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6 Ways to Increase Self-Awareness and Live in Joy

Self-AwarenessSelf-awareness is having a clear understanding of who you are at your core. Self-awareness is not only having a keen understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, your thoughts and emotions, and your values and beliefs. It’s also about knowing your deepest passions and your soul’s desires for you and the key to living them out fully and joyfully.

Self-awareness comes from true introspection. It is a skill that is developed over time and one that allows us to continually grow and understand ourselves as the journey of our life unfolds. The self-aware woman is one who continually goes inward to hear her own truth.

“Know Thyself” is centuries old but is becoming more and more important as one becomes more aware of their rights and liberties and one’s desires shift and change and become more apparent. “Know Thyself” and being fully self-award is paramount to living passionately and on purpose. Self-awareness allows us all kinds of peace-of-mind and happiness.

This truth and knowing is one that you can trust because it comes from your fully developed self-awareness and soul’s wisdom. It will help you overcome obstacles, find peace-of mind and leads to the ability to take responsibility for your actions because you take them based on your inner wisdom. Self-awareness allows you to lead a life of happiness and joy.

Creating a habit of self-reflection and soul listening allows you to focus on what’s important to you. By centering into your hearing your soul’s whispers, you are able to understand that deep sense of self so many are searching for. It is in this habit that you fully understanding yourself, your desires and find the courage to forge your way forward.

Here are 6 ways to increase your self-awareness:

1) Rest.

To be self-aware, you must be able to be in a space of calmness at any given moment. Without getting the appropriate amount of rest and being tired, one’s ability fully engage with yourself is limited

Stress creeps up on you and you are unable to quiet your mind and soothe your emotions. You will not be able to clearly hear the messages coming from your soul for full Self-awareness at any given time. When tired, one starts reacting to life instead of living it.

Went rested, you are able to create your life instead of react to it. You take actions based on your Self-awareness and deepest passions. By getting plenty of rest, you are able to be fully engaged. You become more aware of your inner promptings and are better able to live from this centered wisdom for greater peace-of-mind.

2) Finding Soul-i-tude.

Creating space and time to be still and quiet is one of the key ingredients to self-awareness. Creating this cornerstone habit allows the quiet space for understanding. In this quiet, the place of deep breathing, we quiet our active minds. We soothe are emotions that too often take center stage of our life. Making choices and decisions based upon over-active imaginations and upon our emotions will surely take us off course of our journey.

In the space of stillness and quiet, peace-of-mind becomes us and Self-awareness comes to us. This space allows inner reflection to begin. You can then reconnect with who you are at your core. Self-awareness grows and you truly see who your are, truly understand your values and are able to articulate your beliefs. You can align these with where you are at any given point on your journey.

This quiet soul-i-tude allows us to fully connect with our soul’s wisdom. It gives us the space to hear our soul’s whispers that are in alignment with our purpose and delight. This truth gives us choices we didn’t see before and confidence to take action based upon the best choice possible.

3) Connect With Nature.

Spending time in fresh air, finding water to sit by, standing on the firm strength of the earth and embracing the sun and sky, allows you to enhance your self-awareness. It gives us the opportunity to step back from the day to day grind. Nature allows us to take the chaos out of day to day life and rebalance.

By connecting to the elements of air, water, fire and earth, we are able to center our own thoughts, release our emotions, elevate our vibration and find our physical strength. It is here that Self-awareness can be heard and understood. It is in this space that soul-i-tude can be felt.

Nature allows you to stand still. It gives you the space to reflect in surroundings that support your connection to your soul. By taking time in nature, you are supported at the core of your being and self-awareness is magnified for you.

4) Listening With Your Pen.

Self-awareness and self-reflection is best understood and supported with your sacred pen. Sacred Soul Journaling allows you to develop a skill in writing that heightens your self-awareness. It allows you to fully accept your weaknesses and supports you in developing your strengths.

Writing in a space of soul-i-tude guides you to your inner truth. It takes your soul-reflections and grounds them in your life. This type of specialized journaling allows you to connect the dots from your soul’s truth to seeing the best choices before you and taking courageous action in life.

5) Seek Honest & Objective Support.

Embracing Self-awareness is not always easy. It can be lonely. Along the path, you can easily second guess yourself. It is done best with objective support.

Going inward in the space of soul-i-tude and nature supports understanding yourself but can bring you to crossroads that may be difficult to navigate as you get your bearings to your newly found wisdom. Emotions wills surface and the temptation to put blinders onto your truth will be easy. Developing your self-awareness becomes stymied.

These blind-spots will be supported by getting honest and constructive feedback. This kind of support cannot come from your partner, your colleagues, or your friends as they are often too invested in the outcome. Rather, engaging in conversation with a trusted spirit-based coach, or soul coach, allows you to safely take these blinders off, see the path before you and help you discover the inner-courage you have to take soulful, passionate and purposeful steps forward.

6) Live Life with Curiosity.

 Once you begin to raise your level of self-awareness, you will begin to have more discerning questions. You will have the desire to go deeper into this understanding. This gives rise to the importance of curiosity.

These discerning questions will be answered in the most mysterious of ways. It is so fun to be on the lookout for these answers through your curiosity. They will come as signs from the Universe. Following them will be the guideposts your journey needs.

Being curious will allow you to see these sings more often. Self-awareness will allow you to understand the meaning of these messages more clearly. Curiosity and Self-awareness go hand in hand in the path of personal growth and development.

Using these six ingredients allows you to delve deeper into your self-awareness. Rest and soul-i-tude supported by nature gives you the opportunity to fully appreciate the ability to understand who you are at the core. Listening to yourself through the power of your pen and getting objective support brings a depth to self-awareness that allows you to hear the wisdom from your core—your soul’s truth. Living with curiosity gives you the joy of deepening that relationship with yourself and your passions. Signs and guideposts, combined with your deepest self-awareness, gives you the faith, confidence and courage to act upon them for greater purpose and joy in your life.

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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