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7 Abundance Principles to Shift Your Mindset

7 Abundance Principles to Shift Your Mindset by Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC | #AspireMag

When you shift your mindset from one of scarcity and lack to abundance it flows into other areas of your life too. You’ll discover the more you focus on what you do have you’ll find an abundance of time, money, love and opportunities coming your way.  Here are seven abundance principles and some empowering exercises to help you shift your mindset.

Abundance Principle Number #1: Let go of your victim stance around moneyWealthy people say, “I create my life.”  People who struggle with money say, “Life happens to me.”  Who do you blame for your money issues?  Here are forms of falling into the Victim: blaming, justifying and complaining.

Exercise #1: Right now, write down the people and the situations that you feel block you from having more money.  Take back full responsibility and say, “I am 100 % responsible for what happens in my life around Money.”

Exercise #2: Notice when you are justifying and saying things like, “Money isn’t important to me” If you told anyone important in your life, “You are not important to me” then they would not like to be around you.  The same thing goes with money! If you say it isn’t important, than there probably won’t be a lot of it in your life!

Exercise #3: Complaining—try to eliminate complaining completely in your life.  Experiment with not complaining for 3 days and see what it is like.  Ask your family and friends to point out when you are doing it so you can become more aware of how much you are doing.

Abundance Principle #2:  Your beliefs will create your experiences.  Your beliefs are pictured in your experiences—you will get what you expect and what you think you deserve.  What you believe will act as true.

Exercise:  Notice how your beliefs are pictured in your experience.  Take what you are experiencing and say “What beliefs would someone have to have to create this experience?”  Example: Continuing to attract clients who “can’t afford your services” reflects beliefs of not truly valuing what you do. It could also reflect a belief that you feel there aren’t people out there who could afford it. You are projecting your own scarcity mentality onto them, and actually framing them as a victim rather than a powerful abundant spiritual being.

Abundance Principle number #3: Pay attention to money in a positive way and not a fear based negative way.  However you pay attention to money is how you will continue to experience it. Example: If you stress and obsess you will create more situations to stress and obsess about.  If you are grateful and have fun with money you will create more situations that create gratefulness and fun.

Here are some examples.

  1. Make paying your bills and act of gratefulness and sharing, “I love that I have the abundance to pay these bills.”  Feel the gratitude and love for each thing you are paying for. Example: When paying your electric bill, say out loud, “I really love and appreciate the light in my home and that I can play and dance to my favorite music, etc.”
  2. Plan fun things with your money
  3. Buy a wallet that reflects fun and abundance
  4. Celebrate the money that does come in and pay attention to it—even finding a penny—what you think about expands.
  5. Invest your money in things that offer you return on your investment. Example: business building programs, trainings that will allow you to charge more and grow your business etc., programs that stretch and expand you to your higher self.

Abundance Principle Number #4: Shift from a belief in Scarcity to a belief in AbundanceThink in terms of Universal Abundance rather than lack and Scarcity.  It can be helpful to shift your mindset of the Source of Abundance, which is God or Spirit and is unlimited.  If you think in human terms you think of human constraints and you think of external circumstances as having the ability to limit you.  If you think of your Source of your Abundance is from your employer and you get laid off—you can get into scarcity thinking very quickly.  But if you shift into your true Source of abundance which is God or Spirit, you can feel more peace knowing there is unlimited opportunities for jobs to come to you.

*Focus on Abundance—when you are having a thought, check yourself and ask, “Is this a scarcity thought or a abundance thought?”

*Talk of abundance to others—Use statements such as: “I am doing AMAZING” , “I am so blessed” , “I am excited about the future” , “I’m sure so and so will get an even better job” , “I know this will lead to even better things” and “When one door closed and even bigger and better door flies wide open!”

*Remove the Scarcity Mentality—Never think of yourself as being poor or needy

*Be Grateful—Do not think of how little you have, but of how much you have

Exercise: Shift your mindset from Scarcity to Abundance can help in other areas of your life too—there is abundance of time, money, love and opportunities.  When you get into fear or lack you have tapped into some sort of scarcity thinking.

Abundance Principle #5: Open up to Receive Abundance. So often there is a block to receiving that people lack the capacity to receive abundance.  Are you able to receive in the same way that you are able to give?


1. Recognize how you see yourself deserving abundance—Rate yourself on how you feel right now about deserving abundance.  What needs to happen for you to feel like you deserve abundance?

2. Consciously open up to abundance— Close your eyes and open your arms.  Say out loud, “I am open to receiving incredible abundance right now!” Feel abundance in all forms moving towards you and bring your arms in fully receiving this abundance.  Notice how this feels.

Abundance Principle #6: Look Act and Think Abundantly. If you have been struggling financially you have been stuck in old patterns of limited thinking and lack.  Practicing acting, thinking, and looking abundant can help shift this tremendously.  Look abundant—do you present yourself as reflecting abundance or lack?

When you want to feel abundant, wear your nicest outfit.  If you only have one, then wear it every day.  What clothes do you have that look and feel prosperous to you?  Release clothes that need repair or that you no longer feel good in and only wear colors and clothes that reflect where you want to go, not where you have been.

Act abundantly.  What acts of abundance can you do to reinforce this?  It could be going out for dinner and ordering anything you would like without looking at the prices.  If you can only do this once a month, then do it.  Go into nice places and affirm that you belong there and you deserve this kind of abundance around you.  Go to the fanciest places in town and absorb the feeling of abundance.  Buy flowers for yourself or go test drive a new car.

Abundance Principle #7: Create a Big Vision for Your Life and be willing to Invest in Yourself. In times like these, many people hold back in fear not wanting to rock the boat.   I had a client who has made amazing progress—and is one of the prosperous thinkers I know.  His brother got laid off from his job and wanted to go find any kind of job just to have work.  My client said to him, “You are not going to do that—get on the phone and find a job doing what you love to do.”  He affirmed a vision of this at a time when his brother could move upwards and not backwards.  Sure enough, his brother got an even better job that was more in alignment with his potential.

Watch your own steps at holding yourself back in fear rather than stepping out in faith and trust.  Treat whatever happens as a way to move you forward and upward rather than backward.  Start to connect with the highest vision for your life and take steps to get there.  Know that as you do this divine ideas will be coming to you and supporting you every step of the way.  Be clear and definite about your desires and WRITE them down.  Use the affirmation

“I deserve the highest and best in life and I now draw the highest and best to me.”

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About the author 

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a 6-figure Holistic Psychotherapy practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to develop Thriving 6 Figure Holistic Practices and learn about Holistic MethodsTM to accelerate the results of their Clients.
Attention Therapists, Coaches and Healers! Claim your complimentary comprehensive 6 piece Holistic Practice Building Kit today!

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  • Elisa Bes says:

    I loved that one. This article just oozes sunshine and positivity. I totally needed that, because despite que fact that I already practise these principles, fear creeps back every so often, and I get out of the flow. I’m definetly back into it when I read thinds like this.

    I shared this on my professional FB page. I meant to add Shelley as “friend” on FB, but I found a “restricted” profile. Is there a Shelley’s profile that I can connect as “friend” ?

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