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6 Powerful Insights for Courageous Growth and Transformation

6 Powerful Insights for Courageous Growth and Transformation by Patricia Young | #AspireMag

The best way to start the New Year is embracing the lessons and gifts from the previous year. During my time off, around the holidays, I did a closing ritual where I went deep and connected with everything that I accomplished last year. I really did an inner and outer inventory and decided to write down my major lessons, and committed to starting my year embodying them and feeling immense gratitude for all these blessings.

In full transparency, 2015 was a year filled with beautiful and rewarding experiences but a lot of challenges too. Everything I’m sharing here was born out of those struggles and pain, and I decided to share the depth of my lessons so they empower you to create the best year ever! Because the truth is, that the way in which we respond to struggles and challenges will make a big difference in our lives – we either grow and transform, or stay stuck and take on the victim role…it’s our choice!

I want you to make this New Year, the year in which you break free from your comfort zone, self-imposed limitations and old agreements that are keeping you playing small. My wish for you is that you have the courage to claim who you really are, honor your own truth and live ON purpose with every cell of your being – no matter what you encounter along the way.

Here are my 6 powerful insights:

  1. We’re always creating, whether we’re conscious of it or not– We’re constantly making choices in life – we don’t get to not create. Knowing that we can live life by design feels like a breath of fresh air. If we live by default, we let life dictate the terms to us and then we will fall into the victimhood trap. Choose to live consciously and you’ll start seeing the results you want.
  2. We always choose expansion or contraction in our lives– and we always choose one to the expense of the other! Expansion is our natural state and we’re able to be in that state when we’re open and allowing, when we are in-flow with life. Contraction is the result of our conditionings, old agreements and thought patterns that we developed in life – mainly based on a fear and lack mentality. We cannot live the life of our dreams and live on purpose if we’re not in-flow, and we’re not taking actions that will take us closer to what we say we really want. Here’s the painful truth, you will only be able to create and achieve what you’re ready to receive.

  Contraction = not allowing = not being open to seeing and receiving the good that’s already in your life

 Just be aware that when you feel contraction is time to look inward, and explore what needs to be healed and    released, so you can open yourself up for an upleveling in your consciousness and awareness – great growth and  expansion is the result! A miracle itself!

  1. We’re always committing to something – If we’re not experiencing what we really want, there’s a part of us that, unconsciously, doesn’t want to achieve it. That unconscious part is like the bottom of an iceberg. We really don’t have commitment issues, we’re always committed to something – consciously or unconsciously. Are you committed to consistency or inconsistency? Are you committed to growth and making a difference or hiding and playing small because it’s safe? We’ve made unconscious agreements in our lives that served us at some point, but we can’t experience change and different results without doing things differently – we really change when we consciously commit to stop following through on those old agreements and take inspired actions that are in alignment with what we really want.
  2. We’re always divinely supported (even if we don’t see it) – Sometimes things don’t work out the way we want them to work, and we fall into a downward spiral. We start feeling like a victim, not supported by the Divine and some old wounds can get triggered. The truth is that even if we don’t see it at the moment, we are ALWAYS supported and guided, we only have to stop resisting and be able to surrender. Everything always works for our highest good. Usually, a detour or a stepping stone was exactly what we needed to move forward and heal or learn something that would open up the channel for more goodness in our life. Oh, but it’s so hard to see it while we’re in the middle of it, right? Keep reading, because there’s more…
  3. There’s always a gift in the darkness if we’re willing to see it – When we’re forced to be face to face with our fears, shadows, doubt and desperation we have to get excited because we’ll be leaping forward once we go through the process. Something that has helped me a lot is to ask Spirit and my higher self, “what is it that I’m being asked to see?”. In these moments, we can be guided to look deeper into wounds you thought you had healed, but in reality, there were still some layers that needed to be released. There’s no way we can move on in life if we’re not willing to have the courage to look at them, eye to eye, and from a fresher perspective, release them, otherwise, we will continue to carry them as old luggage and sabotage every effort we make to have a better life, a better career or a better business.
  4. Not using our vision as a compass will bring pain – If we don’t have a clear vision and plan in place, if we don’t use our vision as our compass for all our decisions, we will get scattered and lose focus on what we want to create. Knowing what we most desire to accomplish (or become),  affects our lives in important ways. It impacts what we think about, and it changes the way we spend our time, our money, and our energy. My suggestion is that you avoid making decisions that come from fear and desperation because they usually will bring regrets. When making decisions, ask yourself “Will this bring me closer to my vision”, if the answer is ‘no’ then reconsider, we always have so many options – if we’re open to see them!

We can lose our way sometimes when we get distracted by fears and doubts, and start drifting away from our path. But when we hold our vision of purpose safe in our hearts, no matter what’s going on around us, we will honor it despite of the circumstances, and we’ll avoid looking at the side paths that are not really our divine mission and vision.

Wishing you a year of courageous growth and transformation so you claim your magnificence and shine your light even brighter into the world.

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About the author 

Patricia Young

Patricia Young is a Transformational Life Coach & Strategist, international best-selling author, the host of the popular Awakening to Life podcast, the founder of Inner Prosperity Academy, and the author of the book, Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Consciously Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles (February 2018, Inspired Living Publishing). She is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine and a sought-after media and summit guest.

Patricia passionately supports sensitive and growth-oriented women in identifying and living their highest life vision. Her keen insight, nurturing energy, and proven strategies help women take action to bring this vision into reality so they can live the life they came here to live—both personally and professionally.

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