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6 Powerful Steps to Create Abundance in Your Business

6 Powerful Steps to Create Abundance in Your Business by Jeanna Gabellini | #AspireMag

I know how to double my revenue in a year. I’ve also done it in one month.  Would you like to know exactly how I did it?

If you are one of those folks who is frustrated with how the money is not showing up yet, or you think it will never show up or you need it right now because you just found out that you owe $20,000 in taxes … relax!  You are not alone.

I go through the same thoughts from time to time, but then I shift those thoughts! I ask myself, “What am I scared about?”  Even if I don’t feel the emotion of fear, it’s there.

When I used to think of purchasing a new home I wasn’t confident I could attract the amount of money I’d need for a down payment, closing costs and monthly payments. I had to work on my inner money game every day for weeks.  It was worth it because I now live in a home with a million dollar view, but I paid only a fraction of that!

Here’s how you can get exactly what you want when it comes to generating more money through your business:

#1:  Identify the fear.

Once you identify the fear you can focus on the opposite of that.  Here was my ‘self talk’ leading up to my house purchase:  “I will find a fun and fast way to create all the money I need in the next few months.  The way to do this will present itself. There are a million solutions to every obstacle.  I’ve got the Universe on my side.

#2:  Create the intention.

Be clear where you’re headed. You want to see your specific outcome as a done deal in your head but at the same time, not be attached to it with a death grip.

#3:  Create a strategy, brainstorm, and make it real.

Look for a strategy that feels easy and aligns with your core values.  For instance, if I needed more money than I currently had to buy a new home, I would make a plan.  That plan would include coming up with fresh ways to create new business.

The plan would support me in doing only the things that I truly like doing.  I wouldn’t take on 20 more new coaching clients. That wouldn’t feel good for me because it’d be overwhelming. What would feel even easier and faster is to do more VIP coaching days a month, where I’d make even more than coaching. This might be a bit more for me to emotionally embrace, as my Gremlin likes to tell me these kinds of clients are not as easy to attract … because I don’t have lots of proof that it’s easy.

I also would not go on a complete money diet/budget.  That would make me feel rebellious or like my freedom was being taken away.  But what would feel good to me is to start socking away more money per month into a savings designed especially for the house.  I might cut back on shopping for clothes, baubles and decorative items but still do my normal fun things like water skiing or taking my kids to the park.

I would give more attention overall to my business. Where can I add value to what I’m already doing?

Remember there is no “right” way to do this.  The only way to make a plan is to look  outside of your normal way of thinking, and then align it with your lifestyle and values.  Listen to others ideas, but only implement what feels right to you.

# 4:  Acknowledge your Gremlin conversations and move forward anyway.

One of my favorite mentors always said, “Move forward as an optimist, but cover your butt like a pessimist”.   This means that YES you expect to get the money, but you also take the steps to ensure that you put in place a safety net and inform yourself of choices and information that will serve you.

#5:  Focus on the horizon and don’t resist where you are at the moment.

You want to be at peace about your current money situation.  If you are upset about it or keep acknowledging that it isn’t enough, you will move towards your money goal at a snail’s pace. You don’t need to like it, but you do not want to fixate on the problem.

Focusing on the problem is not inspiring.  Focusing on the problem gets you what?  More of the problem, of course!  Whenever your financial status looks dim, acknowledge that its a temporary state.  Your natural state of being is one of abundance and prosperity.

#6: Expect a windfall.

You want to expect increased sales from now on.  Making more money needs to feel normal rather than a miraculous event. Take actions that a person expecting wealth would take.  Be grounded in your choices and have a ton of fun on this money making journey.

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About the author 

Jeanna Gabellini

Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who supports conscious entrepreneurs to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging attraction principles, proven strategies and fun. Her NEWEST book, Rock Your Profits: Stress-Free Steps that Turn Your BIz into a Badass Money-Making Machine is available for FREE for a limited time

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