakra tools work with visualizations, crystals, or chants. In this simple exercise you will simply bring your focus to the part of your body associated with each chakra and repeat the associated affirmation out loud 1-3 times.
If you like, you can add a visual of light in this area as you do so, but this isn’t necessary. Simply focusing on this part of your body and saying the affirmation with intention will begin the process of activating the associated energy. While you can do just one or two of the chakras, depending on which you feel are most relevant to how you are experiencing your anxiety, in general it’s best to do all of them in the order listed, so that you are progressing from root to crown.
1st or Root Chakra
When we feel anxious, our body reacts as if we are in imminent physical danger. Our root chakra is the anchor for our energy body, and the primary energetic link to our physical body. This affirmation helps to anchor us in a feeling of safety in our body.
In a stable seated position, bring your attention to your tailbone, at the very base of your spine. Feel what it’s like to bring your awareness this low in your body. After a few breaths, state the following affirmation 1-3 times, and focus on feeling it as true.
Affirmation: I am safe in my body in this moment.
2nd or Sacral Chakra
We often become rigid or feel paralyzed when anxious, unable to adapt to changing circumstances or new information. Our sacral chakra is linked to emotional fluidity and flow, so in using this affirmation we are helping ourselves tap into this, relaxing our rigidity.
Bring your awareness to your pelvic bowl, perhaps placing one hand on your lower belly between your hip bones. Experiment with swaying gently while doing this affirmation – after the stability developed in the first/root affirmation, this provides the counterpart of adaptability and movement.
Affirmation: I am adaptable and fluid, able to adjust in flow to whatever arises.
3rd or Navel Chakra
Our mind may become frenetic with anxiety, running this way and that, or ruminating over and over on the same issue. Our navel chakra is linked to mental focus, and holding our attention here can help center and slow our thoughts.
Bring your focus and a hand to just below your navel. Inside your body at this point visualize a small flame, like a candle flame. As you breathe, imagine your breath is fueling your flame, generating heat that centers and soothes your mind.
Affirmation: I am centered and still. My mind is quiet and focused.
4th or Heart Chakra
When anxious, we often feel unsupported or forget the support we may have around us. We may be resistant to asking for help, or may engage in negative self-talk. Focusing on the heart chakra can help us open to receiving and/or asking for support, as well as on positive self-care and self-talk.
Bring your attention and your hand to the center of your chest. Breathe into this space, and cultivate feelings of self-love and of opening to support as you say this affirmation.
Affirmation: I recognize and open to support in my life. I love and care
for myself in this moment.
5th or Throat Chakra
Our throat may literally constrict when we are anxious, preventing us from speaking our feelings or needs. We also often hold tension in our shoulders, neck and jaw, all parts of the body linked to the throat chakra.
Bring your awareness to your voicebox in the center of your throat. You may want to gently place one finger here and feel the vibration as you speak. Speak firmly and with certainty on this affirmation, cultivating a feeling of connection and clarity.
Affirmation: I speak my needs and truth with honesty and clarity.
6th or Third Eye Chakra
We often lose a sense of connection with our own inner knowing when anxious, and this is what our Third Eye chakra represents. By focusing on it we open up to insight that may help us see a new solution or new way of looking at any situations contributing to our anxiety. Focusing here also helps us connect with stillness, and inner calm.
Bring your awareness to the midpoint just above your brow line. You may want to bring one finger here and press gently as you say this affirmation.
Affirmation: I am connected to my inner knowing. I relax and let this wisdom come forth.
7th or Crown Chakra
Our crown chakra is linked to our feelings of spiritual connection, faith and trust. Even if you do not consider yourself spiritual, this connection is linked to your value system and the sense of meaning you derive from this. When we are anxious we may feel disconnected from this source of support and meaning. Working with our crown chakra can help us reconnect with this source of support and insight.
Bring your focus to the top back part of your head. You can hold one hand here if you like. As you say this affirmation, cultivate a feeling of certainty and connection to your spiritual and/or value system and beliefs.
Affirmation: I affirm my values and/or connection to spirit. I draw power and support from this connection.