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6 Confident Behaviors that Will Change Your Life

Confidence is a way of thinking and being. Some women believe if you act as if you are self-assured, have a fancy new car, home or the latest clothes, you will be confident. These are all temporary boosts that keep you disconnected from your true power. Everyone has the ability to be confident yet few know how to flow this energy.

Confidence is the fuel for manifestation. You see what you want, believe it can happen to you and then hold a space of openness to receive. To create long lasting security and empowerment, this work needs to start from within. You are a beautiful spark of Divine potential, having a spiritual experience in this physical reality. Confidence is not only knowing this but also standing in this truth.

6 Ways to be Truly Confident

1.) Change Your Thinking– Notice the words you speak and what you say to yourself. Does your self-talk drain your energy or build it up? What you think, you believe. Remember, it is your opinion about yourself that matters the most. Write out affirmations that support confident thoughts. A few examples are;

 “I speak clearly and confidently.”

“My confidence is increasing.”

“Confidence comes naturally to me.”

“I believe in myself.”

“I am a powerful expression of love and light.”

Be mindful. Keep your focus in the present moment. When you hear your thoughts rehashing past regrets or worrying about a future that many never be, breathe and bring your attention back to this time and space. 

2.) Body Language– People read your non- verbal energy as soon as you walk into the room. They determine within the first few seconds if you are someone they trust and like. Even after you make a first impression; did you know most of your communication is interpreted by others as non- verbal?

Hold you head high no matter what other people say or do and remember who you are. Puff out your chest, not in a seductive way, but rather one that demonstrates pride in yourself. Breathe deeply, stand tall and maintain eye contact. If you are in a chair, sit up straight. Practice these powerful postures in a mirror. When you see yourself in this light it reinforces your thoughts about who you are. If you find yourself slumping or forgetting your posture, gently remind yourself and readjust your stance.

3.) Remember Who You Are and What You Have Done– Write down all the times you succeeded and did something well. Then make another list of all of your positive attributes, such as sensitivity, creativity and a loving heart. Acknowledge yourself in black and white because seeing is believing. Read these lists at least once a week.

4.) Practice & Perseverance – Make preparation a step before you take action. Write out your talking points and speak into a recording device. Listen to your voice to hear your strengths and where you need to make improvements. Be gentle with yourself and practice some more.

William Edward Hickson said, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” The more you repeat an action, the more confident you become. When you are unsure of your abilities perform them again and again, you will succeed at it.

5.) Trust– Know deep down inside of you, you have what it takes and no matter what happens you are okay. You already know the answers. If you stumble along the way, no problem, make it part of your dance. Most people don’t know what you have prepared to say, (only you know what is missing.) When I go off script, I relax, knowing that I speak what people most need to hear. Trust in your overall message and let go of the details. Breathe deeply and allow confident energy to flow through you.

6.) Ask Archangel Michael for help– Pray to Archangel Michael to protect you from other’s negative energy, release any lower energies and boost your confidence. Archangel Michael helps decrease your fear. His fiery strong presence will connect you to the Divine strength within to stand your ground. He can help you have the courage to speak up and assert your needs, such as asking for a raise or increasing your prices. If you are lacking belief in yourself or feeling insecure, he can help you prepare for meetings and public events such as speaking. He lets you know, you are not alone.

Archangel Michael supports you in times of change and gives you a boost of optimism. When you begin to step into uncertainty or take a risk, it is normal to experience worry and fear. AA Michael helps you feel safe when you step outside the box.

Now, go on out there and shine your brightest light!


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About the author 

Lisa Hutchison

Lisa Hutchison is a licensed psychotherapist, working for empathic healers who get drained after helping others refill and recharge their energy. As a writing coach, Lisa works with writers who want to get their message heard and increase their visibility. Lisa's writing is published in 2 Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Visit her website at

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